

您还可以获取有关价格和促销的最新更新。如果您有兴趣自己加入社区,我们汇编了20个清单NFT不和谐组, their purpose, and links to the groups.



Discord是一个社交媒体平台,允许其用户通过语音,视频和文本相互通信。NFT空间中的项目使用Discord培养社区意识和归属感。中介银行ers can use their Discord groups to post news about NFT Projects, updates, and support.


您如何加入NFT Discord组?

Here are a few steps to take to join an NFT Discord Group.

Sign Up for a Discord Account

首先,访问discord.comor download the app through App Store or Google Play store. Create an account using your email and password. Changing your username is simple and you can do it even after creating an account. Once you've logged in, you'll be directed to the Discord homepage.


这"Explore Public Servers" search icon is located underneath this. You can use this area to find publicDiscord服务器savailable to every discord user.

Joining a Discord group

用一个Discord服务器link is the easiest way to join a Discord. Twitter biographies and project websites are common places to find these links. When you click on an invite link, you will be directed straight to the server's invite page, where you will be requested to accept the invitation.

Every time you log in, you'll have to pass through a verification process. To keep spam and bots out of these groups, different techniques are employed. Some include validating your agreement with the server's rules by ticking a checkbox andclicking on an emojito indicate you understand the rules of a particular channel.

2022's Best NFT Discord Groups


1。OpenSea NFT Community



Opensea的不和谐社区has approximately 162,000 members and is one of the most popular NFT marketplaces around. OpenSea also provides abundant resources to help those who are just getting started with NFTs.

Twitter updates are posted on the #News channel. OpenSea members are also allowed to use the #Community-Help channel to get answers to their NFT or OpenSea related questions. In the #Self-promotion channel, NFT creators can share and advertise their own projects.

2。CryptoPunks Discord

CryptoPunks Discord


Early adopters ofnftswho understand the significance of scarcity in a digital world have found success with 2021 NFTs through the CryptoPunks Discord. CryptoPunks was one of the first large NFT projects to come online in 2021. This was after assets were shared for free in 2017.


3。Brain Vomit's Garden

Brain Vomit's Garden


Artist Steven Rea's Brain Vomit's Garden is anNFT项目他在一次滑板事故中开始,激发了他开始绘画。基于项目的心理健康是REA的18个月无情移植物的结果,REA使用了这种势头来建立粉丝群。

As a new artist, you can get a lot of insight from the members of this community on how artists generate their work and ways to get inspired.

4。Bored Ape Yacht Club

Bored Ape Yacht Club


Bored Ape Yacht Club4月,铸造了200美元的资产,这些资产的价值已经增加到至少200,000美元。他们的Discord小组拥有23,000名成员。游艇俱乐部的成员可以使用虚拟休息室和洗手间,只有无聊的猿会员卡的人才能使用。

Many people view the Bored Ape Yacht Club as a brand. It is a popular project, so the general chat area is an excellent place to participate in conversations.


这VeeFriends Discord group


Veefriends Discord Group拥有庞大而活跃的会员资格,成员提供的知识远远超出了Veecon项目。尽管Veefriends Discord拥有超过374,000个用户,但严格监控它,甚至具有欺诈警报渠道,以帮助新用户保护他们nfts。

Being a member of VeeFriends also gives you the chance to meet other creators and share ideas. VeeFriends was created by Gary Vaynerchuk, whose art was also auctioned by Christie's. Gary V, who has a demonstrated track record of building successful businesses, actively communicates with his community. He regularly posts insights that can be beneficial to people interested innfts




加密咖啡师is the first NFT-funded café and has 1.2K members in its discord community. If you're interested in real-worldNFT项目s,您应该加入此Discord频道。在第一个季节,将引入60个含咖啡因的角色,所有这些角色都将在开发咖啡馆的想法和实施方面发挥作用。

Owners of thesenfts将能够在任何未来的咖啡馆或网站上获得免费咖啡的收益。该项目的额外收益中有15%被搁置用于Barista Bank的未来使用情况,该项目的所有人将控制该项目。





In addition, the prices of the NFT’s are cheaper than most popular projects, making it a good starting point for newbies.


稀有 is Discord group


稀有constantly witnesses the introduction of some of the most notable NFT projects, making it the second-most popular marketplace for these products. FamousNFT项目ssuch as MekaVerse, Cryptoadz, Creature World, Bored Ape Yacht Club, and Crypto Baristas have all been hosted on the platform.

你can also find helpful teaching resources on the Rarible website. TheirDiscord聊天室目前有超过132K的订户。有时,邀请唯一的访问者参加在阶段频道举办的有关稀有升级,新功能和艺术辩论的公开会谈。



More than 171k people have joined the Decentraland NFT Project's discord, which is open to all newcomers in virtual world gaming.

On Decentraland, users can take control of the digital universe from a central authority by joining a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), a virtualization technology developed by Decentraland. This expanding community aims to establish the world's largest blockchain-basedalternate reality economy。可以使用基于以太坊区块链建造的Mana Money在这个3D虚拟环境中购买土地图。

10.Enter.art NFT Community

Enter.art NFT Community


Enter.art is a utility token-based NFT. As a result of their focus on education, Enter.art attracts newcomers in the NFT space. Their website has various useful learning materials to assist you in understanding the platform.

After years of research, they developed cutting-edge technology and an integrated smart contract that serves the needs of both the artist and the investors and collectors. Members of theDiscord服务器may work together to establish a new, low-cost, and easy-to-use创意交易平台为艺术。


Nouns is Discord group


Nouns is one of the most unique ventures in the NFT Space. Because the price of one Noun typically exceeds 150 ETH, it may be beyond the financial means of most investors. Noun’s project'sDiscordgroup now has over 24k members and is worth checking out.

12。NFT Discord服务器

NFT Discord服务器 


要开始使用NFT,请查看NFT Instagram和不和谐社区。NFT Discord Server拥有超过102,000个成员,而该组的Instagram帐户拥有超过50万名关注者。

Both theNFT Discord服务器Instagram是与最新的非官方代币新闻保持联系的好地方,使其成为2022年的宝贵信息来源。




突变猫是第一个去中心化的自治组织(DAO)购买凉爽的猫,加密邮编和其他高价值NFT,并将其分发给其成员。它建立在以太坊网络上,该网络导致9999只猫突变。NFT drops还有其他拥有此代币的人可以使用其他特权。

现在,它拥有11,000多名成员,并成长Discord community。鼓励任何有兴趣跟上该计划进度的用户加入其Discord渠道。

14。NFT Hideout

NFT Hideout



这channel is similar to other NFT channels in that participants can sell their artwork, debate common NFT topics, and dig into the technical advances behind specific NFT efforts.

15。nftsWorld Community

nftsWorld Community






如果您正在寻找活跃的话,应该加入加密NFT社区。Gremplin came up with the CrypToadz meme idea, which became a huge hit in the NFT world. On the discord channel,NFT collectors与新手分享他们的知识和经验。


Foxxies Discord群体


Foxxies Discord组专门用于NFT和加密货币。这个活跃的NFT不和谐社区拥有超过9,700名成员。Foxxie Holders拥有DAO策划的艺术平台和具有4500 NFT的精英俱乐部。

All NFT holders access Elite Club membership, help, updates, and information. You can join their platform if you're interested in learning more about the foxxies project.


带有好处的朋友是NFT Discord社区


NFT Discord Communityis both a cryptocurrency-supported club and a DOA community with approximately 14,000 users today. Even though it primarily focuses on NFTs, the scope of thisDiscord community更重要。它包括一个新的音乐发现平台,一本杂志和一个用于初创企业和加密货币交易的人的业务孵化器。

A prominent venture capital company, Friends with Benefits is headed by Andreessen Horowitz, who invested ten million in the community. Artists like Yves Tumor and Erykah Badu have appeared at their events.



Mekaverse Discord组


Taking its cues from Japan's Mecha culture, the MekaVerse comprises 8,888 procedurally generated Mekas. Each Meka is one-of-a-kind with unique color palettes and designs. More than 13,000 people are part of MekaVerse'sDISCORD组。作为Mekaverse社区的成员,您将可以快速访问NFT空间内的所有最新新闻和发展。

无论您是否打算购买“ MEKA”,不和谐频道是一个遵循想法的好团体。

20.Museum NFT

Museum NFT


Over 28,000 people interested innftsare now having discussions about NFTs in the museum. Museum NFT is a generative NFT project that emphasizes the historical, aesthetic, and cultural worth of NFT art.

这些非功能性测试是不寻常的,每一个假设persona consistent with the date on which the event is being honored, i.e., they change according to the crypto anniversaries of significant dates.

Why Should You Become a Member of an NFT Discord Server?

NFT communities are great platforms to learn about upcomingNFT项目sand to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the NFT industry. Joining or创建自己的不和谐社区因为NFT是一个好主意,其原因是。

Learning as a Beginner

加入NFT不和谐社区is an excellent first step for newcomers who are interested in the NFT world. This allows you to learn about the NFT industry from people who have been doing it for a longer time.


有各种各样的非功能性测试艺术家不和组。你can network with otherNFT艺术家在这个平台上,从他们的工作中获得灵感。


任何对专业感兴趣的人NFT项目swith seemingly high potential should join a discord community. Various NFT discord communities are an excellent place to search for upcoming NFT projects.

NFT Investor Research

Investors can get a sense of the project's potential by joining the NFT project's discord server. The more engaged a group of people is, the more likely an idea will take off. As a result, you'll be better positioned to make sound financial decisions.

Discord NFT社区设置:最佳实践

Discord has more than 140 million active users monthly. Most popular Discord communities are run by YouTubers, podcasters, gamers, live broadcasters, and影响者

Discord is also a popular community building platform for crypto andNFT investors。Apart from joining an already established group, you can also create your own server.


Discord NFT社区设置

Being Active in Your Community Keeps Everyone Happy

为了始终如一地生长服务器,您应该为人们提供活跃在NFT中的原因Discord community




Set Ground Rules

Just like other communities online, an以NFT为重点的社区must have a set of rules in place. Discord can allow you to 'unlock' rules by default if you make your server public.

On the other hand, making your rules available to the public can help clear up any ambiguity. These rules should be visible to new members and should continuously be reinforced for old members.

Completing standard AMAs (ask me anything)

活跃和合作的小组成员可以组织AMA和竞赛。可以在舞台网络上播放实时AMA。使用舞台渠道,您可以与观众进行私人对话。如果成员NFT不和谐社区wish to participate in the discussion, they can request a stage.

Creating an online form for AMA members to submit questions in advance is also important. With the aid of a crypto community manager, you can select the best questions to be asked during the session.


Maintaining a friendly atmosphere on your server as your community grows is essential. It is important to have a team of moderators to aid in keeping the server operating smoothly in accordance with your set rules.


Track Your Discord Group Activity

Your server data may be used to learn more about member retention, channel activity, and other topics. A CSV export option is available for extra analysis.Tracking the performance您的服务器是查看您交付给Discord成员的价值以及如何改进它的好方法。


Maintaining a well-regulated server may become more challenging as yourNFT DISCORD组grows. Your group can be infiltrated with scammers posing as trusted members. This can eventually build distrust in your community as a whole, bringing down the efforts you’ve put into building it in the first place.

这使得雇用一位不和谐的社区经理,他对Discordis important. They should also have a deep understanding of how NFTs work so they can provide valuable assistance to community members.

Learn About NFTs from NFT Discord Servers

NFT Discord服务器是与其他人见面的好地方NFT collectors和艺术家。许多NFT收藏家和贸易商聚集在这些Discord群体中,讨论和分享最成功的NFT项目。

