Instagram Influencer Sponsored Post Money Calculator

Instagram Money Calculatorallows you to calculate your estimated earnings from your Instagram account if you believe you are an influencer, based on your engagement and number of followers. Below are some stats relating to engagement on Instagram, followed by theInstagram Influencer Earnings Calculator.


Instagram Influencer Earnings Calculator




Unlike with YouTube, where you sell space on your videos and channel page for advertising at a rate decided by Google, Instagram does not compensate its users for running ads on their posted photos. Instagram is owned by Facebook, so it seeds Facebook ads on people's’ posts As such, Instagram influencers and brands don’t have an intermediary, or any set rates if they choose to work together . Brands make deals with influencers, and rates can vary markedly depending on the circumstances. However, one thing is consistent in nearly all cases - Influencers get paid more if they have both a high engagement rate, as well as a high number of followers. Brands have learned that you can easily buy followers who are of no practical value to anybody. Hence they are far more interested in you having genuine followers, those who interact with your posts.






随着时间的流逝,跟踪您的Instagram追随者增长很重要 - 使用此free tool to track any Instagram account's Follower Growth.







Instagram does not have a standard way of making money, unlike YouTube and its Google Ads. Therefore it is up to you, as an influencer, to find brands willing to pay you directly.

One caveat to this is if you are large enough to be accepted into one of the influencer marketing platforms. In this situation, you can register your interest, and if they accept you as being influential enough, they will include you in their databases, and suitable brands may well come to you if you meet the profile of the type of influencer they are looking for. We highlight the main金博宝188备用网址有影响力的营销平台在这里188滚球地址

Any Instagrammer wishing to earn money needs to make building up a strong and loyal following their priority task. You can help improve your standing here by:

  • 完善您的生物,因此很明显您是谁,您想跟随谁
  • 定期发布。像大多数社交媒体一样,Instagram喜欢看到定期发布的证据 - 当您觉得有业余时间时,不要突然挥霍
  • Post high-quality original photos. Try and take pictures using a decent camera, rather than simply using the one in your cellphone. You need to be known for producing seriously good content (which in the case of Instagram, is high-quality pictures)
  • 使用相关的主题标签,因此您的利基市场中的人会通过标记的图像找到您
  • 与您的追随者互动 - 评论并喜欢他们的图像,他们更有可能做同样的事情以换取您的图像。
  • 也看this article
  • 利用主题标签 - 使用Instagram主题标签生成器使用人工智能从图像中生成主题标签。

Sponsored Posts

品牌和Instagram影响者之间最常见的合作形式是通过赞助帖子。上面的计算器旨在显示赞助帖子的估计收入。In this situation, a brand will normally reach out to somebody it considers an influencer and offer to pay them to push out a sponsored image to their followers.


理想的赞助帖子显示了该品牌产品如何完美地适合Instagrammer的生活,以及它如何轻松地适应其追随者的生活。It is not unheard of for those with more than 100,000 followers to earn $700-$900 per photo. Those with 500,000 followers can command $2,000 to $3,000 per sponsored photo posted.

然后,当然还有超级巨星。金·卡戴珊·韦斯特(Kim Kardashian West)能够在其所有社交媒体平台上指挥300,000美元的帖子。188滚球地址当然,她的8710万个Instagram追随者确实把她放在了自己的一类!卡戴珊(Kardashian / Jenners)氏族的任何一个典型的职位通常至少赚取20万美元。通常,Instagramers创建内容,然后该品牌有权在其营销和网站上重用该内容。


只是作为一个博客可以促进一个附属产品on his or her blog, an Instagrammer can promote an affiliate product in his or posts. You could work with a site like股票寻找合适的产品来促进。

Of course, like all influencer marketing, this will only be effective if the product you are promoting fits nicely with your followers. If it looks simply like an ad for an unconnected product, your followers will be unimpressed and won't follow the link. They may even unfollow you in protest.

One technical hurdle with affiliate marketing on Instagram is that you share photos - not links. One way around this is to include the affiliate link (which you should put through a link shortener first) in your photo captions.

Use Your Instagram Account to Market Your Own Business

当然,如果您是一个成功的Instagrammer,足够大,可以被视为有影响力的人,则可以推广自己的产品。即使是大人物,例如贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)为此目的使用其Instagram帐户。这些类似于赞助的帖子,除了这次图像是您自己的产品的。

这se may be images of merchandise you have created especially because of your fame, for instance, a t-shirt promoting your Instagram feed, or they may refer to some business or product you are involved with. For instance, pop star Delta Goodrem has just used her Instagram account to launch a new香水线

Your aim, as an Instagrammer, is to build up both your following and your engagement. If you are successful in building both to high levels you definitely have the opportunity to make money through your Instagram account.


有趣的阅​​读:TikTok Influencer Engagement and Earnings Calculator



赞助帖子 - 上面的日历显示了您从赞助帖子中获得的估计收入。品牌将与有影响力的人联系,并愿意付钱以分享赞助的图像
会员营销 - Instagrammer可以在其帖子中促进会员产品
使用您的Instagram帐户营销您的业务 - 如果您是成功的Instagrammer,则可以推广自己的产品或商品


如果您在Instagram上有1000个关注者,则可能开始赚钱 - 特别是如果您是纳米影响者,通常会在一些高度利基的主题上发表帖子。在Instagram上以相对较小的追随者赚钱的关键是参与。品牌意识到,拥有1000个高度关注的追随者的人对他们来说比有10,000名无活动关注者或100,000个假装追随者的人没有更多的价值。您仍然可以在一个受欢迎的利基市场中运作,例如Beauty,但最初专注于一个狭窄的话题。


克里斯蒂安诺·罗纳尔多(Christiano Ronaldo) - $ 466,100- $ 776,833(估计平均价格)
Ariana Grande - $ 391,530- $ 652,550
Dwayne Johnson - $ 383,014- $ 638,356


您绝对不做的事情是购买Instagram关注者。有更好的合法方法可以在Instagram上建立关注点。首先在Instagram上建立清晰的声音 - 您想成为一个共享有关特定利基市场有价值的内容的人。尝试与您的帖子保持一致 - 您正在尝试建立感兴趣的受众。积极参与潜在的追随者内容。但是不要遇到垃圾邮件。不要在帖子上吹嘘太多 - 要真实和诚实。




您会在这篇文章中找到一张表,该表显示了Instagram和Twitter上的平均参与率。有一个明显的趋势 - 您拥有的关注者越少,他们的参与程度就越高。例如,Instagram帐户少于1,000名关注者平均参与度8%。当您查看具有<5,000个关注者的帐户时,这将下降到5.7%。随着追随者人数的增加,参与度继续下降:<10,000个追随者的4%,<100,000个关注者的2.4%,100,000多个关注者的关注者为1.7%。
