Earned Media

Yes, it’s wonderful to have your content or your business shared by different platforms, but that may not be enough to give your search engine results pages a boost. How can you make your business distinct amidst a sea of competition? How do you rise to the top of SERPs?

You can throughearned media。You might be more familiar with it than you think.

What is Earned Media?

Earned mediais any free publication about your business that’s generated using organic methods. It’s usually published by third parties, and isn’t paid for or made by you or your company. It’s one of the best forms of publicity a business or a website could ever get and one that could bolster your brand’s reputation.

Earned media采用几种形式。它可以包括提及或发表在在线文章中,第三方的撰写,通过非关联站点指向您的内容的链接以及来自非相关的第三方实体的评论。它甚至可以以Yelp的推文或评论的形式出现。Earned mediais also largely present in traditional media, such as in magazine or newspaper articles and even word of mouth.


To better understandearned media,很高兴知道拥有和付费媒体之间的差异。

  • Owned media

拥有媒体是任何在线财产that you own and control, like blogs and websites. Having more owned media channels gives you a greater reach in terms of audience. This in turn can give you a more extensive brand presence. Any extension of your brand, like social media pages, is considered as owned media.

  • Paid media

Paid media refers to media channels you pay for to reach customers. It could be paid content promotion, social media ads,paid engagements with influencers, orPPCs



Nowadays,earned mediahas become greatly valuable.Modern consumersare more influenced by recommendations from family and friends and by content that they read online. The advances in technology have made it much easier for people to broadcast their opinions about certain products or services in front of a worldwide, captive audience.

More individuals also do their own research and this greatly influences their purchasing decisions.

A尼尔森研究found that 85 percent of consumers find credible third-party write-ups when considering a purchase, while 69 percent of consumers read product reviews written by experts before making a purchase decision. Another 67 percent of consumers agree that unbiased endorsements from unaffiliated third-party experts are more likely to make them purchase a product or avail of a service.

This shows that expert content, a form ofearned media, has a lot of influence in several aspects of a purchase cycle.

SEO also plays a role in adding to the value ofearned media。Content “freshness” can influence where your page lands in SERPs.Earned media是始终如一地提供有关您业务的新鲜内容的绝佳资源。它也可以给你更多backlinksfrom authoritative pages that can boost your rankings.

Ways to Generate Earned Media

Earned media倾向于采用更有机的方法,但是您如何获得这种媒体?

  • Know your objectives and your target audience

What do you want to achieve withearned media? What are you going to use it for? Having clearly defined objectives helps you flesh out a more comprehensive campaign which allows you to better identify your关键绩效指标(KPI)

Havinginfluencersdiscuss or publish your content is one form ofearned media。当从事影响者营销时,找到与您的行业金博宝188备用网址,目标和目标人口统计相匹配的个性。

  • Create engaging content

Creating engaging and relevant content is one of the best ways to promote your brand. When crafting content, remember that you want your audience to share it. Do your best to come up with original, useful or funny content.

  • Use various channels to interact with your audience

Engaging with your audience is much easier with social media. To gainearned media, invest in creating a relationship with your audience. Use your owned media to share valuable content with your readers, especially those who are already engaging in your brand.

Earned mediaendows you with third-party credibility. It bolsters your reputation, allowing you to get through your target audience better while also giving you a wider reach. While it may take some time before you see results, you shouldn’t overlookearned mediaas a crucial component in your digital marketing strategy.

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