Optimize Your Instagram Posts for Maximum Impact [Instagram Post Optimizer]



Instagram Post Optimizer Tool


Day of post:

What time will you post:
7 AM
12 AM
1 AM
2 AM
5 AM
6 AM
7 AM
11 AM
12 PM
1 PM
2 PM
5 PM
6 PM
7 PM

Optimize Your Instagram Posts for Maximum Impact:

Understand Instagram’s Algorithm

There was a time when Instagram displayed posts in the order that people made them. This meant that you could create posts in the knowledge that all your followers would see them, as long as they were prepared to scroll through their posts for sufficiently long to get through the queue. However, as the number of posts grew, Instagram changed its algorithm to try and ensure that people got to see the posts they most wanted to see, leaving those posts deemed less critical further down the queue.

In theory, at least, this means that posts by friends and family will always take precedence over posts made by brands. Therefore brands must optimize their posts to try and "beat" the algorithm.

AsHootsuite reports,Instagram的主要目标是最大限度地利用用户在平台上花费的时间。用户在Instagram上花费的时间越多,他们可以查看的广告越多。Instagram使用“排名信号”来帮助确定每个人的提要上帖子的顺序。这些排名信号是:

  1. Relationship – Instagram prioritizes posts from people it believes are close to the user. Factors it uses to decide on closeness include whether somebody leaves comments on your posts, whether they have your notifications enabled, whether you DM each other, or if you tag each other in your posts.
  2. 兴趣 - 帖子是否可能根据过去的行为使用户感兴趣。这使用AI来确定用户最感兴趣的帖子类型
  3. Timeliness – the algorithm favors newer posts over old posts. This is one of the reasons why it is crucial to post when your audience is online – if you post at other times, your posts may be deemed to be stale by the time your audience awakes

Several smaller factors also impact on the order of posts as defined by the Instagram algorithm. These include how often a user opens their Instagram app, following count, and each user’s average session time.

The Influencer Marketing Hub’s Tool to Help Optimize Your Instagram Posts for Maximum Impact

The Influencer Marketing Hub now offers a free tool to help you optimize your posts. You begin by stating your post type (image, video, or text only) and then enter your post caption.

You can then enter details about your intended posting day and time and then click on a Score My Message button to see how successful your post is likely to be.


It also provides suggestions on how you can further optimize your Instagram post to improve your social visibility further.


While having an Instagram business profile doesn’t have a direct bearing on the Instagram algorithm, it does make life much easier for any serious Instagram account. In particular, you need an Instagram business profile to have access to Instagram Insights – the free analytics tool that Instagram provides its users. Some of the more extensive Instagram tools provide you with even more data – although you will again need to have a business profile in most cases.

Share High-Quality Images

Let's face it. Instagram is all about the visuals. If text were still king, there would have been no reason for people to change over from Facebook.

One of the reasons for this is the increase in bandwidth and the speed of downloading over recent years. You only have to go back a few years, and people would give warnings about limiting your file sizes to manage your internet connection.

Now, most people enjoy fast connections, both to their desktop and on their mobile devices. There is no reason why you can’t upload high-quality, sumptuous images to whet the appetite of your fellow Instagrammers.

Instagram现在鼓励人们上传高质量的图像。我们最近发布了指南Instagram image sizes。We recommend the following sizes for your traditional Instagram posts:

  • Square images: 1080px by 1080px
  • Landscape images: 1080px by 608px
  • Portrait images: 1080px by 1350px

These are the ideal sizes. If you upload larger sizes, you will slow things down for no additional benefit. Smaller file sizes, however, detract from the overall appeal of the image, taking away much of the fine detail.

不要害怕修改您的图像来提高their quality or fitness for your intended post. There are many tools you can use to help you, ranging from industry heavyweights like Adobe Photoshop through to free or low-cost tools like Canva and Gimp. The social media marketing platform,PromoRepublic,包括一个高质量的内置图形编辑器,以及许多图像,您可以用作视觉创作的起点。



A bonus with videos is that anybody who stops to watch your video increases their average time interacting with your account, improving your engagement stats, which does send Instagram's algorithm signals in your favor.

Schedule Your Posts at the Best Times

You might upload some truly amazing photographs and write compelling text to accompany them. However, that will not be enough if the bulk of your followers are sleeping at the time you make your posts.


对于这个问题,有一个简单,相对便宜的解决方案。只需使用一个社交媒体营销平台之一即可提前安排您的帖子。188滚球地址我们已经执行了extensive reviewson many of them – just make sure that you select one that caters to Instagram. Be aware, though, that Instagram made life difficult for the platforms for some time, meaning that they initially didn't carer for scheduling within the platform. The best they could offer was to set an alarm to remind you to make the post physically. Things have improved since then for many of these platforms, although some are still awaiting Instagram's approval before they can offer a full scheduling service.


You should be able to discover when your audience is online from your Instagram insights. They will tell you the most popular days of the week and the most popular hours of each day for your combination of followers.





当然,使用没有人使用的主题标签几乎没有意义。您需要找到您使用的相关主题标签也很受欢迎的余额。我们已经写了一份最终指南using Instagram hashtags to grow your followers。当然,营销人员使用主题标签不仅可以轻松搜索。他们还为广告系列创建自定义主题标签,以帮助将类似类型的帖子组合在一起。



Remember the Social in Social Media – Engage with Your Followers

Social media marketing is very different from traditional advertising. It’s not like a television, radio, or newspaper ad, which you create, pay the medium for exposure, and then wait for new customers. You can’t just make a social media post (on Instagram or any of the other social networks) and sit back. You have to engage with your followers and other interested people.

你的粉丝需要跟随你的理由。他们是n't going to take an interest in your pots if you simply use Instagram as an advertising medium. You need to come across as caring and taking an interest in them as people.

This means that you need to spend time looking at and liking their posts. Make thoughtful comments when relevant. Also, make sure to reply to any comments people leave on your posts. Remember, you are engaging with humans, and they expect you to treat them with sufficient respect.

Also, make a point of adding compelling captions to your posts. These make useful starters to drive engagement.
