8 Tips To Increase Email Deliverability

Email is still king when it comes to increasing conversions in your business.实际上,您每笔1美元投资于电子邮件营销,您就有可能收回$ 42。

Apart from its hugeROI, email marketing also allows you to bypass things like tricky social media algorithms that regularly change, but it does come with its own gatekeeper that can stop your emails from landing in your subscribers' inbox: email deliverability.

In this article, we're diving into 8 tips on how to increase your email deliverability (that don't require any special technical skills) so you can make sure your well crafted sales and marketing emails aren't ending up in the dreaded "spam" folder or bouncing directly.


What is Email Deliverability?




Read on to understand whyemail deliverability is a crucial factorto improving the ROI of your email marketing campaigns.


The whole point of painstakingly growing an email list is to have a direct line of communication with your customers where you can build trust and sell to them, and depending on the size of your list it can be costly to maintain.

So wouldn't it be pretty terrible if the majority of your emails were landing directly in your subscribers' spam folders? Or not even making it that far and being blocked directly?


So all that money you're investing in email marketing, both in software and manpower in terms of writing the emails and building your list, is going down the drain. The bottom line is: if your emails aren't being delivered properly, then ROI on your email marketing will plummet.



There are many factors that go into how well your emails are being delivered, but these nine tips are all things that you have direct control over and can fix almost immediately. Let's get down to it.

1. Get your Subscribers to 'Safelist' You

Safelisting, also known as 'whitelisting', involves your subscribers manually telling their ISP that you are a trusted contact and your emails are safe. But if you're asking your subscribers to do something manually like this, you really need to drive home the value of your emails and remind them that without adding you to their 'safelist' they can miss out on valuable content or offers.


You can usually find out what ISP and device your contacts are using within your ESP (email service provider). Here's an example of where to find it using ActiveCampaign which is under Reports > Contact Reports > Email Client Trends.

Here you can click the links and see what contacts are viewing emails on an iPhone and which ones are viewing emails on Gmail.

Once you know what device/ISP your subscribers are using you can send segmented emails to them and show them step-by-step how to safelist you.

不确定Apple,Android,Gmail和Outlook的安全性过程如何?不用担心,我们在我们的full guide on safelisting emails.


Segmenting your email list is leveraging data that you have about your contacts in order to send them highly personalized email campaigns. You can use data like location, profession or specific actions (like clicking on a link or abandoning a cart) to segment your email list and boost your chances of getting higher open and click-through rates.

But what has segmenting & personalization got to do with email deliverability?

Simply put, the more relevant your emails are to your subscriber, the higher the chance that they'll actually open, read and click links in your emails. All of these actions send out good signals to email services like Gmail that your emails are actually valuable to their users, which helps keep you out of the spam folder.

Benefits of Segmenting & Personalizing your Emails

  • Increase your open rate
  • 增加点击率
  • Reduce your chances of being reported as spam
  • 增加转换
  • 吸引更多到您网站的流量

3. Never Buy an Email List

Email marketing is a permission-based form of marketing. This means you need permission from someone before you can start emailing them your newsletters and promos. Additionally, if you've got subscribers in the European Union (EU) then youremails also need to be GDPR compliant.

But buying email lists means you are gaining access to a list of contacts who have never heard from you before and have never given you permission to contact them. So when you show up in their inbox the likelihood of them listening to you is slim and most will simply report you as spam.


作为边注,你发送方声誉密切linked with your domain reputation and the IP reputation from which you send your emails. Your IP reputation is based on things like the quality of your emails, how engaged your contact list is and the quality of your contacts. The more spam complaints you generate, the more you'll harm your sender reputation.


How to Get Consent to Email your Subscribers

  • 创建双重选择。这是订户收到初始确认电子邮件,要求将其同意订阅您的列表。
  • 在您的选择加入表格上有一个复选框,允许新订户说他们允许您发送销售,新闻和促销电子邮件。确保尚未检查默认选项 - 订户需要采取积极的措施并积极选择加入。
  • Don't make it a requirement to sign up for your newsletter in order to get alead magnetor other gated content.



It might seem like the worst thing possible for your email marketing to let subscribers opt-out from receiving your emails, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Allowing subscribers to unsubscribe will help keep your list clean and healthy, not to mention legal.

GDPR Law要求所有订阅者都有一种简单的方法来选择您的电子邮件新闻通讯,并使您的订户更难选择退出,这将只是鼓励他们将您报告为垃圾邮件,以便他们的ISP过滤您的电子邮件。


Remember, you can allow your contacts to unsubscribe from certain promotional campaigns, but still stay on your main list. This will reduce your unsubscribe rate and help your contacts self-segment.

Always remember: the harder you make it for people to unsubscribe, the higher your chances are of being reported as spam.


You're way more likely to see a boost in your email deliverability if your list is squeaky clean. By that, we just mean that you're taking the time to re-engage inactive contacts and removing contacts who haven't engaged with your emails in a long time.


However, bear in mind that due to a new Apple update your open rates may be inflated going forward. That's because Apple's latest OS includes an update that marks all emails as opened, which might skew your data.

To remedy this, start looking even more closely at your click-through-rates, in other words, how many contacts are clicking links in your emails. This is a more reliable and valuable metric to be following, especially after this recent Apple update.

Sending emails that only sit and lie in someone's inbox, unopened, will send negative signals to ISPs and hurt your email deliverability, so make sure your list is as engaged and healthy as possible.

6. Choose a Reputable ESP (Email Service Provider) with Good Deliverability Rates

Sometimes your email deliverability issues are somewhat beyond your control and the real fault lies with your Email Service Provider (ESP), in other words, the email marketing software that you're using.

Unless you're using your own dedicated IP address to send your emails, you're probably using a shared IP which means that other users' reputation can impact your own as you're sending emails from the same server. If you regularly send out a large amount of emails to a big list, it can be worth your time setting up your own dedicated IP address to more closely control your sender reputation.


  • Mailerlite -97%
  • SendinBlue - 96%
  • ConvertKit - 96%
  • CleverReach - 94%
  • Hubspot - 92%


Want a full review and our top choices for thebest email marketing software platforms of 2021?

7. Spam Check your Subject Lines

Did you know that hundreds of words can trigger your emails being sent directly to the spam folder? One of the ways that Gmail and other email services filter potential spam emails is by their subject lines. If your subject line contains any "spam trigger words" then you might just trip a spam filter.

5 Words that May Trigger a Spam Filter

  • 你好
  • Visit our website
  • 称呼
  • Offer
  • Click here

But what about the hundreds of other spam words? You can't learn them off by heart, so it's best to use a tool like a主题线测试仪which can help you identify any potential spam triggers in your subject line.

8. Encourage Replies to your Emails


Nobody really takes the time to respond to spam emails and encouraging your contacts to hit reply and engage with your emails can be another great signal that your email content is valuable and worth making its way into your subscriber's inbox.

To encourage replies to your emails, ask your subscribers specific questions at the end of your emails or ask them to reply with their thoughts on your content. This works particularly well for individual creators who can leverage their personal brand to encourage this type of 1-1 engagement.


Improving your email deliverability doesn't always require high technical skill. There are lots of ways to boost your sender reputation and increase the chances of your emails landing in the right inbox without ever touching a line of code.

Taking the time to craft great emails, making them relevant by segmenting your audience and making sure your list is built on trust and engagement is one of the best, long-term strategies to increasing your email deliverability, not to mention the ROI on your email marketing.
