



Talent management is a process in which a company puts together the best possible staff to handle the needs of its business. It includes all processes needed to attract, onboard, train, develop, reward, and retain top talent. This includes identifying vacant positions and talent gaps within the organization as a first step toward building a powerful workforce with the right people in the right roles.


  • Attract:识别,雇用和在船上具有成功的技能,在他们被聘用的角色并符合公司文化的角色中所需的技能。
  • 发展:提供培训和教育,以确保员工不断提高自己的技能。
  • Retain:通过与他们的动机相符的薪酬,激励措施和奖励的结合,使员工保持较高的表现。


有几个talent managementpractices companies use to ensure that they are focusing on building a workforce that fills the company's needs:

  • Workforce Planning:A comprehensive review of goals and staffing needs.
  • Critical Roles:确定对公司目标,策略和绩效至关重要的角色。
  • 职业道路:将人才转移到越来越多的责任的特定角色的进步计划。
  • Talent Acquisition:Attracting and hiring new talent.
  • Onboarding:带来新员工并通过公司业务和自己的角色使他们最新的过程。
  • Development:具体的,个性化的员工发展和培训。
  • 绩效管理:A process to evaluate each employee's performance, establish compensation, and guide development.
  • 人才评论:将人才转变为特定角色的过程以及使这些过渡实现所需的发展。
  • Bench Strength:对员工的全面审查及其准备就绪,以扮演领导角色。


So, what's the difference between talent management and talent acquisition? For starters, talent acquisition is just one piece of the talent management process. It's the process of attracting, identifying, and hiring the right employees to meet the needs of a business. This happens through a strong brand, establishing applicant pipelines, maintaining relationships with candidates, and culling potential hires from a range of backgrounds. In addition to talent acquisition, talent management includes coaching and training, succession plans, mentoring, and rewarding those who've been hired.



  • 劳动力管理:监督休息时间,时间表和时间工作。
  • Human resources management:Collects and stores personnel information as well as handling payroll and employee benefits.


Talent management is vital for successful business operations because it helps you understand, align, and develop your employees, maximizing their value to drive company growth.

Here are seven ways a powerful talent management process can benefit your business:







4. Increase Productivity

When you have the right employees in the right roles, your team will naturally be more productive. Adding to this, employees tend to work harder when they know that their contributions are valued.


Talent management can also drive innovation. This happens because your employees have the tools they need to succeed, the freedom to do their jobs, and the support to continually develop their skills.



7. Strengthen Branding

全面的人才管理流程会导致公司的增长,这将帮助您吸引最佳和聪明的候选人。这种增长支持一个更强大的品牌,更好brand reputation.






Attracting the right talent for a position doesn't necessarily mean hiring an external candidate. Take inventory of the talent you already have within your company to ensure that employees are distributed effectively, based on the skills, experience, and career motivations your employees have. Once you've identified the needs your existing employees are able to fill, you'll have a much better plan for attracting employees for the right positions (be they internal or external candidates).

It's our recommendation to always fill positions with internal candidates first. If you're finding that you don't have employees with the skills needed to fill your open higher-level positions, that's a good indication that your company has some work to do on the employee training and development front. Filling open positions internally helps you retain talented, skilled employees and can even boost employee morale across your company.



Once you've narrowed it down to a single candidate, you'll head into negotiations to discuss salary and benefits and make your offer.


一旦您选择了候选人,他们就接受了您的报价,您将需要加入候选人。您可能需要有两个入职过程 - 一个用于内部员工,另一个用于外部员工。入职帮助员工加快公司,您的产品和服务,公司文化,标准操作程序等的速度。除了这些基础知识外,入职还应包括并进食您的员工发展过程。马上,您要确保员工正在获得所需的培训,以开发有效地完成工作所需的技能,以及了解他们在公司内部发展所需的事情。


Employee retention is a vital part of talent management. You don't want to continually hire, onboard, and train employees just to have them leave. You've probably heard that acquiring new customers is a lot more costly than retaining the customers you already have, and the same is true for employees.

为了使您的才华与您的公司保持互动并满意,请花点时间制定员工保留策略,包括薪酬,晋升,激励和奖金, opportunities for growth within the company, and other retention strategies that motivate your employees. You might even consider creating a specific retention plan for each employee based on their unique motivators.


Transition or succession planning is another important step in the talent management process. This includes transitions for both employees who are exiting the company entirely or who are moving into a new position within the company. For employees who are leaving the company, you'll want to conduct exit interviews to better understand why the employee is leaving so you can potentially keep it from happening in the future. For internal changes, transition planning should be built into employee development and training.









3. Employee Training and Career Development

One of the most important things you can do for your business and your employees is to offer them training and development opportunities. We recommend putting together a robust and interactive training program that goes beyond a webinar here or there. With the abundance of learning management systems (LMS) on the market, there's no reason you can't build an educational, engaging, and entertaining development process for new and existing employees.





Once you have KPIs and goals established, you'll need to set up a feedback and review process. Performance reviews are important to keep everyone on track and moving towards their goals. You can set up your review process to happen as often as you'd like; many companies opt for annual reviews, but bi-annual and quarterly reviews are also common. We recommend implementing 1-on-1 meetings or weekly team meetings to cover progress towards goals and KPIs so you can stay on top of things and identify issues as they arise instead of waiting until your scheduled review period.



Recognizing and rewarding your employees can go a long way towards increasing motivation, boosting morale, and improving employee retention. While compensation is a piece of this, it's not the only consideration. In addition to compensation, you'll want to provide a solid benefits package, a fair paid time off policy, opportunities for advancement, bonuses, prizes, and more.

And some employees just want to be told they’re doing a good job.


Talent management best practices regularly change and evolve. It's important to stay on top of current trends in talent management so you can adopt the trends that make sense for your business. In addition to the constantly evolving trends, there are several talent management best practices that have remained consistent over time.


信不信由你,品牌推广在吸引您的公司人才方面发挥着重要作用。过时的外观和感觉可能会给潜在的员工带来巨大的转移。确保您的徽标,品牌颜色和website design都是新鲜和永恒的。然后,确保您的整个在线形象都遵循该品牌。

Go After the Right Candidates

在吸引合适的人才方面,品牌推广很重要,但它只会带您走那么远。实际上,如果您company brandingis on point, you're likely to draw in quite a few unqualified candidates with the qualified ones. And that's why it's so important to go after the best candidates for your company.

引入高素质的候选人的空缺职位的第一步是创建详细的,引人入胜的职位描述。然后,寻找候选人的方式,您会寻找客户 - 追随他们在网上度过的时间。这可能意味着分享您作为LinkedIn帖子的职位,在Facebook组和论坛中共享它们,甚至在社交广告中分享,如果这是吸引理想候选人的最佳方法。

Once you have an influx of qualified candidates, you'll need to narrow them down. It helps to have a rubric against which to measure the strength of their resumes. From there, you'll head into testing, assessments, and interviews.


Another talent management best practice is employee mentoring. Mentoring and advocacy programs can keep your employees engaged, help them stay informed about what's going on in your business, and give them the additional support they need to continue growing with your business.


We've talked a bit about onboarding already in this talent management guide, and for good reason. Having a solid onboarding process sets incoming employees up for success within your company. Right away, they get a deep understanding of your company culture, processes and procedures you have in place, who's who in your business, how to do their job, how to use the tools they'll need to use, and who to reach out to if they need help.

Create an Employee Exit Plan


Communicate Efficiently and Effectively




Use the Right Tools


Wrapping Up

Business can change at any time. This means that your talent management processes need to be agile so you can respond quickly to changing markets and landscapes. Nothing has highlighted this need more than the COVID-19 pandemic that began in early 2020 and sent many businesses scrambling to move to remote work.

With a talent management process that you're constantly evaluating and improving, you'll be in a much better place to bring in the best candidates, onboarding them properly, provide them opportunities to grow, and keep them around.


What is talent management?

Talent management is a process in which a company puts together the best possible staff to handle the needs of its business. It includes all processes needed to attract, onboard, train, develop, reward, and retain top talent.

What's the first step of talent management?


Why is talent management important?

Talent management has several benefits. It helps your company:

Improve employee performance
Decrease turnover
Increase employee productivity
Motivate and engage your team



Training and developing employees
Transitioning internal employees to higher-level positions

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