How Influencers can Connect With Brands on Instagram


一些社交网络使事情变得容易 - 有一个YouTube上的清晰广告系统Google和许多YouTuber共享广告收据。但是Instagram没有这样的政策。如果一家公司在Instagram(和母公司,Facebook)上做广告,则所有这些付款保留在Instagram / Facebook中。他们与帐户持有人和内容创建者一无所有。

如果您想从Instagram活动中赚钱,则需要采取不太正式的道路。您需要与品牌建立联系 - 或等待它们与您联系。


You Can Convert Your Instagram Hobby Into a Career


But the problem is, Instagram (like all Social media) can be a time suck. You can spend a considerable time perfecting and posting your pictures, constructing captions, and styling stories. You may find that this starts to get in the way of your everyday offline life.

If there is a chance that you may earn some money from your Instagramming, however, you will find it easier to justify the time you spend online. Even if the only person you are trying to convince is yourself.



在考虑与Instagram上的品牌建立联系之前,您需要首先建立自己的市场范围。您需要鼓励很多relevantpeople as possible to follow you, and you have to participate in regular engagement with your followers.

关键是关联。如果您搜索网络,您会发现提供的阴暗网站以相对较低的价格出售您的追随者。但是任何比率都太高了。购买的关注者不会与您的材料互动 - 他们不会发表评论或分享您的图像 - 他们永远不会看它们。这些“追随者”不太可能不关心大多数帖子的主题。


The critical steps to building an engaged audience are:

  1. 创建一个诱人的简历,使人们想更好地了解您
  2. 定期发布并与您的评论者互动
  3. 在每个帖子上使用10-15个相关主题标签
  4. Use captions to add context to your posts – tell their story
  5. 仅发布高质量图像
  6. 不要重复进行产品宣传(无论是自己还是赞助您的任何品牌)。这些不应超过您的帖子的20%。
  7. 经常发布视频
  8. 与您的利基市场中的其他影响者建立关系
  9. Always remain authentic



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I recently wrote about how Instagram has altered its algorithm to偏爱高参与的帖子。This means that some relatively small Instagrammers can succeed in making their posts visible. I suggested ways that you could increase the visibility of your images. If you manage to do this, brands will notice, and they will take an interest in what you post.

也看this article我们涵盖了影响者的真正物品。

Signs That You Might be Ready to Connect with Brands on Instagram



  • You reach 1,000 followers (but, you will still want to increase this number significantly – it won’t be enough for most industries and brands. 5,000 is a more realistic number of followers for brands to take a genuine interest in you).
  • Your followers are engaged with you – they share your posts, they like them, they make comments, etc
  • Your posts begin to turn up as顶级帖子
  • You have been operating your account on a regular basis for at least six months
  • 一家小企业接近您


初学者通常会从小品牌开始促销工作 - 通常是无法负担营销预算的品牌。不要指望您的早期合作会变得富有。考虑一下它的经验,与此同时,您正在在商业社区中建立在线声誉。

这些早期collaborations enable you to build an online portfolio of your work. You can use these first partnerships to your advantage later when its time to work with larger businesses with deeper pockets.

You will probably make your early collaborations in return for free product. Clearly, though, there is little point working for a company if you don’t like and can’t support their product.


These deals can be doubly useful for a beginning influencer. You both receive free product and have ready-made content for your feed.



Eventually, talented influencers should succeed in growing their account to a point where they can work with businesses with more sizable marketing budgets. An obvious question which you will ask yourself is, how much should I charge?






Ways to Find Brands You can Work With


But in your early days, you are still an unknown. You may have to pitch to businesses operating in your niche and offer your services.





我们更详细地介绍了这些平台的范围188滚球地址25 Top Influencer Marketing Platforms。We have also discussed5 Things Influencers Should Look for when considering an Influencer Marketing Platform


In most case, you will go through a negotiation process with a brand before you agree on your price. This can be a complicated process, but always be aware of your worth and don’t let the business talk you down. PMYB has published a post targeting companies on如何以最优惠的价格进行谈判。这将使您了解它们可能针对您的一些策略,并且可以将其转向它们。



One way you can improve your position in negotiations is to be proactive in establishing clear metrics to evaluate the success of any campaign. You can use these to demonstrate the value you can provide brands. You could negotiate a value-based price for each post.

One thing that will need to be very clear in your influencer marketing agreement is whether you are bound by any form of exclusivity / non-competition clause. For instance, a brand may demand that you do not represent any of their competitors for a set period of time. If a brand requires exclusivity, you should factor that into your negotiations.


Instagram provides a fantastic opportunity for ardent Instagrammers to make a living from their hobby. If you can establish yourself as an expert on something and can build enough influence, to be considered a favorite, you have the potential to work with brands to make money.

It should be a win-win-win situation. You will win because of the money you can earn. The brand can win if it gains customers as a result of the posts you share. And hopefully, your audience will win, if you restrict yourself to only working with brands whose product will help your followers.
