How Much do LinkedIn Ads Cost? | A Guide to Advertising Costs on Linkedin


How Much do LinkedIn Ads Cost?


LinkedIn uses a similar pricing mechanism to Facebook. They sell ads through real-time auctions, where competitors effectively bid on advertising space to reach a particular audience. It's not overt, like an auction on eBay, but happens behind the scenes using bidding information you provide when you set up your ads.

You can select from three LinkedIn ad pricing models. You will want to pick the pricing model that aligns best with your goals:

  1. Cost per Click (CPC)- 在这种情况下,您在人们点击广告时付款 - 这是您想使用广告来吸引流量到网站上的登陆页面的理想之选
  2. Cost per Impression (CPM)– here, you pay a certain amount for every 1000 impressions of your ad (M is Latin for 1000). You will usually select this when your goal is brand awareness – people see your ad, but don't interact with it.
  3. Cost per Send (CPS)– you would use this model when you pay for sponsored advertisements using LinkedIn’s InMail. You pay for each ad sent to somebody's inbox.

Of course, you are going to want to ensure that you don’t end up with an unexpected bill from being too successful in the bidding auctions. You can control your ad spending in three ways:

  1. Setting a total budget– this is the easiest way to ensure that you don't go over budget. You set an overall budget limit for your campaign. The minimum figure you can select is a $10 budget limit for your campaign
  2. Setting a daily budget– the advantage of doing this is that you ensure that you spread your budget over the intended length of your campaign. You remove the risk of using up your entire budget on the first day. You can select any amount, but your minimum spending limit must be at least $10 per day per campaign
  3. Setting a limit on each bid——在这里,你设置限制为最大ount you are willing to bid for each click or impression. The minimum limit allowed here is $2 for each click or impression. The minimum CPC or CPM bid for Sponsored Content varies depending on the audience you target.

与任何形式的上下文广告一样,成本可能会大大差异,具体取决于人口统计目标,广告创意和广告参与。我们已经看到LinkedIn AD CPC的范围从低至2美元的价格一直到15美元。同样,CPM(每1000个印象成本)可能从$ 30- $ 200+范围内差异很大。


You use LinkedIn's Campaign Manager to create your self-service LinkedIn ads. After you create a free account, the platform will guide you through each step of setting up your campaign.

Campaign Objectives

You begin by selecting an objective for your advertising campaign. The seven goals suggested relate to the three stages of the marketing funnel: awareness, consideration, and conversions.

Your choices are:

1.1意识:品牌意识- 这些允许您向更多人介绍您的产品,服务或组织。它们是基于印象的。

2.1Consideration: Website Visits- 这些鼓励成员访问您的网站或着陆页。这些广告活动将出现在最有可能点击您的广告的人,这些广告将它们引导到您的网站,着陆页或其他URL。

2.2Consideration: Engagement– these aim to increase engagement on your content. Engagement actions may include likes, comments, shares, LinkedIn Page follows or clicks to a landing page or LinkedIn Page.

2.3Consideration: Video Views- 这些使您可以与更多成员分享视频。这些广告活动鼓励客户通过观看视频来了解更多信息。

3.1Conversions: Lead Generation- 这些帮助您获得合格的线索。单击您的广告的客户转到预先填充其LinkedIn个人资料数据的潜在客户生成表格。

3.2转换:网站转换– choose this if your advertising objective to capture leads on your website and encourage valuable actions that you define.

3.3Conversions: Job Applicants– this is designed so you can promote your job opportunities to top talent. Your ads will be shown to those most likely to view or click on your job ads, getting more applicants.

Targeting on LinkedIn

You then set up your targeted audience.


重要的是要记住什么LinkedIn”s core function is here – it gives you the ability to select based on jobs and skills. You can combine targeting criteria to build your ideal persona. When members complete their LinkedIn profile, they provide information on their job experiences, company, skills, and more. You can use this information to ensure that your ad shows up to only the right people.

You can target members using profile-based demographic information, re-target visitors from your website, or upload lists of contacts or companies for your account-based marketing efforts.



  • 公司:公司连接,公司追随者,公司行业,公司名称,公司规模
  • Demographics:年龄和性别
  • 教育: Degrees, Fields of Study, and Member Schools
  • Job Experience:工作职能,工作资格,职位,成员技能和多年经验
  • Interests: Groups and Member Interests


LinkedIn recommends that you limit your targeting to no more than two to three targeting facets. Campaign Manager will show the estimated reach and a suggested range while you're building your audience.

Different Types of LinkedIn Ads

Your next step is to select the type of ad you want to run. There are four types of advertisements that you can set up on LinkedIn.

  1. 赞助内容– these are the native ads you see most often on LinkedIn. You bid to place them in the news feeds of your target audience. In many ways, they look like any other LinkedIn posts
  2. Sponsored InMail- 这些是您通过LinkedIn消息发送给特定人员的赞助消息。当您有特定的人目标定位时,您会使用它们
  3. Text Ads- 这些是简单的PPC或CPM桌面广告,这些广告出现在人们的侧边栏中
  4. Dynamic Ads– these are ads automatically personalized to your audience

Whichever type of ad you choose, you will create, measure, and optimize your campaigns in Campaign Manager, the LinkedIn advertising platform



  1. Single Image Ads– as the name suggests, these are your typical in-feed ad that includes a combination of text and a single image
  2. 视频广告– with these ads, you use a short video clip rather than a still image. The video you use will depend on the marketing objectives you have set
  3. Carousel Ads– these allow you to tell an interactive story. They feature a swipeable series of cards in a single ad to tell a more in-depth story, showcase multiple offerings, or provide insights for your audience.

You can run your native ads across both the desktop and mobile feed to build an audience that’s ready to do business with you. You can even use Lead Gen Forms to capture leads in the news feed seamlessly. This feature pulls LinkedIn profile data (like contact details) into a form that members can submit with one click.


Once you are making posts on your LinkedIn page, you can then promote your content. You create a Sponsored Content campaign to meet all your marketing objectives. You can use Direct Sponsored Content to personalize and test ads for specific audiences, without publishing on your LinkedIn Page.

Sponsored InMail


Sponsored InMail is ideal for:

  • Boosting registrations with personalized invites to webinars or in-person events
  • 通过有针对性的产品和服务促销来驱动转换
  • 促进信息图表,白皮书,电子书等的内容下载

Text Ads

LinkedIn Text Ads appear in the right column of the desktop and are available in four formats: square, tall, horizontal, and long. You can target a premium professional audience and drive high-quality leads to your business. You can set your own budget – without contracts or long-term commitments, and pay for only the ads that work – per click or per impression.

Dynamic Ads



It is at this point that you decide on your budget and set your bids. Campaign Manager will suggest a range of bids based on current competing bids for your target audience.

每个企业都有一个独特的成功公式。它需要时间和测试才能学习什么有效。LinkedIn建议进行至少$ 100/天或总计5,000美元(通常一个月以上)进行测试。您的广告系列必须吸引足够的人来生成数据,因此您可以根据设定的目标评估广告性能。

LinkedIn suggests a 70/30 split: 70% of your budget on campaigns that drive bottom-funnel conversions or leads, and 30% on campaigns that drive top-funnel awareness or engagement with your content.

Another way to start is with a mix of ad formats to test which types of ads and content yield the best results for your goals.


If you find your campaign exhausts its budget too quickly, lower its daily budget.

If your campaign is not spending its budget, set more competitive bids, or use the Automated Bid option: bid one or two dollars above the suggested range to increase the chance of winning the bidding. Automated Bid lets LinkedIn’s system set the Bid for you automatically to get you more results, plus also spend your daily budget in full.
