如何使用Twitter Analytics:最终指南

If you’re putting a social media strategy into place, you need the means to track your performance and see how your audience is receiving your content.

尽管有许多社交媒体分析工具可供选择,但Twitter Analytics是一种完全免费的工具,可以帮助您充分利用Twitter的存在。

通过Twitter Analytics,您可以跟踪最受欢迎的推文,关注者的增长,参与率等。我们创建了一个完整的指南,以帮助您学习如何使用Twitter Analytics以及您应该跟踪的指标。

如何使用Twitter Analytics:


Twitter Analytics is a completely free analytics tool that lets you dive deeper into the performance of your tweets and your Twitter profile as a whole.

This includes things like likes, retweets, followers, quote tweets, and more. Having an idea of which types of content your audience prefers can help guide and adapt your strategy so you’re publishing optimized content that generates results.


We’ve touched on this lightly, but let’s talk benefits. Why should you track your analytics? What can they tell you? Let’s cover a few of the top reasons you should be tracking your insights and analytics.



Gathering this data can help direct your strategy and ensure you stick with tweets that will reach the most people and increase your engagement and audience size.

Track your overall growth.

Twitter Analytics makes it easy for you to track how far you’ve come, from sending that first tweet ‘til now. Watch how your followers have grown, your tweet impressions, reach, engagements, and more.

Plus, you can export your data into a CSV to upload into your own social media dashboards for further analysis.

Find the best time to tweet.

Access theTwitter Media Studioto track audience insights and find out the best time of day to tweet based on when your specific audience is most active.


How to Access Twitter Analytics

Accessing Twitter Analytics is easy. When you’re on the desktop Twitter app, click the更多的左侧导航中的按钮,然后单击Analytics


You can also simply type analytics.twitter.com in your browser to head directly to the analytics app.



1. 28-Day Summary

The first section in your Twitter analytics will be the 28-day overview of how your Twitter marketing strategy is playing out.

在这个快速概述中,您可以看到的数量tweets you wrote along with the number of impressions, profile visits, mentions, andTwitter followersyou received within the last 28 days.

This appears alongside a comparison to the previous 28 days to let you know if your Twitter performance has increased, decreased, or remained stagnant. These won’t always have positive numbers, but you do want to work to see a general increase over time.


如果你向下滚动主要分析dashboard, you’ll see a monthly performance overview with your top tweet, mention, follower, and media tweet from each month.



As you scroll, you can compare month to month to make sure your monthly metrics are steadily increasing, proving that your Twitter strategies are working.


In the top navigation bar, click推文to access metrics for your individual tweets. At the top, you’ll see how many impressions your tweets have gotten during the selected time period.




This tells you how many times each of your tweets has been seen by other users.


In this same area, you can also see the number of total engagements each of your tweets have received in your selected time frame.


When you see each engaging tweet, pay attention so you can publish similar content in the future and see if you get the same results.

5. Engagement Rate


您的参与率=参与 /印象。

Obviously the higher the engagement rate, the better the tweet’s performance. You want as many people as possible to engage with your tweet. If you’re noticing that a lot of people are seeing your content, but no one is interacting with you, you may need to adjust your social strategy a bit.

6. Engagement Types

If you click on one of the tweets in the list, you’re able to see a more detailed view of your tweet activity.


Engagement types include:

  • 详细信息扩展:The number of people who clicked on your tweet to learn even more. They may be interested in seeing responses, or what else you posted if the tweet was part of a thread.
  • Media engagements:在您的推文中点击媒体的人数,即如果您共享照片或视频。您的照片可能已经在屏幕上裁剪了,因此他们想仔细观察。
  • Likes:喜欢您的推文的人数。这是对您的内容的兴趣,赞赏或支持的标志。
  • 答复:回应您的推文的人数。这表明该内容足够有趣,可以对此发表评论。
  • 转发:The number of people who retweeted your content, or shared it onto their own profile. This is a sign that someone appreciated your content so much, they wanted to share it with their own followers.
  • Link clicks:The number of people who clicked on a link accompanying your tweet. It’s a good idea to keep an eye on this to see how often people are clicking what you’re sharing—especially if you regularly share blog posts and webpages from your site.
  • 个人资料点击:The number of people who clicked over to visit your profile. This could be to see your other tweets or to learn more about who you are and what you do.
  • Follows:The number of people who followed you from a specific tweet.

Look at your total engagements as well as how they’re broken down to understand how people are interacting with different tweets.

7. Average Tweet Performance

Another great metric to pay attention to is your average tweet performance in the right sidebar. Here, you can view mini graphs showing your engagement rate, link clicks, retweets, likes, and replies over the time period you’ve selected, along with a daily average.

At the top, you’ll see your average tweet engagement rate and how it’s progressed over the last 28 days (or whatever time period you’ve selected).




The fourth section covers your total, daily, and average likes.

And finally, you have data on your total, daily, and average replies.

These numbers will always vary day-to-day, but it’s a good idea to keep an eye on them to ensure you’re consistently getting good engagement with your tweet content.

8. Top Tweets

在印象表下方,选择Top Tweetsoption from the subnavigation menu to view metrics on your most popular tweets from your selected time frame.

See the number of impressions and engagements, as well as the engagement rate of each individual tweet. And again, click on each of your top tweets to see the different types of engagements that were made.

Being able to hone in on your best tweets can help direct your social media marketing strategy and make sure you’re creating content that your audience actually cares about.

Start Tracking Your Twitter Analytics

Knowing how to access and understand your tweet analytics is key for guiding your social strategy and ensuring you’re reaching the right audience with the right content. Keep this guide with you as you start measuring your various metrics so you know exactly what each one means and why it’s important.



Head to analytics.twitter.com, or select the More menu in the left-hand navigation on your Twitter feed to view your analytics.

Is Twitter Analytics free?

是的!Twitter Analytics完全免费用于任何Twitter用户。

How can you access more in-depth Twitter insights?

Get access to more in-depth Twitter insights than you get with native Twitter analytics by exporting your data and inputting it into a spreadsheet to calculate even more data like your reach percentage or tweet length vs. engagement.



Twitter is known for having some fake accounts or bots. To pinpoint whether your followers are filled with bots, look for accounts with no profile photo or that haven’t tweeted at all.


Engagement rates between 0.02% and 0.09% are good rates to aim for. For a great engagement rate, look for something more along the lines of 0.09% to 0.33%, or even up to 1%.
