What is Referral Marketing and How Marketers Succeed by Tapping Into It?

推荐营销强烈连接word-of-mouth marketing. With referral marketing, your existing customers and brand advocates promote your products. In many ways, this has to be the ultimate in marketing practice. Why pay strangers to promote a product they have no feeling or passion towards when a brand already has people who love its products, and who are happy to tell the world their positive thoughts about the brand?


根据Nielsen research,92%的消费者信任他们认识的人的推荐。当朋友转介时购买的可能性要高四倍。据《纽约时报》报道,所有新业务中有65%来自推荐。这是您不应该忽略的一种营销。



As its name suggests, referral marketing involves somebody referring a product or service they like to their friends and family. It works because consumers trust the opinions of real people far more than they do those of the brands themselves.


Word of mouth marketing, where people share the news about a business, for example, on their social sites, is also considered to be a part of referral marketing.


Quite a few brands set up formal referral marketing programs. Brands that engage in referral marketing usually provide some form of incentive to people to give referrals.Dropbox例如,如果他们推荐朋友,请为其客户提供额外的存储空间。PayPalwas even prepared to pay cash for referrals.



您无法摆脱信任对决策的重要性。现代消费者,千禧一代和Z世代,特别是信任他们的朋友和家人的观点和建议。他们还相信他们学会尊重的其他人,例如有影响力的人。但是他们不信任品牌。他们还不信任正式的广告 - 尤其是那种统治着我们屏幕多年的古老风格的“在您的脸上”大声广告。他们使用技术来筛选这些广告。他们避免预定的电视,更喜欢遵循一般无广告的流媒体体验。他们不会像我们曾经这样做的那样阅读报纸和杂志,因此他们可以避免在那里展示广告。由于广告阻滞剂,他们可以最大程度地减少它们所忍受的在线广告。



营销人员还了解,要成功,他们需要改善目标。如果您将信息扩大到大众市场,则无法产生信任。有时这可能是名人营销的问题。当然,很多人可能会看到名人分享的新闻,但他们没有任何同理心 - 名人的生活与他们自己的生活太大了。取而代之的是,营销人员发现,激光针对传递他们的消息要好得多。推荐营销认识到大多数人的口味与他们的朋友的口味相似,因此它使用这些朋友向社交圈传达营销信息。

推荐营销还认识到人们本质上是社会的。人们自然会和他们的朋友交谈;他们告诉他们好的经历和不好的经历。很容易忘记“社会的" in social media. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the like are all designed to encourage people to be social over a longer distance and to a more extensive network than they can in their everyday local lives.


There is a wide range of businesses that engage in referral marketing.Referral Candy提供了79个推荐程序的列表。这些涵盖各种行业,包括时尚,美容和美容,电子和小工具,食品,饮料和补品,电子烟和蒸发器,家庭和宠物,教育与玩具,软件和数字商品以及服务。




推荐营销可以使用令人惊讶的广泛渠道。从技术上讲金博宝188备用网址,即使是影响者营销也是推荐营销的一个例子 - 影响者将产品的支持转介给其追随者。

At a base level, the most common referral channel is friends and family – and that can be achieved in multiple ways, such as in-person, by telephone, texting, emailing, by social media; indeed by any communications means used by everyday people.

有时,您会在新闻出版物中看到更正式的推荐营销示例 - 特别是如果该品牌做一些具有新闻价值的事情,这些东西可能会吸引普通人群的眼睛。这将包括赞助的一些流程效应。例如,一家公司可以在特定的体育体育场支付命名权。大都会人寿为新巨人和纽约喷气机的故乡大都会人寿体育场命名的赞助协议可能不是传统意义上的推荐营销。但是,每当体育场在媒体上提及时,大都会人寿就会有效地获得更多的品牌认可。









Therefore you will gain better results if you provide some incentive to your customers for a positive referral.

您可以考虑许多积极的激励措施。如上所述,贝宝(Paypal)向粉丝付了推荐。Dropbox提供了其他数据存储。特斯拉向他们的拥护者和他们的朋友 - 高价商品的销售商提供了1,000美元,当然可以提供更高的价值推荐激励措施。


A firm with a quality product will get many positive referrals for free. The customers happily spread the word about a product they like. However, if you have chosen to encourage this process and set up a referral scheme, then you should probably give it a little nudge, to improve the number of referrals people give you.




Some firms seem scared that a referral program may be too successful, and they place awkward limitations and conditions on it, limiting their liability. Other firms run a legitimate referral program, but make it too complicated for many customers, who then find it easiest to ignore the referral program when they buy the product – even if they like the product and would happily recommend it.


Make Your Product Experiences Easily Shareable


You can do this in many ways. For example, you can package your product in such a way that it makes for an interesting unboxing video. You can also create a distinct brand personality that encourages people to discuss your product.



It's best to think of a referral program like an additional product in your product line – one where the brand pays the customer for a service, rather than vice versa. This can be quite different to everything else that a firm sells, so it's essential that every relevant person understands how the scheme works.

This is particularly important for the firm's employees. They need to be educated on how the referral scheme operates, so they can explain it to customers as easily as they can explain the benefits of the firm's product range.

Offer Impeccable Customer Service

No matter how good a referral program you may create, it will never succeed if you don’t give your customers a pleasant experience. You need to step up your customer service to a level where clients feel they can genuinely sing your praises. People want you to hear them, and they want you to solve their problems. Make sure that your customer support staff is always responsive, authentic, and consistent when communicating with your customers.
