
504不适合企业网关超时错误s. They mean your site isn’t loading and that doesn’t just hurt visits and sales, it can impact SEO, too. The solution? There are quick and simple fixes, and where those fail more complex remedies.

In this blog, I’ll unpack what you need to know about 504 Gateway Timeout Errors. We’ll look at what they are, their causes, and how to diagnose them.


What is a 504 Gateway Timeout Error?



What Causes a 504 Gateway Timeout Error?

504 gateway errors are a result of a delay in server-to-server communication. When a request is made to visit a site, it moves from one webserver to another. The request is sent upstream to the server that hosts the website. When the upstream server takes too long to respond, the downstream server presents the 504 error message.

It’s important to note that while 504 errors involve user devices, user devices are rarely the reason for the error unless the device doesn’t have an internet connection or has an unstable one.

504 Gateway超时错误通常也与上游服务器无法处理的网络流量的涌入有关。当它们被超载时,它们会崩溃。服务器还可以遭受其他疾病,以防止它们发挥最佳功能,从而呈现504个错误。

The Class of 500 Errors

504 Gateway超时错误是11个,属于5xx状态代码类。这些包括:

1. 500 Internal Server Error


2. 501 Not Implemented

501 responses show when a server doesn't fulfill a request or can’t recognize the method through which the request is sent.

3. 502 Bad Gateway


4. 503服务不可用


5. 505不支持HTTP版本


6. 506变体也谈判(RFC 2295)

当transpar 506错误发生ent content negotiation for a request results in circular references. The request causes a loop that returns the error.

7. 507存储不足(WebDav; RFC 4918)


8.检测到508循环(WebDav; RFC 5842)

508 Loop Detected errors mean a server has encountered an immeasurable loop while handling your request.

9. 510不扩展(RFC 2774)


10. 511 Network Authentication Required (RFC 6585)


The Many Faces of the 504 Gateway Error

504 gateway errors often appear with different names given the variety of browsers and operating systems, server and server software available today. It’s possible that you may have seen one of the following:



“NGINX 504 Gateway Timeout”

“504 Gateway Timeout NGINX”


How 504 Gateway Timeout Errors Influence SEO

SEO is about optimizing websitesand web pages to return content that best answers a user’s question. And because 504 Gateway Timeout Errors cause downtime, they can negatively influence your SEO rankings.

When 504 errors occur, search engine spiders that constantly scour the net can’t get to your site. To spiders, your site appears to no longer be available. Most 504 errors are temporary and therefore have very little to no impact on a网站的SEO。这些案例还使用您的网站中的缓存页面处理,因此人们仍然可以访问信息。但是在可怕的情况下,站点停止了6个以上或更长时间,您的SEO将受到打击。

How do I Fix a 504 Gateway Error?


Try using mobile data. Your Internet Service Provider can be the reason for connectivity issues. To test yours, log off your WiFi and try and visit your site using mobile data.

Rebooting your modem and other network devices like repeaters is also a good idea. These sometimes can be responsible for poor internet connectivity. If your network devices aren't the problem, it’s time to dig deeper.

鉴于504个错误主要是服务器端问题,我将介绍您可以使用的基本逐步故障排除框架。它将涵盖连接性,DNS Gremlins,仔细检查服务器日志和防火墙配置以及网站错误。


Is your server down?

Today, it’s not uncommon for a site to live on more than one server. And when 504 errors occur, they can be a temporary issue. To figure out whether your site is down due to a server outage, visit your hosting provider’s site. Typically, hosting providers show server statuses and you’ll be able to tell if yours is down and why.

Has your DNS recently changed?




Server logs are a play-by-play record of all activities that take place on your site. They include web page visits, IP addresses of visitors, types of devices they use, pages that referred a visitor, and a code if a web page was not found.

Combing through server logs may not sound like fun, but can be helpful. For example, they can show any sudden spikes in web traffic and where it’s coming from, something that could help you better manage traffic flow and ease the burden on your site and server.


Firewalls act as your website’s line of defense. And while sophisticated, they still require human interaction to manage updates to firmware and software. It does, on occasion, happen that buddy updates wipe previous settings. When you review your firewall, you should be able to review updates applied, and if need be, roll back your last firewall profile.


Sifting through website code to spot errors sounds painful, but it’s necessary. To get to your code, you’ll need to FTP to your site using a client.

It’s likely not your CDN

While it may be considered, CDNs are seldom the reason for a 504 Error. As you can see in the image below, this example from Cloud flare shows that the broken link is the web server hosting the site.

在极少数情况下,它是云耀斑 - 相关的中断,您会看到以下情况:


Final Words: Start With The Easy Stuff

504 Gateway超时错误并不有趣,但是很有可能您不需要进行任何繁重的举重就可以看到您的网站重新栩栩如生。从简单的浏览器刷新开始。如果不起作用,请前往您的托管和CDN提供商网站进行网络状态更新。如果这些似乎不是原因,那就更深入地挖掘。

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