What are Discord Servers? (and How to Use Them for Your Business)


It also presents a great opportunity for influencers and other marketers. That's because you can build a community that's personal and unique, a place where creators and brands can come into contact with their fans, learn more about them, and promote their products or affiliate products.


How to Use Discord Servers for Business:


在最基本的层面上Discord是一个聊天室。是的,一个聊天室。就像那些chat rooms from the 90s where you'd immediately get bombarded with private messages asking "a/s/l" like you were any different than the other 14-year-olds with bad fashion sense and acne who were already overrepresented on the internet.

For the non-Gen-Xers reading, Discord servers are basically a less formal version of Slack. Each server includes text and voice channels where you can chat with other members via text or using voice chat. You can also share images, links, videos, music, play games, and more. Discord servers generally include several different channels, each with a different topic or different rules of use.

How Does Discord Work?

You can download and use Discord on your computer or mobile device. After download, you'll open it up and go through the setup process before getting details about Discord's latest updates and features. If you're using the app on a computer, know that it's completely usable even without a mouse!


How to Join Discord


Navigating Discord

When you open Discord, you'll see a list of your Discord servers on the far left. To the right of that, you'll see if you have friends online, pending friend requests, or any direct messages. At the bottom of your list of Discord servers, you'll see a button with aplus您可以用来启动自己的Discord服务器或加入一台和一个按钮的符号compass您可以在哪里探索公共服务器。

当您进入一个Discord服务器之一时,您会在屏幕左侧看到同一服务器列表。在此,将是该Discord服务器中的频道列表。当您进入其中一个频道时,消息将填充在屏幕的中央,您会看到参与房间的人的列表,如果Discord Server的所有者使用它们,通常会被用户角色分解。


Creating Discord servers is ridiculously easy. Remember thatplussymbol we mentioned earlier? You just click that and it will bring up a screen where you can create your Discord server from scratch, use a template, or join a Discord server.

For a business, you'll probably want to start with theArtists & Creatorsoption then chooseFor a club or community。From there, you'll be given the option to customize your server with a server name and server icon. Then, just clickCreate。That's really all there is to it! Your next step should be to click on个性化您的服务器。This will take you in to your server's settings so you can build it out the way you want.

As you can see, there are tons of different settings you can use to make your Discord server truly your own. Along the left side of the screen, you're given options for:

  • 服务器概述
  • 角色
  • Emoji
  • Stickers
  • Moderation
  • Audit Log
  • Integrations
  • 小部件
  • Server Template
  • 启用社区
  • Server Boost Status
  • Members
  • 邀请
  • 禁令
  • Delete Server


Discord servers are made up of different channels. You can set the name for each of your Discord channels as well as setting it up as a text or voice channel. To keep your server organized, you can group channels into categories. So, you might have a category called娱乐that includes channels for TV and movies, podcasts, games, books, and other topics that fall under the category of entertainment. To start a channel, simply right-click in the channel panel. You'll be able to create a new category or a new channel from there.

How to Set Server Permissions and User Roles on Discord

One of the first things you're going to want to do is set up user roles and permissions on your Discord server. This is a must for setting up admin and moderator roles as well as any special roles you offer to members if you have a基于会员的业务。有几个不和机器人可以帮助你do all of this automatically so you aren't spending countless hours assigning user roles.


To add roles, click on the arrow to the right of your server name (near the top left of the screen) and chooseServer Settings

从那里选择角色然后单击Create Role

How to Add Bots, Apps, and Integrations to Discord Servers

Discord has tons of integrations, bots, and apps that will make running your Discord servers a whole lot easier. As we touched on briefly, bots are an awesome way to automate certain tasks on your servers — especially moderation tasks. However, you can also use Discord bots to filter out spam, kick or ban users, play games and music, and more.

To add a Discord bot to your server, you'll first need to find the bot you want to add. There are several websites that maintain lists of Discord bots (like top.gg, discord.bots.gg, and discordbotlist.com, among others). Once you've found the bot you want, you just need to invite it to your server. It's really easy. If you're not finding the perfect bots for your Discord server, you can always create your own if you're techy.

How to Use Discord Servers as an Influencer or Marketer

一旦您对Discord的功能有很好的了解,就该实施该知识来使用Discord作为influencer或营销人员。Discord可以使您立即与目标受众持续不断地访问 - 您只需要开始向他们推销(并有效地进行营销)即可。

First and foremost, you need to make sure that your target audience is even on the platform. Discord users are generally teens and younger adults. If that doesn't fit your target audience, Discord might not be the platform you want to use. If it fits, though, here are tips to getting the most from your Discord servers for business.


When you first start a Discord server, it can be intimidating to see that very empty framework, void of active users who aren't you and your team. Just remember, it's going to be more beneficial to you in the long run if you emphasize quality members over just cramming your servers full of users who are lukewarm to what you're trying to build.



One of the best ways we've found to build an active and engaged Discord server is to offer membership to your server as a perk to signing up for your membership plan. You can easily do this if you have a帕特雷恩page. Just add the DiscordPatreon整合and you're ready to rock.


Engagement is vital to a productive Discord server. Encourage your members to get to know one another and be sure to be an active part of your community, too. You can talk directly to your members using text, video, or voice and it's such a simple thing to do to keep your audience interested and excited to be there.

Start a Community

If you're interested in building a community on your Discord server, it should come as no surprise that you'll want to start a community. To do that, go into your Discord server settings and click启用社区in the menu on the left side of the screen.

From there, click the开始按钮并浏览设置新社区所需的步骤:

  • Safety checks:我们建议检查旁边的盒子Verified email requiredto keep spam to a minimum. You also have the option of deleting NSFW content automatically.
  • 基础知识:Here, you choose the channels you'll be using for rules or guidelines as well as community updates.
  • 完成触摸:In this section, you can set default notifications to only notify about mentions (helpful if you have a busy channel) as well as removing moderation permissions from the "everyone" role. Last, you'll agree to Discord's Community server rules.

从那里,只需单击Finish Setupand you're done.

Offer Exclusive Benefits and Discounts

每个人都喜欢交易。通过独家交易,折扣和促销活动来奖励通过不和谐服务器为您提供支持的人。您甚至可能会举办赠品和比赛(只是不要一直跑来跑去 - 如果赠品频繁发生的话,甚至很有趣的事情也会变得无聊)。

Join the Discord Partner Program

We've mentioned it before, but it bears repeating. You should join the Discord Partner Program. It's available to active and engaged communities and offers up additional features like better customization and personalization (and more emoji slots and digital stickers). Plus, it's easier to find your Discord server on the discovery page.


The way you set up and use your Discord servers largely depends on what you're using them for. If you're an influencer or marketer using Discord to promote your brand or sell会员和合作伙伴产品, you'll want to join the Discord Partner Program when you can. You might also consider paying for Discord Nitro to get access to special features that can make your Discord servers really stand out for your members. No matter why you're using Discord, you can create a powerful community by keeping your Discord servers organized, automated, and useful.



Discord is an app like Slack that you can use for text and voice chat. Originally created for gamers, Discord has grown into a robust tool used by artists, creators, influencers, and marketers.


Yes. Just take the time to set up your Discord server settings to keep your server only available to those who are supposed to be there.

What platforms and devices can I use to access Discord servers?

You can access Discord just about anywhere — computers, tablets, smartphones. It works on Windows, iOS, Android, or Linux.


Join Discord servers by clicking on the plus symbol in the app or browser. You can also join Discord servers using invite links — just click on the link and accept the invite.


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