
如果您过去几年一直关注影响者的营销,那么您可能已经金博宝188备用网址知道highly effectivefor promoting brands and products. Businesses can work with influencers to drive product awareness, boost engagements, and increase sales.

Check out these eight influencer marketing case studies to learn how influencers have delivered impressive results for leading brands;


1. Nike Air Vapormax

耐克是全球制造和供应运动服装和运动器材的领导者。仅在2017年,他们生成了more than $34 billion globally. But they’re not just one of the leading brands in the world; they’re also among the top users of influencer marketing. The brand has worked with both celebrities and social influencers for several campaigns to promote their products.

当品牌想推广他们的新空气Vapormax系列时,他们决定team up withthe popular YouTube channel “What’s Inside?” The channel is run by a father-son duo, and is famous for cutting up everyday objects to showcase what’s inside. The duo has been able to garner almost 6 million subscriptions for their two channels.

For their campaign, the YouTubers create a series of七个视频in which they integrated the brand’s messaging into the individual themes of both of their channels. They used their “WHAT’S INSIDE? FAMILY” channel to create vlogs and Q&As. And for their original “What’s Inside?” channel, they created a video in which they cut up a Nike Air Vapormax to show their viewers what’s inside.



Subaru has been experiencing significant growth over the past few years. And influencer marketing has played an important role in this growth. In fact, theirsales increasedby 10% during 2016 alone. One of their most successful influencer marketing campaigns was the, “Meet an Owner” campaign. The goal was to raise brand awareness, and improve their brand sentiment.

For this campaign, Subaru worked with 20 influencers across various categories ranging from fitness to art. Each influencer created unique pieces of content centered around a Subaru car, and infused their authentic voice into the content.



3. Youfoodz

Youfoodz is an Australian fresh meal company that wants to make healthy eating easier for everyone. When they wanted to promote the launch of their new winter menu, they decided to work with Instagram influencers who specialize in health and fitness as well as in food.

They partnered with a total of 81 influencers to highlight their healthy and convenient menu options. These influencers created 167 pieces of content for the campaign. In addition to this, they also shared more than 162 Instagram stories during the campaign.


这些内容generated almost70,000个直接订婚,并有超过500,000个印象。该活动能够在Facebook和Instagram中吸引近150万人。在...的帮助下Instagram故事,影响者还能够创建与目标受众相关的真实和“矩”内容。


陶器谷仓希望宣传他们与室内设计师肯·富克(Ken Fulk)合作创建的新装饰系列。他们决定与一个有影响力的人一起工作,后者着眼于室内设计,以高度吸引人的方式展示自己的作品。

The brand chose Holly Becker, who runs the blogDecor8的运动。块来使用的影响m the collection to showcase different ways in which her readers could incorporate them in their own homes.


Through one influencer alone, the生成的活动500名读者评论,超过一千多次参与。该活动的社会影响力接近400万,帮助品牌成功推广了新的肯·富克(Ken Fulk)系列。

5. Gerber Lil’ Beanies

When Gerber wanted to launch their Lil’ Beanies product, their goal was to raise awareness and drive sales in their key target markets. They wanted to reach customers at Walmart, Kroger, Publix, and Target.

So with the help ofLinqia和弹射器,该品牌发起了一个有影响力的营销活动,有影响力的人创建了真实的内金博宝188备用网址容,将其产品定位为幼儿营养和美味的零食。



Here’s a blog post created by Amber, who runs忙着创造回忆

The 300+ influencers created a total of 9,400 pieces of content, which resulted in 9.2 million potential impressions. The content also inspired almost 260,000 clicks, likes, comments, social shares, and retweets. While the campaign was active, the campaign resulted in a national sales lift of almost 5% for Gerber’s Lil’ Beanies products.

6. Maybelline Falsies Push Up Drama

美宝莲想驾驶意识和销售their new Falsies Push Up Drama mascara, which was launched at Walmart. To accomplish this goal, they decided to work with beauty influencers who helped create content related to beauty tips and tricks as well as beauty hauls.


这是由Instagram帖子创建的Kimberly Pavao

The content created by theseinfluencers garnered73,700 views and 35.7 million total impressions. There were 10,900 engagements to the influencers’ blog page. And the brand’s total media value increased 1.3 times.

7. Society6


So they decided it would be best to focus on a single demographic profile, and work with influential millennial women who are fashion conscious and in college.

These influencers created videos that highlighted the unique products available at Society6, which college-going women can use to decorate their dorm rooms. They wanted to build the idea that these products can help in personalizing their living space.

Here’s one of the videos created by YouTuber凯瑟特,拥有超过100,000个订户。

在21个影响者的帮助下,该活动产生了24件内容。广告系列视频have been viewedmore than a million times, and have an engagement rate of 5.68%.



They decided to work with 60 influencers with an expertise in food, parenting, lifestyle, and home verticals. These influencers were tasked to create original recipes and stories that feature products from GOODFOODS.

这是米歇尔(Michele)的食谱之一West via Midwest。她创建了一个白豆玉米饼比萨饼的食谱,该披萨从Goodfoods中实现了矮胖的鳄梨调味酱。

60influencers created超过2,000件内容,从博客文章和食谱到照片和视频。该运动有3400万个潜在的印象和71,000次参与。它还返回的转化率为34.2%。

The content created by influencers was also republished throughNativo, a native advertising platform. It managed to return a much higher conversion rate than the original campaign, delivering a conversion rate of 44.5%.


These are some highly impressive influencer marketing case studies that show just how much influencers can boost business. As you can see, these brands had varying goals and expectations out of their influencer marketing campaigns. While some wanted to raise brand awareness, others wanted to promote new products. And each time, influencers were able to deliver incredible results for the campaign.

Which of these campaigns did you find the most intriguing? Or do you know any other campaigns that you found particularly memorable? Let us know in the comments below.
