
过去,我们曾写过关于在Facebook上使用影响者的优势,部分是一种击败其算法的方式。我们甚至发布了我们的Facebook影响者营销必需品指南金博宝188备用网址。但是,老实说,大多数与Facebook上有影响力者合作的品牌也经营着自己的帐户 - 即使它只是用作影响者将流量发送到的地方。但是,如果您希望获得最高的覆盖范围,则应将付费的Facebook广告与您的有机努力和有影响力的活动混合在一起。




  • 它们具有高度视觉效果,对眼睛很有吸引力
  • 它们与目标受众有关
  • 他们清楚地说明了广告查看器中有什么
  • 他们诱使您立即采取行动。它们包括一个明确的行动呼吁,因此广告查看者知道下一步该怎么做

我们看一些有前途的Facebookads here.


1. Dollar Shave Cub


Dollar Shave使用强大的Facebook广告组合,一旦您与公司的“首次联系”,与客户倡导结盟后。他们的运动很简单,目标是“日常生活”。客户的倡导之所以能起到作用,是因为他们的产品在客户中很受欢迎,他们很乐意分享促进美元剃须的Facebook消息。

Whenever you go to Dollar Shave’s website, they give you a suggested post to share. Simple, smooth, with a clear-cut message.


2.Shopify +

Shopify Plus设法创建了一个简单的轮播,可以清楚地传达其信息。

Shopify使用一个简单的四步Google Carousel广告来展示使用其产品的好处。每个幻灯片都集中在一个焦点上:

  • 专注于营销
  • Focus on experience
  • 专注于领导
  • 自动其余的自动化


广告的消息很明确 - 使用Shopify简化您的网站销售流程,因此您可以专注于关键物品,而不会陷入困境,而不会陷入日常的螺母和螺栓。



If you buy products from Amazon, you will frequently see their ads in your Facebook feed. Often these will be for books or other items you just happened to be looking at recently. It almost seems like they were spying on you, although it is merely the use of good retargeting software



The ad is bright and attracts the eye in a busy Facebook feed. It uses bright color and white space to draws the eye to its message. It uses minimal copy, just enough to highlight the essential points.





这是视频广告向冲浪者推广董事会作品的一个示例。该视频显示了一个令人兴奋的冲浪者片段,这些冲浪者大概穿着Patagonia Hydro Series Boardshorts。副本是指在视频上方直接显示的“动态运动”。下面显示各种董事会样式的小图像增加了效果。




这是一个Facebook视频广告,展示了一个语法客户(寿司厨师)操作寿司课。广告的重点是寿司班,但是配音变成了寿司厨师选择如何写一本关于他与人的经历和联系的书 - 当然,他用语法来帮助他写书。

Effectively this ad is one great testimonial from a happy Grammarly user – with most of the visuals connecting to the person giving the testimonial, rather than the product.

Grammarly chose to tell a story using a video, close to 2 minutes long. The video finishes with an important message, “write the future,” which ties back in with the Grammarly product. The ad includes further social proof, linking to a review on Forbes.


6. Hellofresh

Both video and still photography are perfect for food companies to make their mark on social media. A well-shot image can make or break an ad, and literally make the reader salivate in hunger.


这是一个简单的概念 - 两次以定格动作拍摄的视频 - 随着菜肴的添加,它放在盒子里。最后,您准备好了一个完整的盒子,可以带回家。该广告甚至可以最大程度地减少行动的呼吁,只是在视频顶部以小(但大胆)打印的折扣优惠。一个放纵是演示文稿末尾的大徽标。

7. Allbirds

Footwear company, Allbirds, demonstrates how a simple video ad with lots of white space can be highly effective.



8. University of Washington



The text at the top of the ad answers a commonly asked question – can you transfer course credits?

9. Jon Loomer数字


好了,乔恩数字应该知道如何cre织机ate Facebook ads – the company educates and sells services to advanced Facebook marketers. If they couldn’t create good Facebook ads themselves, you would be somewhat skeptical about using their services for your Facebook campaigns.

But there’s nothing like teaching by example, and Jon Loomer has produced a range of innovative and original ads over the years.

I’m not sure whether the idea of sharing images of an orange box originated with Jon Loomer, Fyre Festival, or somebody else first. But it has now proven to be a highly effective technique.

Jon Loomer turned a Facebook Lead Ad into a quiz. This means that he effectively gamified the Facebook advertising system.

毫不奇怪,与典型的Facebook营销活动相比,更多的人选择单击此广告的行动。询问参与者的第一个问题是他们的电子邮件地址,这意味着乔恩·鲁默(Jon Loomer)有另一种联系潜在潜在客户的方式。

当然,为了取得成功,我们假设乔恩·鲁默(Jon Loomer)仔细选择了Facebook为此广告服务的人的类型。

10. Insinkerator


When you think of beautiful eye-catching imagery, you don’t normally imagine that it will involve an in-sink garbage disposal unit. Yet InSinkErator has managed to do precisely that.


11.吉姆·克威克(Jim Kwik)


吉姆·克维克(Jim Kwik)为自己成为世界上最重要的阅读专家而出名。而且,如果您认为他看起来很熟悉,那是因为他几乎到处都打开社交媒体。他以积极而实用的生活前景而闻名,以及为什么养成最佳习惯(如速度阅读)可以帮助改善您的原因。在此视频广告中,Kwik从他的主题演讲之一中利用了内容。他专注于学习如何更快阅读的关键好处,创造了“知识是力量,知识是利润”一词,这足以吸引任何寻求优势的人的注意。该广告还使用有效的邮政副本,其中Kwik涵盖了速度读数有价值的各种现实生活应用。它以鲜明的颜色对比和提议结束,以使他的KWIK阅读程序以原始价格的一半获得,这是一个有力的主意:三周内您的阅读速度三重。

12. DataCamp


DataCamp对他们的受众是谁以及是什么使他们有所清楚的。如今,随着在线学习空间的启动,他们已经以聪明且与买家一致的广告进入市场,这很难错过。随着越来越多的人转向Netflix,Disney+和YouTube等在线流媒体服务,DataCamp为购买者提供了替代方案。他们仍然可以在线观看一些东西,并使其值得。他们还用一个术语撞到了钉子,互联网已经太熟悉了,但也使自己成为了自己的钉子。通过提供“狂欢 - 学习”的机会,他们有效地对想要改变的人构成了挑战。

13. Netflix


Everyone knows about Netflix. Everyone also knows about how hard it can be to find something interesting or entertaining to watch on Netflix. To get warm-up to audience, Netflix’s slideshow ad positions various programs, showing a wide variety of content for everyone in the family to enjoy. It also makes a point of touching on one of its most successful movies, “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before”, by hinting at a sequel and Lara’s next challenge.

14. Rugged SA


丢弃智能手机的想法可能是您一生中最危险的经历之一。但是Rugged SA决定将其产品放在很大程度上。它的视频广告显示了一部几乎每种秋季的手机,并且可能想象的是崩溃,而没有屏幕破裂或电话分开。更重要的是,手机不仅被丢弃,还扔到升级的楼梯上,在沙滩和水中淹没,等等。这款Facebook广告令人难以置信的是,当您滚动浏览繁忙的提要时,它立即引起了人们的注意。在“行动”部分中使用大胆​​和斜体文本也引起了您的注意,这使得您在寻找对Facebook感兴趣的东西时不会错过。



Bloomberg is a world-renowned brand. But growing a renowned brand requires leaning into territory that helps people recognize why your brand is the best choice. Their limited subscription offer is a smart play on scarcity. It’s designed to trigger a psychological response related to the fear of missing out, prompting would-be audiences to get high-quality news content at just $1.99. The ad also stands out due to the high-contrast colour combination used in the text and background, and a simple, yet easy-to-follow call to action to subscribe. On a deeper level, the look and feel of the offer also emphasises a no-nonsense approach to information. Today, as the web is filled with greater volumes of noise, finding a clear and objective news source is critical. Bloomberg’s simplistic approach, one with limited imagery, communicates a strong and resounding message that their news is all about facts.

16. MasterClass


MasterClass is one of the more popular online educational platforms around today. What makes it unique is that it’s presented by expert celebrities. In this ad, MasterClass showcases its lineup of lecturers, including some of the biggest names in entertainment, and makes a compelling offer to buy one and share one. For buyers keen on learning and sharing, this offer is perfect. It appeals to one’s sense of altruism and does so in a subtle way. This ad also exudes quality, something you’d expect from a product endorsed by celebrity experts, along with images of almost all experts looking directly at the viewer, making the experience feel all the more personalised and impactful.

17. Boredwalk


Boredwalk is an artist-owned and operated apparel company. They create hand-printed, trendy, fun and eco-friendly clothing. Their Facebook ad features designs and wit they are known for. But what really makes the ad work is the copy, emojis and the use of the carousel feature. Shopping is really all about options, and when it comes to clothing and purchases like a t-shirt, seeing what’s available makes for a more enjoyable experience. Here, Borewalk gives buyers multiple options and uses copy that appeals to their audience, placing emphasis on the sense of owning something unique and made with care.



DigitalMarketer是在线最先进的品牌之一。他们的目标是帮助10,000家企业的规模加倍。有了这样的广告,很明显他们正在做一些特别的事情。播客在全球范围内都在增加创纪录的850k活跃播客根据Podcast Insights,以及3000万集。但是,创建获胜的播客并不容易完成,尤其是当您的预算紧张时。DigitalMarketer的解决方案是有关如何创建播客工作室的分步指南。该广告之所以有效,是因为它与需要蓝图的观众一起击中所有正确的笔记。更重要的是,它链接到文章而不是产品。不用说,DigitalMarketer知道如何将观众吸引到他们的世界中,并通过增加数量的价值来做到这一点。



耐克(Nike)是其标志性的“ Just Do It”口号的代名词,但在最新的教练的广告中,耐克(React Miler),耐克(Nike)选择了另一种方法。它以“只需做到这一点”而交换了“舒适的数英里”和智能的幻灯片。在其中,他们解决了每个跑步者所担心的舒适感。耐克(Nike)使用巧妙的图形设计来说明这双鞋是为了走向距离而建造的,还完成了很少的品牌能够正确的事情。他们让Ad幻灯片完成工作,并跳过了对广告发布副本的需求。这是因为视觉效果及其强大的功能,以及耐克(Nike)已知的想法,即打破边界的想法。






Hershey’s is an iconic brand. They’ve been around for over 125 years. Part of proving your brand relevant is showing customers ways to use your product. In this ad, Walmart shares that the best experiences, like making smores, don’t have to be limited to the outdoors. And at a time when the coronavirus is sweeping across the globe, this ad is the perfect response. It offers Walmart customers a chance to try something new, and the brand an opportunity to remain relevant. The combination of colours and visuals designed to make the product look accessible and easy to use is what makes this ad stand out.


Artlist is a dream for video makers that want unencumbered creative reign. Music licensing issues have existed for decades and haven’t been easy to get around. Artlist aims to change that with a simple subscription service. In this ad, Artlist targets their audience by calling them out in large copy in the image. In the ad post copy, it addresses the most pressing question about access to unlimited music without waffling on. Proof that using their service (and licensed music) shouldn’t be unsafe, complex or limited.

22. onnit


自从电影《无限》以来,世界一直对进入大脑未开发的区域以达到高峰性能的想法。在声称几乎可以做所有事情的毒品市场中,找到合适的观众和产生影响的方法比另一个充满了古怪的主张的“我也是我也需要的广告”。在此Facebook广告中,Onnit利用了社会证明的力量和著名演员和喜剧演员乔伊·迪亚兹(Joey Diaz)的证词。在广告中,迪亚兹(Diaz)分享说,没有阿尔法大脑,他什么也没做。他还说,如果您不喜欢该产品,请保留它,他们会退还您的钱。The ad includes eye-catching graphics in the call to actions, with the use of five-star ratings by over 1,000 customers, and makes the entire ad experience more powerful by including post copy that appears in quotation marks, hinting that it’s part of a larger message that continues in the video below.
