InstagramStories Analytics [+ Free Instagram Stories Reach Estimator]




Available Stories





Get more insights on stories or view, track, analyze and report for any Instagram public account

Note:Achoo analyzed millions of Instagram posts and stories using machine learning and predictive analytics to establish the most accurate estimate of an Instagram stories' reach. This is merely an estimate. Achoo continues to work on improving the machine learning processes in order to improve accuracy. This tool is in no way associated or part of Instagram, and without authorization, the app merely provides an estimate of a stories’ reach.

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InstagramStories Analytics:

InstagramStories is a Snapchat Killer

我们已经在多个帖子中详细研究了Instagram故事,包括How to Use Instagram Stories Like an Expert。Instagram于2016年8月推出了故事,部分是为了吸引Snapchat及其年轻观众。它的流行程度滚雪球,以至于5亿Instagrammers每天使用Instagram的故事。

相比之下,Snapchat在全球拥有大约3亿活跃用户。190 million这些用的临时chat daily - now considerably fewer than the numbers using Instagram Stories.

Snapchat’s main point of difference used to be its “disappearing stories.” However, with the advent of Instagram Stories, Snapchat lost its real point of difference. While Snapchat still has a core group of young supporters, Instagram Stories has undoubtedly been a life changer for Instagram and its parent, Facebook.

Tracking Instagram Stories is Essential for Evaluating Your Overall Success

To access analytics for any of your Instagram posts or Stories, you first need to change your Instagram account over to a Business Profile. If you haven’t yet done so, we have full instructions onhow to make the switch(along with four reasons why you should do so).

设置为业务资料后,您可以通过进入Insights部分访问任何Instagram Analytics。要找到此问题,请单击应用程序右下角的个人资料图片。这将带您到您的个人资料页面。

The app has changed in appearance recently, as Instagram adds new features, but at the time of writing, you can access your Insights page by either:

  1. Clicking on the “hamburger” icon in the top right corner of your profile page (which will slide a whole series of options across the page), or
  2. 只需将(使用一根手指)从个人资料页面上的右至左拖动,这将再次提出一系列选项。

At the top of this vertical menu of options is Insights. Click on this button.


The rest of the page is split between Posts, Stories, and Promotions. Obviously, it’s the middle section, entitled Stories, that is of most interest to us.




Remember that Reach indicates the number of unique visits to each frame of your story. Impression, on the other hand, i.e., the total number of views to all your Stories. Impressions are more detailed than reach. Should you find your impressions to be higher than your reach, then you will find that some people have read posts more than once.

If you notice declining reach levels over time, you may want to review the types of content you place in your stories. Your audience may be beginning to become tired of your usual fare. You could also experiment with using different fitters and other creative features to change the look and feel of your Stories.

Stories Completion Rate


To see the success of an individual story, look at the four stats shown for each slide of your Story (under Navigation): Back, Forward, Next Story, and Exit. As these names indicate, they show how the viewers moved on from this particular slide.

On a perfect story, we would have many Taps Forward (part from the last slide, where the bulk of the viewers would either Exit or move to Next Story.


Taps Backward can often be a good sign that people enjoy your content, as it means that they are willing to play your Story again (or go into one of your previous stories). So, you should consider uploading more content like the one with higher than usual Taps Backwards rates.

While Next Story and Exits (apart from the last slide) may both indicate dissatisfaction with your story, Next Story is potentially worse. This shows that the users have become bored with your Story and want to look at something else. On the other hand, an Exit may just mean that the person has run out of time, maybe to get back to work. They may even pick up the story later in the day. Another option is that you have included a clickable link in your Story, and the person has swiped up to access the link, clicked on it and exited the story to go to your link

Next Story could give you a good indication of when a story is too long. For example, if your viewers start to click on Next Story after your fifth slide, you know that they prefer stories with five or fewer slides.




If your overall Swipe Ups are low, you may need to encourage your audience more, by adding reminders within your Stories. This can be done with a mix of text, arrows, graphics, and GIFs. People aren’t going to click on your link if they don’t know that it’s there.


It is a good idea to encourage replies, however, as Instagram rewards greater engagement in its algorithm (even for Stories that sit separately at the top of the page).

A more obscure form of engagement is tapping on stickers in an Instagram Story. The total number of taps to each sticker you use in a Story is included in the Interactions section of your Insights, shows you whether the sticker gelled with your audience or whether it sank without a trace.

InstagramHashtag Stories

几年前,Instagram添加了在他们的故事中添加主题标签贴纸的能力。这意味着您可以通过主题标签搜索故事。您可以通过Instagram Explore页面确定使用主题标签贴纸的观众数量。

这特别有用,因为通过主题标签搜索的人的类型通常不会成为您的追随者 - 它会大大增加潜在的受众。


You should be able to find other analytics that may help you optimize your Instagram Story posting campaigns. We recently began reviewing social media publishing platforms. Quite a few of these provide a way for you to plan and schedule your Instagram posts centrally, as well as in some cases, Stories.

The number of statistics supplied by social media management apps varies, but you should be able to pick up some useful data to improve your posting practices. Search your platform for stats relating to your best posting times (and the times you should avoid). These may also give you a guide as to how often you should create Stories, and how many slides to include in each Story.

与大多数社交网络一样,您可以使用任何Instagram Stories Analytics(可以找到)。只有通过建立过去的最佳和最坏的做法,您才能改进,以为您的Instagram故事创建理想的发布模式。
