
Creating a winning online course landing page is no simple feat. It takes planning, customer insight, design skills, powerful and persuasive copy, and believable testimonials. While this is not an exhaustive list of all you'll need, it's a great starting point. In this blog post, we’re taking a look at 12 of the best online course landing pages we found on the web. As you'll see, each comes with a unique design and a collection of other smart elements. Together, these elements form effective landing pages. If you are looking for ideas to help you create your winning online course landing page, keep reading.




Foundr Is an entrepreneurship magazine and has been around since 2012. While wildly successful today, when the brand launched, like all new endeavors, it took a while to grow. And that's one of two reasons why this online course landing page is so unique. Instagram Domination is a product of founder Nathan Chan's experience. The course is packed with actual steps to follow for any brand looking to grow on Instagram.


2。与帕特·弗林(Pat Flynn)的电力播客

Pat Flynn is one of the most recognized online entrepreneurs in the world today. He started his business back in the 2008 recession, after being let go from his architectural job. Since then, he's been launching amazing products, like this one. Power-Up Podcasting is a clear example of what sets him apart from other online entrepreneurs. Flynn understands the power of video. And as you load his online course landing page, it's the first thing you’re greeted by.


3。习惯学院与詹姆斯·凯尔(James Clear)

习惯学院由詹姆斯·克莱尔(James Clear)创立。Clear以研究习惯的研究和发展合适的习惯的研究而闻名,以推动您迈向成功。习惯学院在线课程着陆页包含一条强大的信息,可让读者进入旅程。Clear要求读者想象未来五年的两个版本。然后,他开始画一张充满积极和有效习惯的生活的照片。接下来,他将光明的未来并列,而没有良好的习惯。这就是创造强大的文案的原因。在不到一分钟的时间里,读者立即体验到行动的呼吁,成为最好的自我。Clear以积极的方式使用强大的心理触发因素,呼吁虚荣心和强烈的自我实现渴望。

4。用Joanna Wiebe编写六封数字电子邮件

乔安娜·威比(Joanna Wiebe)是一位著名的撰稿人和文案教练。在她的登陆页面上,她出售一个简单但又大的想法:掌握电子邮件文案写作和学习如何在收入中衡量结果。这对于任何正在寻找方法来增长其底线的企业主来说都很重要。Wiebe巧妙地确定了在电子邮件营销相遇中最挣扎的主要驱动因素之一。通过将电子邮件营销不清楚或难以做到的想法归零,她已经翻了个事物,使自己可以将自己视为将单词变成美元的主电子邮件撰稿人。



6。与Caleb Wojcik一起学习最终剪切Pro X

Videography is a booming industry, one with lower barriers to entry than ever before. But just because anyone can pick up the camera and start recording, that doesn't mean they're product will be polished or perfect. Caleb Wojcik knows this and created an online course to help videographers turn their raw video into works of art. This message shines through in the header of his online course landing page. He sells the major benefit that his course will help you spend less time editing and more time growing your videography business.


Hand-lettering,尽管这听起来是很复杂的,is actually within reach. Better Lettering Course's landing page quickly makes you believe that you can, for as little as $20, begin your path to becoming a hand-lettering success. What makes this landing page powerful is the simple design coupled with messaging that’s empowering and strategically placed just above the buy button. This course is designed to help you develop your own unique style of hand-lettering.




Another critical component of this course landing page is the educational element. Fizzle knows its audience well enough to understand that entrepreneurs have tons of questions about starting a business and want to sap up as much information as they can. To help, they created an entire section called, "So what makes building a business such a challenge?" In it, the brand answers the question by introducing traits that all successful businesses and entrepreneurs embody. The section speaks about tenacity, ideas, the importance of execution, and why support and access to the right people, tools and knowledge is essential.

9。通过刘易斯·豪斯(Lewis Howes)的内心圈子发展业务

创建一个更重要的元素的之一effective landing page is including social proof. Lewis Howes has been smart about the ways he has leveraged social proof. Howes showcases appearances on various shows from Ellen, Good Morning America, and The Today Show, to featuring and prestigious publications like Forbes, the New York Times, and Time Magazine. When it comes to using these important symbols of authority, Howes has strategically placed them just below the header of his course sales page. Seeing these immediately elevates the value of the course, showing that ideas in the course and it’s creator are viewed as credible by authorities, making you instantly appreciate that you're getting value for money.


kajabi是当今可用的最知名和成功的在线课程平台之一。188滚球地址它充满了许多功能和功能,可帮助您建立和销售最成功的在线课程。但是有一个渔获物,在卡哈比(Kajabi)的平台上建造一门课程可能有些复杂。MEG Burrage确定了这个问题,并为所有通过该平台的28天训练营的Kajabi客户创建了在线课程,但仍然不知所措。将成功的想法卖给那些真正觉得自己有些失败的人并不是一件容易的事。但是,伯爵将她的信息提炼出来,并有效地传达信息。

She empathizes with her audience, gives them options they can choose from, none of which are very unfavorable, or they can take her course and build the course of their dreams.


大多数在线课程旨在解决一个非常具体的问题,这已经不是什么秘密了。这个问题通常是一个痛点,可以阻止人们取得一定程度的成功。对于卫生专业人员而言,策划他们的下一个职业举动正是格雷格·托德(Greg Todd)想要帮助的。除了使用杀手标题,视频和强有力的行动呼吁外,托德(Todd)做了一些帮助潜在客户资格的事情。在标题为“如果您不确定21/20挑战的挑战”的部分中,读者可以通过提出导致“是”的关键问题来检查自己。在这些重要问题的下面是一个较大的动画按钮,其自定义文本构成动作。



Building an online marketing and sales funnel isn’t easy, but it is doable. The challenge most people face when taking on the task is not knowing where to start, how each piece of the puzzle fits together, and what to do when they reach a roadblock. The One Funnel Away Challenge does away with the complexities, fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Unlike most videos we've seen on online course pages, this one is different. In the video, Stephen Larson immediately starts talking to you as if you're in the same room. His message flows as he explains that he will be your guide on a daily basis. He shares that he has helped 7500 students to date, and that he co-created the course. But because we know building an online marketing funnel is no simple feat, Larson also identifies the common pitfalls students experience. And that's gold. Offering that much transparency clearly shows viewers that the value they receive in the course far exceeds what they may have initially expected.



