

Both Slack and Discord allow you to pick from流行的表情符号on the platform - and add your own custom or preloaded emojis. Here’s everything you need to know about using emojis in Slack and Discord, no matter the device.



Emojis started out as cute pictures on the Internet, but these digital icons have quickly become the lingua franca of the digital age. These pictures - from to to - represent the first language born exclusively on the internet, for the internet. In a world of flat text and repetitive letters, emojis add emotional nuance to help people read between the lines.One peer-reviewed study from PLOS ONE发现表情符号是以关系为导向的数字通信的有效方法。

How did emojis infiltrate the lexicon? Emojis first came around in 1982 when computer scientist Scott Fahlman suggested that using text-based symbols like可以替换句子中的单词。最早的表情符号?他们实际上是表情符号。表情符号实际上是由标点符号,字母和数字组成的图形图标。表情符号一词实际上来自“情感图标”。

The initial emoticons didn’t become mainstream until the early 1990s, when Japanese, American, and European companies started尝试表情符号

后来,手机开始带有一些表情符号预设进入键盘。The actual emoji drawings were first invented in 1999 by Japanese artist, Shigetaka Kurita. The emojis were meant to be for Japanese users, but they quickly caught on.

使用的e emoticons, built into the keyboard, helped people better express themselves and their emotions over text. It can be so easy to misunderstand the emotional intent of a text, and emoticons (and now emojis) helped fix that.


到2000年代初,移动提供商已经跳上了潮流并介绍了他们的own emojis进入他们的手机键盘。表情符号一词实际上来自两个不同的日语单词,就像表情符号一样。在这种情况下,表情符号来自日语单词“图片”(E)和“角色”(Moji)。这是对这个词的字面意义,意思是“图片人物”。

Emojis have since become a hallmark method of communication. They’ve become so synonymous with chatting that, in 2015, became牛津词典年度的“单词”。今天,有成千上万的表情符号在各种情况下描绘人们,以代表我们所生活的多样化世界。实际上,研究发现

Emoji usage has strong dependencies在本地和国家一级。



Have you ever wondered why some emojis will look different on different devices? Many emojis online are under some type of copyright or licensing, while some, but not all, are free or open source. That’s why you will see the same emoji looks slightly different on Android devices versus iPhone devices.





*最大尺寸512x512 PX和2MB。



Adding an existing emoji to your Slack chat message is simple.在松弛, click the smiley face in your slack chat box and pick your emoji. Slack emojis are grouped into so-called “packs.” You can pick from the following categories: Smileys & People, Animals & Nature, Food & Drink, Travel & Places, Activities, Objects, Symbols, and Flags. In addition, Slack will show you your frequently used emojis so you can access these emojis quickly.

To add an existing emoji to your Discord message, you’ll undergo similar steps. Start by hovering your mouse over the grayed-out Emoji picker button to the right of the text bar. The box of emojis will pop up, and you can pick your emoji from your list - or filter through the list to find your favorite option.


表情符号可能是一种有趣而情感的交流方式。尽管随着时间的流逝,最受欢迎的表情符号变化,但许多顶级插槽一直被表情符号带有脸和心脏占据。那是因为最受欢迎的情感 - 爱,幸福,悲伤 - 并没有真正改变。

So what popular emojis make the list for Discord and Slack users? Let’s take a look.

1.脸with Tears of Joy Emoji

表情符号的喜悦表情符号的脸是表情符号键盘上最受欢迎的表情符号之一。在2021年,the Unicode Consortium confirmed充满喜悦表情符号的脸是年度最常用的表情符号。它may be considered a deeply uncool emoji经过some, but it continues to reign supreme as the most popular emoji.

一项Unicode联盟研究发现92% of the population across the world uses emojis,脸上充满喜悦表情符号的脸占其中的5%用法。


According to Adobe’s World Emoji Day study, the red heart emojiranked third for the most popular emoji used。如果某人使用像红色心脏表情符号这样的表情符号,用户对某人会感到更加同情。

3. Heart Eyes Emoji


4. Kiss Face Emoji

亲吻的脸表情符号眨着嘴唇眨眨眼,吹了一个吻(或一个小的红心)。它’s a cousin to the ever-popular Winking Face emoji.

5. Rolling on the Floor Laughing Emoji

The Rolling on the Floor Laughing emoji is similar to the most-used emoji. This emoji is smiling, crying tears of joy, as if rolling over uncontrollable laughter. It’s used to convey anything that’s extremely hilarious.

6. Grinning Face Emoji


7. Winking Face Emoji


8. Loudly Crying Face Emoji


9. Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes


10. Pile of Poo Emoji

Thepile of poo emoji无处不在。您在投掷枕头或床单上看到了多少次?这种微笑的大便超越语言障碍和政治差异的能力使它成为其中之一most popular emojis in history

大便表情符号基于一个名为Slump博士的日本卡通人物。Slump博士在2011年流行Apple added the emoji to its operating system。此后几乎渗透了每个聊天平台,包括不和谐和休闲。

11. Peachy emoji


实际上,在2016年,苹果公司试图重新设计其桃红色表情符号以更像水果。但是在Beta测试中,他们得到了激烈的反弹。苹果开发人员最终在变化向公众传给公众时逆转了决定 - 让桃子表情符号看起来更像臀部,而不是水果。

12. Eggplant emoji

The eggplant emoji is nothing but a common vegetable, but since its introduction as an emoji, it’s taken on a much more complex meaning. This long, purple eggplant can be used to represent food….but it’s also used to represent male genitalia in many chats.

13. Thumbs Up Sign Emoji

The Thumbs Up Sign emoji is pretty straightforward, and it means exactly what the description says: a thumbs-up gesture indicating approval.

14. Prayer Hands Emoji

The Prayer Hands emoji is a popular pick for many texters and messagers. This emoji, which shows two hands pressed together with the thumbs pointed up, has a variety of meanings. For some, it means extending a greeting, for others, it means a person seeking forgiveness, and for others, it can mean thankfulness. Some even interpret it as a high five.

15. Smiling Face With Hearts Emoji

这张被心脏覆盖的微笑的脸通常与爱与幸福有关。对于许多用途,它经常传达温暖而模糊的幸福感,尤其是爱的感觉 - 或爱上某人或某物。

16. The See No Evil Monkey Emoji

The See No Evil Monkey emoji, also called Mizaru (Japanese for “see not”), is one of three monkey-themed emojis. This emoji is depicted with its hands covering its eyes. It represents the proverb “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” The other monkey emojis are similar representations of the proverb. This emoji is often used in the context of discretion or willful ignorance.

17. Face with Party Horn and Party Hat Emoji


18. Two Hearts Emoji

The Two Hearts emoji shows two hearts and is used to express love, affection, pleasure, or happiness.

19. Face with Rolling Eyes Emoji

If you’ve ever texted your coworkers on Slack about something that annoys you, there’s a good chance you’ve used this emoji. Face with rolling eyes emoji is the most popular way to convey disbelief, annoyance, impatience, or straight disdain. It’s also often used in a sarcastic or ironic tone.

20. Pensive Face Emoji


21. Pleading Face Emoji

Complete with puppy dog eyes and a small frown, this pleading face emoji is all about pleading, begging or beseeching. People may use this emoji with the intent of conveying sadness, guilt, cuteness, and even arousal in different contexts.

How Do We Assign Meaning to Emojis?

Emojis have changed our relationship with symbols as words. Why is it that people usein place of other smiley faces to express happiness or laughter? Why does have other meanings besides a pile of poop?


“The popularity of emojis is linked to their semantic meanings,” said Ai, a graduate student research assistant with the Foreseer Group, a U-M research team that进行与数据挖掘有关的尖端研究、机器学习和信息检索。“情绪摇滚jis with meanings close to popular words are more likely to be used. Emojis with clear and less ambiguous meanings are more likely to be used, and they provide good substitutes to their word counterparts.”

Emojis on Social Media

表情符号已成为人们在社交媒体上进行交流的关键工具,以表达情感。人们可以在短短13秒内处理视觉信息- 有时比纯文本更快。这就是为什么像照片或表情符号这样的工具在社交媒体平台上特别有效的原因。188滚球地址这也是Facebook将其“喜欢”按钮换成一系列六个不同表情符号的同样的原因。

For some platforms, like Slack or Discord, emojis can become ingrained in the way people communicate. It’s also an effective way for people to increase engagement on their posts. According to one study by Larry Kim,emojis can increase engagement推文的25.4%,Facebook的33%。

One of the most important parts of using emojis on social media? Risking a misunderstanding. Different emojis mean different things to different people, and context can be critical for everyone to understand what you mean. For example, using emojis on Slack during a work conversation might not be appropriate; meanwhile, using emojis during a casual conversation with your friends on Discord might be completely appropriate.


Likewise, businesses can use emojis to better communicate with their customers. For example,宜家制作了自己的表情符号键盘更好地给他们的形象打上烙印并创建特定于业务的图像。世界自然基金会也制作了自己的表情符号键盘在濒临灭绝的动物周围传播一句话


Slack allows you to custom upload a variety ofdifferent GIFs to their platform as emojis。Uploading custom emojis to Slack is really simple! You can only upload custom emojis to Slack on the desktop version. Follow these easy steps:

  1. 单击松弛格式杆右下角的笑脸
  2. Click “Add Emoji.”
  3. Pick your image. Make sure that any square images are under 128KB, sized 128x128 pixels, and saved with a transparent background. PNG files work best! If your image is too big, Slack will resize it.
  4. Name your new emoji. Your emoji name should be lowercase, and can't contain spaces, periods, or punctuation. The more unique the name, the better.

Once you have uploaded the emoji, you can use the search bar and use it in chats.

How to Add Custom Emojis in Discord

Adding custom emojis in Discord is a simple process, assuming that you have the proper permissions to add them to the server. Discord makes it easy for you, too: they will resize any images of up to 128 by 128 pixels to fit their own required specifications.

它’s important to note that if you don’t have a Discord Nitro account, you can only use custom emojis on the specific server that the emoji has been uploaded to. A paid Nitro account will unlock the ability to use custom emojis across different servers. In addition, you will need a Nitro account to use animated, or GIF, emojis.


  1. 确保您正在使用Discord的桌面版本
  2. 打开要上传表情符号的服务器。
  3. Click the down-arrow next to the server’s name in the top left corner of the screen.
  4. Pick “server settings.”
  5. Click on “emojis” in the left sidebar, then click “Upload emoji.”
  6. Pick the emoji image you want to upload, and upload it to the server.

如果您确实计划上传自定义表情符号,请当心:默认情况下,每台服务器只能上传50个自定义表情符号。如果您确实需要更多自定义的表情符号插槽,则需要与Discord Nitro帐户联系以“提升”您的服务器。在将服务器升级到250个自定义表情符号之前,多个用户将不得不增加服务器。


What are the best Discord Emojis?

The best Discord emojis can be downloaded for free on any device from these websites:

Animated Emojis.

What emojis does Discord use?



您可以从Discord Server下载Dismojis。按照以下简单步骤:



In Discord, your emoji menu contains standard and Discord-exclusive emojis. In addition, there’s a section with your most-used emojis. You can type in the emoji you want to use or pick from the list.


To steal Discord emotes, you need to have your own emoji stealing server with owo emoji set. That will enable you to bind the command with the server you typed in. Then, anytime you type owo emoji to view an emoji, you will have the option to steal it.

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