TikTok Money Calculator [Influencer Engagement & Earnings Estimator]

Tiktok Money计算器允许您根据您的参与度和关注者数量,从Tiktok帐户中计算出您的估计收入。这是针对Tiktok的“西方”版本的,而不是中文版本Douyin。

TikTok Influencer Engagement & Earnings Calculator

The tools below are not official TikTok tools and not in any way associated with or endorsed by TikTok. We developed this tool to provide earning potential guidelines to influencers. Ultimately, both the brand and influencer negotiate what they consider to be fair value for endorsing the product or service. This is only anestimationand can vary greatly by niche, country, audience location and audience brand affinity.

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Estimated Total Earnings by Account

Drag the sliders to calculate potential earnings






Estimated Earnings Per Post:

$0 - $0


与YouTube,你销售空间videos and channel page for advertising at a rate decided by Google, TikTok does not yet compensate most of its users for running ads on their posted photos. As such, TikTok influencers and brands don’t have an intermediary, or any set rates if they choose to work together. Brands make deals with influencers, and prices can vary markedly depending on the circumstances. However, one thing is consistent in nearly all cases - Influencers get paid more if they have both a high engagement rate, as well as a high number of followers. Brands have learned that you can easily buy followers who are of no practical value to anybody. Hence, they are far more interested in you having genuine followers, those who interact with your posts.

TikTok is currently trialing biddable ads, and this may change the way influencers can earn income on the platform in the future. According toadweek, TikTok has told agency partners in the U.S. that it is working on a biddable advertising option on the platform. With biddable ads, advertisers will be able to bid against one another for the ad impressions they want on a self-managed platform. Presumably, TikTok will develop some form of ad revenue-sharing program in the same way that YouTube has.

Obviously, the higher your engagement rate, the more successful brands will consider you, and the higher they will be willing to pay. It is difficult to find overall engagement rates for TikTok – all the published ones appear to wrongly equate engagement with the percentage of people opening the app once a day. However, like most social media networks you can calculate your individual TikTok engagement with the following formula: [(Number of hearts + number of comments)/number of followers] x100. You can calculate this either for a single post or overall. We suggest that you add together the figures for your last 20 posts when you make this calculation overall.


Data provided by Influencer Marketing Hub in association with The Influencer Marketing Factory

Related Tools:

tiktok标签生成器to increase your exposure and grow your following on Tiktok.

TikTok Follower Growth Trackerto see how many followers you have gained in the last 3 months.

Growing Your TikTok Account

Tiktok仍然相对较新,即使您允许其前世作为Muscial.ly。因此,人们仍在发现平台上成功的最佳方法。具有讽刺意味的是,最成功的方法之一是与另一个网络一起工作。一些顶级Tiktok影响者在YouTube上也表现出色,具有“ Best of Tiktok”类型的汇编 - 他们设法利用了YouTube已建立的广告系统。


You need to begin by asking why people would want to follow you. What do you offer that thousands of other accounts don’t? Is it entertainment? Are you a good singer, musician, dancer, or stand-up comedian? Are you so bad at those things that you can make your videos funny? Can you create entertaining prank videos? Can you motivate people or provide them with helpful hints to improve their lives? Or are you merely yet another lip-syncher who doesn’t add any value to your video clips?


NEW:Check out thetiktok标签生成器to increase your exposure and grow your following on Tiktok.

Perfect Your Profile

One of the most essential sections of TikTok is your profile. This is your “page” where you can establish your identity. You want your profile to appear attractive to your intended audience.

Your profile needs to highlight your identity as a creator. It needs to show your intended audience why they should subscribe to your page.

Your profile will be where you make your first impression to many people, so you want it to stand out from the crowd.


The type of videos you intend to share should be obvious to anybody looking at your profile.

Be careful, though, particularly if you are a typical young TikToker. Some creeps misuse TikTok. Don’t give away too much personal information on your profile, or upload image/videos that dodgy people may abuse. For this reason, you should ensure that nothing in the background of your images/videos give too much information about where you live.

Follow the Basic Rules and Conventions When Uploading Videos



Produce Consistent Content

You will also want to set up a consistent pattern so that your audience knows what to expect. There’s little point in being a “one hit wonder.” If people know to expect a specific type of video for you each Tuesday and Friday, they will begin to expect it and return to TikTok on those days to watch your latest video. They are also more likely to tell their friends about you, widening your audience further.


Ideally, you want all your niche-themed videos to have the same look and feel about them – you want to create your own style. This is true even if you are simply making lip-sync videos. Quite a few of the top TikTokers began making lip-synch videos, but the types of songs they chose, and the way they made the videos made them identifiably theirs.

If you’re uploading non-music videos, you want them to tell a story in your voice and style. You could have similar segments in each video or similarly shoot each video.

Engage with Your Audience

Don’t forget to interact with your viewers. Make sure that you reply to comments that people leave on your videos. It may seem like hard work to you, but it makes your followers believe you care and take notice of them.

Consider going live at times, interacting with your fans as you stream. Share the parts of your life you are happy to divulge to them. The more they believe they know you, the better they will feel about you and your videos. Performing live music may be challenging, but your fans will love it if you feel comfortable doing that. Otherwise, use your live sessions to discuss topics of interest to your fans, run Q&A session, and possibly have guests on your video.

Promote Your TikTok Videos on Your Other Social Channels

Promote your videos on your other social channels, and your blog, too, if you have one. The more people who know about your content, the more will watch and like it. The more you promote your content, the more additional followers you are likely to gain, and the closer you will be to being considered an influencer.

Improve Your Production Values Over Time

大多数人开始TikTok预算有限,equipment, and skills. Over time, you should be able to develop your skills, and hopefully, once you can generate money, you can improve your budget and equipment as well. The key to success on TikTok is to produce high-quality videos.

You should spend time learning the skills of successful film making. Try to make each video better than the last one.

Earning Money on TikTok

Until TikTok’s advertising network develops further, the easiest way for TikTok influencers to earn money is by making direct arrangements with brands. As people become better known on the platform, they will begin to have brands approach them with business propositions. Once you count your followers in the thousands, you can start to look at monetizing TikTok. Companies have been known to pay $200 to $20,000 per branded video promoted by influencers, depending on the individual’s level of influence.

一些有影响力的方式可以赚到钱买了下来Tok include:

  1. Promoting brands in your videos (just like any other form of influencer marketing), either directly or more indirectly (like an unboxing video or simply by wearing a fashion label’s clothes in your videos)
  2. 在其他平台上交叉宣传您的促销活动,例如,如果您从YouTube获得良好的收入,则可以使用Ti188滚球地址ktok频道将人们带到您的YouTube频道
  3. 使用您的Tiktok视频来推广您在某个地方出售的商品
  4. Creating live videos and receiving tips from your viewers (formerly called Live.ly, but now called Go Live).

social platforms used by marketers


How much money can I earn from TikTok?


How much can you make on TikTok?

与YouTube不同,Tiktok用户无法分享平台上的广告收入。因此,您必须找到其他方法来在Tiktok上赚钱。这使得您可以在Tiktok上增加变量的金额。但是,一旦您为自己取名,您在Tiktok上赚到的钱可能会非常有利可图。根据我们的Tiktok影响者参与和收益计算器的说法,Charli D'Amelio潜在地每张赚取$ 56,000- $ 94,000。

How do you make money on TikTok?

Although you can’t share in TikTok advertising revenue, successful TikTok performers can still make money on the platform. The most obvious way is by influencer marketing. If you can build a sufficient following of dedicated viewers, you can market yourself to brands to sell products to your audience’s demographic. Once you have keen followers, you can create and sell merchandise to them – particularly if you make your name in an unusual niche, rather than just lip-synching. You can also launch your career through TikTok.

Can you get rich on TikTok?

Enter any famous TikTok performer’s name into our TikTok Influencer Engagement and Earnings Calculator. You will see they have the potential to earn a healthy income from their TikTok activities. Indeed, if you enter your own username, you might be surprised by what you could gain. Sure, you don’t make your money directly from TikTok itself, but many famous TikTok stars make a living through influencer marketing. Forbes has calculated that Addison Rae made $5 million from her TikTok earnings last year.


The key to making money on TikTok is having millions of active, engaged followers. That may seem a daunting goal, but anyone can achieve this if they get the basics right. These include:
- understand your audience
- perfect your profile
- follow the basic rules and conventions when uploading videos
- produce consistent content
- engage with your audience
- promote your TikTok videos on your other social channels
- improve your production values over time
Learn the skills of successful film making and make each video better than the last.

How many followers do you need to get paid on TikTok?

