10 Landing Page Optimization Tools (and Practical Tips If You Want to Go Tool-less)

着陆页可以在人y instances lead to better conversions than your product pages. However, to make the most of the potential offered by landing pages, you need to know which elements to include and how to incorporate them into your layout.

You can then take it even one step further and optimize your landing page. Luckily, there are many reliable, cost-effective tools that can help you with this step and, therefore, you don't really have an excuse not to optimize your landing page.

10 Landing Page Optimization Tools (and Practical Tips If You Want to Go Tool-less):

What’s Landing Page Optimization and Why Does It Matter?

简而言之landing page optimization是为了提高着陆页的性能。要了解目前的着陆页如何执行以及您需要完成的哪些步骤来提高其性能,您可以使用有关访问者及其行为的数据。通常需要改进的元素包括导航,消息传递,视觉效果,布局和总体设计。

By going the extra mile and ensuring that your landing page is optimized, you can improve your conversion rates. Visitors will be more inclined to complete the call to action if the landing page offers a pleasant user experience. Ultimately, this will lead to increased sales which will help you to improve the return on investment of your pay-per-click campaign.

如果您更担心寻找省钱的方法,那么您也有一些好消息。优化的着陆页还可以帮助您降低每条线索的成本ads from Facebookand other similar platforms.


The following are 10 of the best optimization tools to help your landing page improve your return on investment:

1.Five Second Tests

如果您想找出目标访问者的第一印象是否是您的目标,那么五秒钟的测试可以提供帮助。简而言之,它可以通过给参与者五秒钟来查看设计,然后要求他们回答一些基本问题。您可以决定问题,但不幸的是,没有机会就参与者分享您的意见(不幸的是,如果您有一个非常具体的利基市场,这可能是一个缺点)。虽然反馈可能不是来自您的特定目标受众,但它仍然可以使您了解您的着陆页如何堆叠以及它是否是否CTAare clearly understood by people.


如果您想了解有关访客如何与目标页面互动的更多信息,那么Hotjar是最热门的工具之一。来自全球180多个国家 /地区的350,000多个组织正在使用它来跟踪访客行为。


It offers a selection of pricing plans and data plans to ensure that irrespective of the size of your business you will find something for your needs. For personal projects, there is the free basic plan, while early-stage start-ups or low-traffic sites can sign up for the Plus plan at $39 per month.

3.Crazy Egg


It offers four pricing plans: Basic ($24), Standard ($49), Plus ($99) and Pro ($249). All these prices are per month and billed annually, but they also come with a free 30-day trial that you can take advantage of before signing any financial commitment. Enterprise clients with more unique needs can contact them for a custom plan.


实际上,Instapage不仅仅是降落页面优化工具。这是其中之一顶级着陆页建筑商that you can use to create landing pages from scratch. In addition to its building capabilities, it offers features like robust analytics, built-in heatmaps and A/B testing that you can use to optimize what you have created even further. With the heatmaps, you can track the behavior of your visitors and identify elements that cause issues.

考虑它的价格,你会发现它't make sense to use it only for its optimization features and not the actual drag-and-drop landing page builder itself as well. So, if you need to start from scratch in any case, this could be a possible route.

Its Business plan starts at $199 per month, but if you opt to be billed annually you can save 25% which is at least a decent discount. Considering its pricing, it is probably better suited for marketing agencies.





The name of this tool pretty much sumsup what it does. With this tool, users are asked to visit your landing page and to navigate around it. The users then record their interaction with your landing page and send you a copy of the recording. What makes this tool so useful is that they have to record their audio too. So, it is much easier to make sense of their feedback and you end up with a much more detailed review. What’s more, unlike with a tool like Five Second Tests, you have a say in which users test your landing page. You can either use their diverse panel to target your specific audience or connect with your own users. If it sounds a bit unconventional to you, rest assured, that it is used by some of the biggest companies and well-known start-ups like Facebook, Grammarly and Walmart. If it were up to us, we would choose UserTesting over Five Second Tests.

7.Hello Bar

Very few people are ready to make a purchase immediately. Instead, they browse the web to explore and compare. So, it's key that you use a tool that can gather leads. This is where Hello Bar fits in. It can help you to convert people who visit your landing page into customers.

In short, it creates a type of banner or floating bar that will appear at the top or bottom of your visitor’s browser screen. You can, for example, use it to provide a lead magnet, get email subscribers, offer a discount, share updates about your company or recommend your most popular blog posts.

What makes it better than a pop-up is that it will stay on the screen of your visitors as they continue to browse your landing page. It's also not as intrusive (and annoying) which means that the user experience will also be better.

With regards to the pricing, it has a free plan and three paid plans. The cheapest paid plan starts at $29 per month.


Split testing (also known as A/B testing) is a crucial step when creating landing pages. In short, it's when you show two versions of your landing page to different segments of your target audience at the same time and then compare which version gets more conversions.

Luckily, there are tools that have been specifically designed for this important step - one of which is Optimizely. It is used by more than 20 Fortune 100 companies and other leading global disruptors that include big names like Microsoft, IBM and Atlassian.


如果您想评估网站的性能,Google Analytics(分析)是一个很好的工具。实际上,它有一个专门的部分,只是为了了解有关您的着陆页统计数据的更多信息。在这里,您会发现哪些页面访问者最多地着陆,他们平均花费了多少时间,跳出率以及您吸引了多少新访客。这些数字将为您提供一个良好的基线,然后您可以使用该数字来确定这些更改实际上是否已被证明是有效的。最好的部分是您可以免费使用其标准版本。


To ensure that people who are searching for the keywords connected to your product or service can find you, it's key that you devote some attention to search engine optimization (SEO). You can, for example, use a tool like Ahrefs that can help you to find the most suitable keywords for your landing page. With its Keywords Explorer feature, you can identify thousands of keywords, analyze how difficult it is to rank for them and work out their traffic potential.

It offers four pricing plans: Lite ($99), Standard ($179), Advanced ($399) and Agency ($999). All these prices are per month, but if you choose to pay annually you can get two months free.

Practical Tips and Best Practices

Effective landing pages share a number of elements like captivating headlines, social proof and clear call-to-action prompts. So, if your current budget does not allow you to invest in one of these tools, there are a few things that you can do to optimize your landing page.


Not only should your copy be “scarce”, but it should also employ scarcity strategies if you have an offer for a limited time. By encouraging your visitors to take advantage of the deal before it expires, you grab the interest of the visitors who are ready to convert immediately. That being said, it should only be used when your offer is really limited, otherwise it loses its effectiveness (and your brand possibly its credibility).

如果可以的话,最好包括视频。如今,大多数智能手机都可以录制高质量的视频。所以,it doesn't necessarily have to be an added expense. What makes videos so useful is that you can use it to simplify complex ideas, reinforce your branding or simply engage your visitors.


Landing pages are fairly easy to create, if you know which elements to include and invest in one of these tools. Do it right and it can be a great asset. It can provide an improved user experience which can make it easier for you to create a deeper connection with your existing and new customers. Not only does it help to ensure that your target audience finds your content engaging, but it can also reduce the cost of acquiring new customers. All in all, considering the list of advantages, the limited upfront cost that some of these tools require is completely justified. It is more a case of you need to spend some money to make more money and pay less.

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