
Want to know what it takes to create your best online course landing page? Is it a powerful headline, bullet points, or video? What about testimonials, calls to action, and frequently asked questions? In this blog post, you'll learn about all the important elements that go into creating a powerful online course landing page. We’ll cover these and many more critical components to help you position your course attractively.

But first, we need to explore the most important aspect of marketing and sales. We need to learn about your ideal customer.






  1. 他们与您的在线课程有关哪些问题?
  2. 他们需要什么信息来解决问题?
  3. 哪些策略将帮助他们产生结果?
  4. 他们必须遵循哪些步骤来克服问题?
  5. What kind of information must they be exposed to about your program to convince them to want to commit to your online course?

It really is this simple. Sure, we can talk about demographics at length, we can get even more scientific and start unpacking specific values and misconceptions your ideal customer may have, but if you focus on just the basics, you'll have enough to develop an effective persona.

Use Primary Research




With a handle on who your ideal customer is, let's dig into key elements that all effective landing pages have.

Sell a Big Idea in Your Headline


首先,用你的角色文档。一旦你能听懂and who your ideal customer is, you have deeper insights into where they currently are in life. And this is important. By understanding what problems, frustrations, and challenges your ideal customer experiences and a daily basis in relation to your online course, you have a clear framework to use when empathizing through persuasive copy.


无论状态之后,都可以识别并使用它来创建您的大想法。乔安娜·威伯(Joanna Wiebe)的大想法是,您可以学习如何将单词变成您的业务收入。



Caleb Wojcik学习如何使用Final Cut Pro X的重大想法很简单。他的实践承诺是,您将能够花费更少的时间编辑,而更多的时间发展业务。如果您是摄影师,那么您知道,如果您不知道如何使用编辑工具,则编辑可能是一个痛苦的过程。但这还不是全部,Wojcik通过进一步揭示您将如何花费更少的时间编辑和更多的时间来使用子弹来提供更多信息。





Video is one of the most powerful tools you can use to get your message across. Today, more people turn to video for information, some even purchase after seeing videos about products or services. You can use video as a way of introducing yourself, your course, and most importantly as a tool for building a desire for your offer.

拍摄Pat Flynn的电力播客视频。在其中,他说明了为什么播客今天至关重要的原因,分享有关他的课程的详细信息,并包括满意学生的视频推荐。


There's no getting around the need to build a case for purchasing your course. To do that, you'll need to identify specific pain points that your ideal customer experiences. But simply identifying pain points isn't enough. You have to paint a picture where not addressing your ideal customer’s current state could lead to a less than desirable future.

Once you’ve identified the customer's pain point, empathize. Empathy levels the playing field and creates a space where your ideal customer is now able to look to a positive future. It acts as a release mechanism and warms your prospect up to the idea of correcting or improving their situation.

Greg Todd identifies pain points in his video. He touches on COVID-19 and how it has created a different world. He then explains that this is the best time to create a new path that will help healthcare workers thrive in this new reality.



Detail is essential. Prospective students about to pull the trigger want to know exactly what they're getting, how it will be made available, and what the benefits of your offer are. Benefits are often misunderstood yet a highly important aspect of persuasive copy. When used correctly, they position your course as a truly valuable asset. To use benefits to your advantage, it's best to list them using bullets.


帕特·弗林(Pat Flynn)的会员营销课程使用子弹展示了什么,并清楚地说明学习者从每个想法中获得的价值收到了什么。


Images are a tricky subject when it comes to online content. Often, stock photography is used everywhere. We've all seen certain free stock images floating about on various websites more than once, devaluing what should be great content. Don't do this to your online course landing page.

First prize should be to take your own images of your course and content. These are going to look original and for more valuable than stock photos. They will help your audience perceive a closer approximation to what would be like to experience your online course. If you absolutely cannot take your own images, invest in premium stock photos. But make sure you get the best, and that they are closely aligned and relevant to your course material and audience.


社交证明是所有销售副本的典型元素。创建一个高转换的在线课程着陆页,要求您拥有强大的推荐书,以证明您的课程提供了商品。添加至少三个文本或两个功能强大的视频推荐,以突出在线课程的各个方面。这样,读者可以通过像他们这样的人的话语来欣赏您材料的各个方面。Caleb Wojcik使用视频推荐,这是一种证明他的课程有效的明智方法。


You can't sell a product without pricing. As you offer your course, be smart about the way you position your pricing. Effective online course landing pages don't just list a price, the attached value. Along with each price include copy snippets that show what your customer is going to receive. This way, they'll perceive your price as affordable and your course worth the investment.




  • Who is this course for?
  • 我从本课程中得到什么?
  • 我可以退款吗?
  • 我会得到支持吗?


在下面的示例中,Caleb Wojcik表明他知道买家在视频编辑上的在线课程中想要什么。他的常见问题解答高度具体且有良好的理解。






采用Caleb Wojcik的简历。它包括他的形象,并简要介绍他的职业和经验。

Put if all Together

With all of these elements your online course landing page will be powerful. The last step is to put them in order. Go through each section and create the necessary elements, paying attention to detail.


