
让我们保持直截了当 - 写聪明,机智和相关的Instagram字幕需要一些创造力。并不是每个人都喝茶。

Sure, Instagram is a medium where the main focus is on visual content.

但是,如果您想与您的和弦Instagram followers,您不能忽略您的标题。他们给您的照片和视频一些背景。他们帮助您的追随者从您的角度看待您的帖子,并用几句话传达帖子的本质。

A good Instagram post is 60% photo and 40% caption.




Best Instagram Captions

But let’s be honest — not all of us are great writers. Some of us spend hours thinking of a good Instagram caption. Yet sometimes, the words just don’t seem to fit.


Whether you’re posting a scenic picture from your beach vacation or a birthday photo, here are some Instagram captions you can use for your posts.


如果我们正在讨论Instagram照片,我们将不会忘记自拍照。年轻,老人,名人,influencers- 所有的Instagrammer都拿出手机来自拍照。


Here are some clever captions that you can post with your next selfie on Instagram:

  1. Shameless self-promotion is truly an under-appreciated form of art. Let me fix that.
  2. 长大不是我。发光的是。
  3. I am going to call this my “Hey, I tried at least” look.
  4. “我们都是一团糟,但这就是我们将其保持在一起使我们美丽的方式。”- J.铁词
  5. 现在的信心水平:自拍减去过滤器。
  6. "We ain't picture perfect, but we worth the picture still." — J. Cole
  7. 您可以成为想要成为的人。我选择成为我自己最好的版本。
  8. 您并不总是找到幸福。有时,你必须是幸福。
  9. I don’t always surf the internet. But when I do, eyebrows!
  10. “阳光升起,天空是蓝色的,它很漂亮,你也是如此。”-Dear Prudence, The Beatles
  11. 与您的伴侣和自拍照一样挑剔。
  12. “慢慢来。你要回家。给自己。”-Nayyirah Waheed, Nejma


Whether you’re wishing a loved one happiness on their birthday or celebrating your own, you want to make your Instagram caption count.



  1. [I/He/She] don't/doesn’t look a day over gorgeous!
  2. “我不知道我要从这里去哪里,但我保证不会很无聊。”-David Bowie
  3. At this age now: Old enough to know better. Young enough to get away with it.
  4. Surround yourself with people who are more excited for your birthday than you are.
  5. 因此,这就是(这里的写入年龄)的样子...我已经警告过您。
  6. Why would anyone want to have their cake when they eat it too?
  7. When [your friend’s name] was born, I rejoiced in some corner of the world. I knew my partner in crime had arrived!
  8. Sassy since [write your or your friend’s birth year].
  9. Happy birthday, [your friend’s name]. May your Instagram and Facebook be filled with wishes and messages from your friends you never really talk to.
  10. “这是我们一直在等待的日子
    On days like these who could ask for more
    -These Are the Days, Avicii
  1. 她/他的内在孩子仍然很棒。
  2. 这是一年中的那一天,我们喝香槟并站在桌子上。生日快乐!干杯!


Instagram is full of dreamy photos from exotic locations. Here’s a tacit rule on Instagram — If you’re going on a vacation, you’ve got to flaunt the breathtaking view.



  1. “人们不会旅行,旅行带人。”-约翰·斯坦贝克(John Steinbeck)
  2. Wander a little; wonder a lot.
  3. “The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.” -Jon Krakauer,Into The Wild
  4. 我目前住在您的下一个屏幕保护程序中。
  5. "You belong among the wildflowers, you belong in a boat out at sea. Sail away, kill off the hours. You belong somewhere you feel free。”-Tom Petty, "Wildflowers
  6. “旅行并不总是很漂亮。它并不总是舒适的。有时它很痛,甚至会伤心。但这没关系。旅程改变了你;它应该改变你。它在您的记忆,意识,内心和身体上都留下了痕迹。你随身携带一些东西。希望你留下好东西。”
  1. 您看到海上遇到天空的线吗?它呼唤我。
  2. When I’m travelling and exploring new places is when I feel comfortable, like I am most at home.
  3. 海天。
  4. “如果吓到你,那可能是一件好事。”-塞思·戈丁
  5. “旅行的势头使您想继续前进,永远不要停止。”-比尔·布赖森
  6. This is my resting beach face.





  1. Carbe吴廷琰。
  2. I only came for the food.
  3. My eyes are on your fries.
  4. In the mood for noods.
  5. 啤酒是我的燃料。
  6. You can’t live a full life on an empty stomach.
  7. 你是我的贝加尔。
  8. You know, food is such – it’s a hug for people.
  9. 我心中为你有如此蘑菇!
  10. 爱与巧克力都是一样的。永远都无法有足够的东西。
  11. 生活就是探索新的意大利面。
  12. Dating tip: Bribe me with food.


Whether you’re sweating it out in the gym or have been practising yoga, staying fit requires a ton of hard work. If you want to take your Instagram followers with you on your fitness journey, you’ve got to step up your caption game.

Here are some motivation, engaging, and witty captions you can use for your fitness-related posts on Instagram:

  1. 您将要做的最好的项目是您自己。
  2. Train like a beast to look like a beauty.
  3. Bend, so you don’t break.
  4. Note to self on a bad day: You’re always one exercise session away from a good mood.
  5. “跑步有一些神奇的事情;一定距离之后,它超越了身体。然后,它超越了思想。又有一点点,您在裸露的前面拥有的是灵魂。”- 克里斯汀·阿姆斯特朗(Kristin Armstrong)
  6. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they worked on it every single day.
  7. 你要赶紧的肌肉。
  8. 我在健身房穿黑色,因为它就像是我脂肪的葬礼。
  9. 一分耕耘一分收获。闭嘴训练。
  10. 如果您在锻炼后仍然看起来不错,那么您的训练就不够努力。
  11. “不要算上日子,让日子计算。”-穆罕默德阿里
  12. Sore today, strong tomorrow.
captions For Your Fitness-Related Posts


For Your Couple Posts

Being in love is magical. You want to scream from the rooftops about the magic you’re experiencing. With Instagram, you can share your relationship with the rest of the world.

Here are some romantic and funny captions for your couple posts on Instagram:

  1. "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."–当哈利遇见莎莉
  2. 两个头,一颗心。
  3. 我们在一起比拍照要好。
  4. The first time I saw you... butterflies; today, still butterflies.
  5. 关于爱的最好的事情是你可以在一起愚蠢。
  6. “被某人深深地爱着会给你力量,同时爱一个人深深地给你勇气。”Lao Tzu
  7. 你的手臂就像家一样。
  8. My life’s accomplishments? Sanity and you.
  9. You are my sunshine on a rainy day.
  10. There will always be room for your hand in mine.
  11. 我爱你,因为你加入我的怪异。
  12. "当您只期待一个星球时,将会有一天会出现并为您提供整个星系。"-努尔Shirazie
  13. 我计划在可预见的将来每天都会使您烦恼。
  14. 忘了蝴蝶,当您在您身边时,我会感到整个动物园。
  15. 过一个童话。


These captions will help you to find the right words to express yourself on Instagram. Take inspiration from them and take your Instagram posts to the next level. Ready to post killer captions? Get, set, go!
