电子邮件营销成本是多少?- [+免费电子邮件成本计算器]

就在线营销而言,电子邮件营销是最成熟的方法之一。但是,对于大多数企业来说,这仍然是有利可图的。根据DMA's Marketer Email Tracker 2020(a UK publication), marketers' estimation of ROI remained strong at £35.41 for every £1 spent (equates to approximately $35.21 per $US1 spent). Therefore, email marketing must be a worthwhile investment for many businesses.


What Will Email Marketing Cost You?:



How frequent do you send newsletters


New Subscribers









Amazon SES
ActiveCampaign Lite


The most important fact to realize is that whatever your email marketing costs you face, you are likely to earn more if you do it well. As we have established, email marketing provides an excellent rate of return for most businesses. Of course, this assumes that you do your emailing with purpose and use it to send people somewhere to earn you money.

实际成本将取决于如何频繁you choose to email, the email provider you select, and the level of service for which you opt. You might even decide to outsource much of the work entirely and work with an agency to write, design, and send your marketing emails.

根据WebFX, a mid-sized business can expect to spend $9 - $1,000 per month on email marketing if they self-manage their campaigns. The same company would pay $300 - $500 per month if they worked with an agency.Priceithere相信,小型企业每月只需16至20美元的价格从事电子邮件营销。如果您的电子邮件列表接近25,000,他们可以看到您的电子邮件营销费用上涨至175美元或更多。

Cost of Internet Service Providers

The most obvious cost is paying for a plan with an email service provider (ESP). We have looked at quite a few ESPs in ourEmail Marketing platform section。尽管我们涵盖了每个ESP的一般定价评论,但您可能希望单击单个网站以获取更详细的价格。大多数提供一系列定价层(取决于您需要的服务),然后根据您列表中的订户数量调整这些费率。例如,ConvertKit提供三个计划。其中的中间是他们的创造者计划。该计划的价格从每月29美元(最多1,000个订户)到每月3,999美元(最多可达900,000个订户)。


Somebody needs to set up and run your email campaigns. Unless you outsource the work (or are very small indeed), you are likely to give one of your employees this task. Depending on how much of their time they devote to this work, you should allocate a portion of their salary to your email marketing cost calculations. For example, if you hire an employee to take charge of both email and social marketing, who spends one-third of his or her time on email campaigns, you should allocate one-third of his/her salary as a cost of email marketing.

Unless you restrict yourself to using text emails alone, you will need to ensure your emails are well-designed and reflect your branding. You will also need to source photos and other images to include in your emails.


Factors Affecting Email Marketing Costs

The Email Marketing Platform You Use

As we referred to above, there are many email marketing platforms. These all cost a different amount, and you need to compare their cost alongside the benefits they offer.


The State of Your Email List


One of the reasons for this is that you will want to calculate your return compared to the number of emails you send. If you pay to send emails to disinterested (or even non-existing) subscribers, you are effectively wasting email sends.

While it may have been common in the pre-internet direct marketing days to buy a list of addresses, the equivalent nowadays does not lead to successful email marketing. You need to build a healthy list organically.

While there are no short-cuts to this process (it takes time), there are things you can do to encourage the "right" people to agree to be on your email list.





Give People an Incentive


  1. Cheat sheets
  2. Checklists
  3. 模板
  4. Resource lists
  5. Video tutorials
  6. "Break It Down" email series
  7. Case studies
  8. Toolkits
  9. Blueprints
  10. 宣言
  11. 电子书

There are still legitimate ways you can speed up the collection of email addresses. One way is to use a service likeOptinMonsterto create forms to collect email addresses for your website. OptinMonster helps you combine email capture forms with advanced targeting and behavior automation to boost conversions and dramatically grow your email list. OptinMonster costs between $9 and $49/month, depending on the pricing tier you select.


Obviously, the more emails you send, the more expensive your email marketing will be. If you intend to send weekly newsletters to your clients, it will likely cost you more than if you opt just to send a monthly communication. Likewise, sending emails to an extensive list daily could quickly become expensive.


The more complicated your email campaign, the more time you will need to devote to creating and managing your emails, and the more it will cost. It will take time to set up a long and intricate drip campaign to new subscribers, for instance. On the other hand, a regular newsletter might not take that long to create, particularly if you use a consistent HTML template for each edition and adapt content from your website.


Likewise, you will probably opt for a more expensive pricing tier with your email service provider if you want in-depth analytics and frequent A/B testing. Of course, having these may well pay for themselves by improving the effectiveness of each email you send and help you better meet the goals of your email campaigns.

Typical Costs of Using an Agency

As we indicated above, it will typically cost $300 - $500 per month if you choose to delegate your email marketing to an agency. Many agencies charge out at a rate approaching $200 per hour. If you are a large business or enterprise, then this is probably money well spent. You can usually afford this level of expense and are likely to have high-level email marketing needs. Your mailing list will be gigantic, and you expect every email that goes out under your name to look professional.

专门从事这项工作知道的机构y can charge at this level because they generally get results. However, you need some economies of scale to make this worthwhile. Small businesses just beginning their first email marketing campaigns don't usually use agencies for this work. If you don't have a big enough email list, you will be unable to make a sufficient return from email marketing to justify its cost.

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