

LinkedIn一直在努力赢得作为合法影响者营销渠道的接受,因为许多人认为LinkedIn是您上传简历以向潜在雇主金博宝188备用网址展示的地方。人们花了一段时间才意识到,LinkedIn是一个真正的社交网络 - 与其他任何渠道一样,所有网络(从社会意义上讲)。


LinkedIn’s Growing Market Solutions

LinkedIn近年来扩展了广告选择。它为LinkedIn Market Solutions提供了今年的改头换面,并逐渐增加了其产品。这可能与Microsoft在2016年底的购买相关联。微软将希望LinkedIn赚取尽可能多的收入。

Marketers can now play with products including Sponsored Content, Sponsored InMail, Text Ads, Dynamic Ads, and Programmable Display Ads.


  • Conversion tracking
  • Contact targeting
  • 领先一代
  • Lead gen forms
  • 网站人口统计
  • 网站重新定位
  • 基于帐户的管理
  • 受众网络

一个有用的工具是LinkedIn Insight标签,它是您可以添加到网站上的一小部分代码,以跟踪广告系列指示的访问者。这是一个特别有用的指标,用于建立您的影响者活动的结果。




Of course, some influencers act more deliberately. They make a determined choice to use LinkedIn as one of their channels of influence and quite consciously share material to promote a brand.


努力努力将LinkedIn视为社交网络的人之一是,它适合有影响力的营销。金博宝188备用网址甚至它使用的语言也意味着给有影响力的人赋予价值和价值。它鼓励您认可your connections’ skills. It suggests you get recommendations from colleagues. LinkedIn permits Sponsored Content. Moreover, what does it call the genuinely influential people? It calls themLinkedIn影响者并给他们一个独特的徽章。如果有一个用于影响者营销的渠道,那就是LinkedIn。金博宝188备用网址

好吧,成为官方的LinkedIn影响者并不容易。为了引用LinkedIn Helpsk的引用,“ LinkedIn的影响者仅通过邀请选择,并包括全球500多个世界上最重要的思想家,领导者,领导者和创新者的集体。作为其行业和地理领域的领导者,他们讨论了新闻和热门话题,例如高等教育的未来,亚马逊的工作场所文化,油价暴跌以及政策制定者的失误。”

但是,仅仅因为您不能与理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson),比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)和阿丽亚娜·赫芬顿(Ariana Huffington)这样的人摩擦肩膀并不意味着您不能充当LinkedIn的微影响者。LinkedIn有许多基于主题的努力,他们永远不会拥有令人垂涎的LinkedIn影响者徽章。

LinkedIn(Micro)-Influencers Publish Regularly on LinkedIn

LinkedInestablished Pulse a couple of years ago to give a forum for influencers to write and publicise blog posts directly on the network. All right, technically anybody can write an article and publish it on Pulse, but it is only the best writing by LinkedIn’s most influential members that make it to the top.

It is important to remember who the LinkedIn audience is. You are hardly going to succeed by producing an item that you would typically share on Snapchat, for instance. LinkedIn has been described as “the working world in one place,” and you have to write a Pulse post with that in mind for it to be successful.


The more long-form posts that an author publishes on LinkedIn Pulse, the better, the results will be. This is another reason to work with an influencer who is used to the LinkedIn market. They will have built up a library of posts. If you start writing in the hope of distributing your product yourself, you will suffer from being an unknown, and the reach of your article will suffer accordingly.

Because many people read LinkedIn at work, they prefer specific, detailed LinkedIn posts over general posts.


Perfect Your Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is your online snapshot. It is usually the first place that anybody sees you on LinkedIn. Your profile is what sells you to anybody who takes the time to look. The critical factor in determining whether somebody wants to connect with you is the quality of your profile.



You should also optimize your cover photo. If you are aiming to appear as influential in a niche, then you should select a cover image that represents that topic area. If it can show you doing some influencing, then that is even better. For instance, you could use a photo of you speaking publically about your niche. If you personally know somebody who is already an influencer you could use a picture of the pair of you as your cover photo.


When it comes to your bio, be specific. Avoid buzzwords, and highlight evident, measurable achievements.

Finally, go to every section of your profile and optimize it. If you have not already done so, ask the people you have worked with to give you endorsements and recommendations you can use on your profile.

10 tips for the perfect linkedin profile


Publish Posts and Statuses on LinkedIn Every Week

LinkedInis no different from any other social media network. You need to build up a reputation for being generous with your followers. It helps if you can create content that will help solve their problems and share it on LinkedIn.

虽然您可以考虑发布有关LinkedIn Pulse的帖子,但您可能会通过创建常规状态获得更多的吸引力和参与度。

LinkedIninfluencer,乔什·菲希特(Josh Fechter),在他的Facebook小组-BAMF中写过有关此的文章。他说:“您需要知道如何写作以推动参与度。它从前两个句子开始。如果那些不引起读者的注意,那么您就会丢失它们。每个质量的作品都始于问题,重大变化,公告或信誉。”乔什(Josh)遵循该建议的书面状态,导致了30万次观看次数和1,200个赞。


Start Connecting with Potential Followers

You are never going to become an influencer if you sit back and wait for people to connect with you. You need to start the process. It is up to you to decide how much time and energy you want to put into this process.


如果you can, try and establish some common bond with the people to whom you are trying to connect. This would probably be related to your niche, although it could be a geographic bond.



LinkedInHas Tremendous Potential

LinkedInmay appear staid and lack the fun image of most social media networks, but it can be highly effective in building your personal brand. Whether you are somebody wanting to establish a reputation as an influencer or a brand wishing to find an influencer to represent your product, LinkedIn offers massive potential.
