Instagram上趋势的8个技巧 - Instagram影响者指南

With over500 million peopleusing the platform every day, Instagram is growing to be one of the top social networks. This makes it an excellent channel to market your product or brand as it gives you the opportunity to connect with millions of people. Among manyeffective Instagram marketing tactics, the best by far is to get trending on Instagram.


Instagram上趋势的8个技巧 - Instagram影响者指南:

What It Means to Trend on Instagram

So what exactly does it mean to trend on Instagram? It’s when your post shows up among the top results of an Explore page or a specific hashtag page. This brings you high levels of visibility, as your post shows up, even to non-followers.

Image Source:Instagram


So users who see your posts are likely to have interests relevant to your industry. In other words, trending on Instagram could even help you吸引新的追随者


How to Trend on Instagram


1: Create Outstanding Content

The first and most obvious tip is to create high-quality content that stands out. Content becomes trending because it manages to capture the audience’s attention and engage them. This is usually because it’s exceptional in quality, aesthetics, uniqueness, or even humour. It brings value to the users by providing them with entertainment.

For instance, take a look at the top trending posts for the hashtag #landscapephotography. They’re all breathtaking photos that immediately catch the eye. So it’s not surprising that they are trending for this hashtag.

Image Source:Instagram

Similarly, you need to create outstanding content that will immediately make people pause and engage. While there’s no guarantee that you will trend on Instagram with this content, producing quality content consistently improves your chances. It will make a huge difference when at least one of your posts get trending, as it can help you attract new and relevant followers.




这个改进能见度在相关搜索的意思s you can easily attract the right audience and increase your engagement rate. With high levels of engagement, your post has an increased chance of showing up among trending posts in relevant Explore pages.


You can find relevant and trending hashtags for your content using tools likekeywordtool.ioandhashtagify。您可以使用标签生成器工具来自影响者金博宝188备用网址营销中心。只需上传您的文件,该工具就会发现在您的帖子中使用的流行且相关的主题标签。

3: Create Your Own Branded Hashtags

Another excellent tactic tomarket your brand在Instagram上是通过创建自己的品牌标签并获得趋势。提出一个相关的特定品牌标签,并与您的关注者分享。鼓励他们使用主题标签创建自己的内容,并通过其连接来促进它。

The goal is to get as many people to use the hashtag as possible so that your brand gains recognition. This not only drives brand awareness but also helps you build a strong community, both of which are essential elements to trend on Instagram.

Take for example how Calvin Klein created the #mycalvins hashtag and turned it into a trend. As of today, there are over 760,000 Instagram posts using the hashtag.

Image Source:Instagram


Influencer marketing is another excellent way to trend on Instagram. Since influencers have massive and engaged followings, and their involvement could help you gain more engagement for your own content. You could feature them in your posts, have them take over your account, or have them promote your branded hashtags and contests to drive engagement.


For example, Siggi’s Dairy partnered with other complementary brands like Kodiak Cakes and Chameleon Cold Brew to run a giveaway contest. Their post managed to get on the trending page for the hashtag #healthyeating.

5: Tag Locations


If you manage to drive tons of engagement, you might even be able to land on the “Top” content section for that particular location.

Image Source:Instagram

6: Tag Other Accounts

在你的帖子标记其他相关账户nother effective tactic to get noticed. Ideally, you should do this with influential shoutout accounts that feature content from other users on a daily basis.

The goal is to get them to notice your content and hopefully give you a feature. This should help you gain a ton of visibility and drive more engagement to your account and posts.



If you look at the top post in the previous search results, you’ll see that the user has tagged the brand M.M.LaFleur. This is relevant because she is wearing the brand’s products and is working with them for an influencer campaign.


Timing is another crucial factor that influences the visibility and engagement on your posts. If you manage to publish your posts at a time when your audience is the most active, they’re more likely to see it and engage with it. If not, your post could end up getting buried toward the bottom of their feeds.

对于拥有业务资料的人,您可以从Instagram Insights中学到很多东西。此功能将向您展示您的最佳帖子和受众参与数据。在“观众”标签下,您将能够获得有关观众的更多见解,包括他们的位置,年龄范围和性别。

You can also see the hours and days when your followers are most active. Then you can use that information to come up with a publishing schedule to catch your audience at the best time.

Image Source:霍珀总部



While captivating content alone may help you drive significant engagement, you shouldn’t just settle for that. What you need is outstanding levels of engagement and getting as many people as possible to like and comment on your posts.

So in addition to a captivating photo or video, you should also include a caption that will entice people to like and comment. Include a prompt asking them to leave a comment about what they think of the post or their personal preferences and experiences.

Final Thoughts

Trending on Instagram could be the key to success for your business or personal brand. So make the most of these highly effective tips to gain more popularity on the platform and increase your chances of getting discovered through the Explore page.
