
Abacklinkis any inbound or incoming link from another website. It’s part of the algorithm that search engines use to determine a webpage’s ranking. The number and quality ofbacklinks帮助提高位置和visibility of a site in search engine results.


There are two basic types ofbacklinks, with each one having a different effect on a website.

  • Do-follow link

A do-follow link is an attribute that allows search engines to follow it. It passes value from one site to another. If the source is a reputable site, it lends credibility to another site and improves its search engine rankings. However, if a do-follow link comes from a suspicious or malicious site, it can harm the reputation of the site linking to it.

  • No-follow link

A link with a no-follow attribute doesn’t affect a webpage’s ranking. Search engines ignore this link as it doesn’t pass as much value as a do-follow link. A no-follow link is often used when a site doesn’t want to be associated with the hyperlinked site. This is quite helpful when linking to an unreliable source.

Advantages of Backlinks

Backlinksprovide users more value by giving them additional sources of information related to the topic they’re interested in. They also help search engines determine the value and importance of a webpage. Aside from these,backlinksoffer websites other benefits, including:

  • 更好的有机排名

Backlinksimprove a site’s search engine rankings. The significant number ofbacklinksin high-ranking pages show a positive correlation between the two. The reason for this is pretty straightforward. If a page has links from several other sites, its reputation and authority increases. Naturally, this results in a higher organic ranking.

  • Better site discovery

If a site doesn’t have anybacklinks, it would be improbable for search engine bots to find it. Search engines can’t crawl a site they’ve yet to discover. And if a site isn’t indexed, it won’t appear in search results.

Backlinkshelp search bots discover and index a site. They lead bots from existing webpages to new ones that haven’t been indexed yet.

  • Higher traffic

When readers want more information about a specific topic, they usually click on the links in the content they’re browsing. In this way,backlinksincrease referral traffic. Users click on these links voluntarily and are likely to spend more time on the page in search of relevant information. Consequently, this also reduces the bounce rate.


There are paid services that offerbacklinks,但有些可能不是那么可靠。如果付费太多,有可能受到Google算法受到惩罚的风险backlinksto a site. So instead of focusing on increasing the number ofbacklinks, opt to be more mindful of their quality. Here are some ways to getbacklinksfrom authoritative sites.

  • Provide good content

Informative content presented in an engaging manner attracts more readers. It also compels other sites to link to your pages.

Strive to publish content that’s relevant and timely. Provide solutions to problems through comprehensive guides, infographics, how-to articles, tutorial videos, and the like. Make sure that the content is easy to read and understand. An effectivecontent marketingstrategy will encourage others to share your links and include them in their own webpages.

  • 建立权威


Write about topics you have expertise in. If you don’t consider yourself an expert, interview and quote those who are. You can also interviewinfluencersand send them a link to the post they’re featured in. They’ll most probably link back to your site and spread the word to their followers.

  • Guest blog


Pitch articles to reputable sites, preferably those that already have high search rankings and page authority. Ensure that the content you provide them is well-written and adds value to their site.

  • Learn from the competition

Learn from those who have been successful with their link building strategies. Find out how your competitors have been acquiring links and replicate their techniques.

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