

Twitch Alerts - Why You Should Use Them:

What are Twitch Alerts?

Twitch Alerts are special notifications that a streamer can set to pop up in their stream to acknowledge donations and other interactions with their viewers. You can have a mixture of Twitch sound alerts, graphics alerts, and even animated video clips.

但是,您不能仅通过登录Twitch网站并启动流来找到并使用Twitch警报。虽然您可以以这种简单的方式进行流式传输,但您的选项有限,并且不能使用Twitch警报,叠加层或其他类型的附加组件。相反,您需要下载specialist streaming software,例如obs Studio或shiplabs obs(两者都是免费的),然后下载合适的Twitch警报和其他流层叠加层以爵士乐。


Alerts are triggered whenever a viewer performs specific actions, such as following or donating. They inform both the streamer and their viewers about the event.

Styles of Twitch Alerts


  1. Pop-up notifications – as with most online pop-ups, pop-up notifications appear on a viewer's screen for a short time, on top of the streaming broadcast, before disappearing. They usually stand out from the background action, allowing the streamer to thank somebody or highlight some important piece of information
  2. Stream trackers/widgets – stream trackers and widgets are generally permanent sections of the screen graphics. They will often be visible (as an empty box) even when the streamer isn't displaying a message. Stream trackers are usually a portion of the screen that looks like a ticker-tape scrolling across the screen, carrying some message. You have probably seen similar trackers on TV news and sports events. Some channels even run continuous scrolls of stock prices or currency exchange rates. On the other hand, widgets are usually a fixed area of the screen, dedicated to showing alerts, thank-yous, and other notifications.



与许多抽搐警报包括一个音频文件the pop-up notification, stream tracker, or widget. Indeed some streamers rely solely on sound alerts to convey that something has happened affecting the stream. You might even be able to play a short audio/video clip catching your streaming persona as an alert.

Why Should You Use Twitch Alerts

Twitch alerts add to the overall appearance and atmosphere of your stream. However, they have more uses than just the beautification of your livestream.



And your alerts don't have to be the same as everybody else's. You can customize your alerts for different situations with varying text, graphics, and sounds.


One simple use for a Twitch alert is to notify all your viewers whenever somebody new follows you or subscribes to your channel. You would typically just write their name (or more commonly username) on the screen and welcome them to your channel.




You can use Twitch Alerts to thank your followers and other supporters for the ways they help you. For example, if somebody makes a particularly insightful comment, you might give them an in-stream shout-out via a Twitch Alert.

These don't have to be set and forget tools, either. For example, you might consider some people worthy of both a spoken shout-out and a screen appearance on a Twitch Alert. Some gamers even incorporate their best followers into their gaming. For example,ImperialJedi,谁在网上扮演城市天际线,有时将公园和他的城市的其他地区命名为与他互动并提出有益建议的人。



4. Use Your Twitch Alerts to Help Market Your Products / Merchandise



Twitch Alerts can become part of a virtuous circle. Streamers often use them to thank people who have helped them out somehow, including donating money. Viewers, in turn, see this on-screen recognition and feel closer to their favorite streamers. The on-screen message, sometimes coupled with a shout-out or a funny sound, makes the viewers believe the streamer cares. This makes them even more likely to renew their pledges and continue to pay in the future.

您还可以使用Twitch警报来强调人们可以帮助您的方式,例如不同的Patreon级别,或者他们如何在频道中使用Twitch lits使您受益。

您甚至可以从捐赠给您的观众中制作一场游戏。例如,每当有人为您的频道贡献一定数量时,您可能会设置警报以发出大声的噪音。德文·纳什(Devin Nash)尝试了这一点,并意外地设法用警报吓到自己


Streamers use alerts for many different reasons, which often impacts the types of alerts that they select. Some typical types of streamer alerts include:

1. New Follower Alerts

You can set these so that when somebody pushes the purple Follow button (while you are streaming), an alert will come up on the screen notifying everybody that the newcomer is now part of the channel community.


2. Subscriber Alerts (new Subscribers / Re-Subscribers / Gifted Subscribers / Twitch Prime Subscribers)





4. Host Alerts


5. Raid Alerts


在流的尽头,“ Raider”将键入 /突袭,然后是他们打算在频道的聊天流中突袭的频道名称。这触发了一条固定的聊天消息,其中有10秒钟的倒计时,最初使用不活动的RAID NOW按钮。在10秒结束时,您可以立即单击RAID以执行RAID,尽管如果您在80秒之前不取消它,它将自动运行。然后,袭击者的观众将看到一条固定的聊天消息,让他们知道他们正在参加突袭。

When the raid begins, viewers on the channel being raided receive a chat message " is raiding with a party of ."

如果你设置一个袭击警报,然后发射ing end of a raid, your alert will trigger and create a message on your stream that introduces yourself and thanks the newcomers for coming.


No matter what type of alert you choose, whether it be text, graphical, or a Twitch sound alert, you should customize your alerts to match the style and nature of your streaming channel. Don't necessarily keep the default values and wording. Instead, experiment and establish what works best for your streaming style with your audience.

Many of the alerts you download let you customize fonts, colors, sizes, screen placement, text, graphics, and even the audio file you use in the case of Twitch sound alerts. You may even be able to alter the timing for when Twitch Alerts arrive and disappear from your screen.


将Twitch警报添加到您的频道的确切方法将取决于您选择的流软件。用于流的最常见软件是免费的开源程序,OBS Studio, althoughStreamlabs也很受欢迎。ORS3D有一个深入的指南如何使用obs。其中包括如何添加流层叠加层和警报到OBS的演练,包括诸如FaceCam,捐赠,关注者等部分。您甚至可以将完整的场景导入OBS。

OWN3D REC建议您使用smartlabs将Twitch警报添加到您的频道中。如果使用该软件,您将在Widgets-> Alertbox的仪表板中找到所有警报的设置。其中包括您的小部件URL和选择要使用的警报类型的地方。您还可以修改一些默认值,例如图像的对齐,警报的文本,字体颜色和延迟的默认值。您可以为您激活的每种警报输入设置。您可以设置设置的任何警报的图像,声音和动画。完成所有设置时,将窗口小部件URL复制到OBS中的浏览器源。



  1. Hype Train – a celebration when viewers unite to support a Partner or Affiliate. You can use a Hype train to challenge viewers to come together to reach epic levels of hype by contributing by supporting in some way like subscriptions or Bits within a set timeframe. It rewards participants for keeping the train going longer
  2. 庆祝活动是在屏幕上覆盖的动画效果,庆祝社区礼物和欢呼。您可以根据自己对频率和赠品级别的偏好设置级别。

Twitch Stream Alerts from OWN3D.

如果您在线查找,您会发现令人惊讶的Twitch警报范围非常广泛。发出这些警报的一位专家是own3d。They offer a full range of overlays, streams, and tools you can use to improve the quality of your streams. They also make OWN3D Pro, an OBS Studio plugin you can use when streaming on Twitch, YouTube, or Facebook, although their alerts are only supported by Twitch.

own3d pro

您可以下载Ohner3D Pro是一个插件,可让您访问600多个高级叠加层,警报和小部件的库。该系列有9多种语言可供选择,使其可用于世界上大部分人口。

The package includes a 1-click overlay and alert installer, meaning you can have your stream set up how you want it in seconds once you have decided on the look you want. You can even install a Twitch chatbot, allowing you to monitor your chat while rewarding your community with giveaways.

own3d procurrently includes access to 472 premium Twitch alerts, as well as many overlays, stream labels, and copyright-free music.


为您的实时流程找到广泛的own3D流警报和其他附加组件的替代场所是该公司的own3d.tvwebsite。您会发现超过150个高级抽搐警报,用于OBS,流式,YouTube或Facebook。每个软件包都包括抽搐跟随警报,抽搐捐赠警报,子警报等。此外,如果您想要集成的外观,通常会在网站其他地方找到匹配的图形。他们还使用这些匹配叠加层,面板,横幅和动画出售完整的包裹。他们的许多警报和其他产品用于特定游戏,例如Fortnite,LoL,Dution Call of Call of Call of Call of Call,Pubg,offwatch,Hearthstone,Rainbow Six和Dota 2。
