Top 10 Metaverse Games to Immerse Yourself Into (2022)



Metaverse: Live, Immersive Extended Reality


Real people use online games and apps to enter and interact with others in these 3D "worlds," where they represent themselves as avatars. The activities in these virtual communities reflect those in the physical world. Players can create items, sell or buy them, and invest and reward others. The168博金宝 seamlessly blends games, virtual reality, live-streaming, cryptocurrencies, and social media as players move across an ecosystem of competing products. For instance, a player who acquires a digital art piece from one game, which is developed by a certain company, can use the same item in another game made by a different company.

Unlike more common digital games today, things happen in real-time in the metaverse—no pauses, game overs, or resets. Moreover, fast internet connections and powerful virtual reality headsets provide immersive experiences, including 360-degree views of the digital environment. Haptic gloves and jackets offer a physical sense of touch.



Even before Mark Zuckerberg renamed Facebook to Meta in 2021, other companies have been at the forefront of metaverse development. Here are some of the leading pioneers and early movers:

  • 史诗般的游戏

Epic Games是Fortnite的创建者,Fortnite是2017年发行的多人射击游戏。它已演变为数字活动的地方,用户可以参加舞蹈派对和虚拟音乐音乐会。

Epic Games继续为开发人员和非创造者提供端到端的解决方案,以制作,分发和操作游戏以及其他内容。它的开发人员可以在品牌和平台上移动,包括索尼,微软,任天堂,PC,iOS和Andro188滚球地址id。

  • 微软

Microsoft是与工作相关的软件领导者,在2014年收购Minecraft的早期,由总部位于斯德哥尔摩的Mojang于2009年创建的Metaverse的前景。他们可以用来建立自己的世界并捍卫自己的怪物工具。首席执行官萨蒂亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)在宣布2022年收购Activision Blizzard时,他打算在Metaverse中保持领先地位,这是该公司的打算。

  • Roblox




  • nvidia

NVIDIA是电力游戏PC的图形处理单元的行业领导者之一,也深入了Metaverse。它已经为Omniverse™推出多年了。凭借其在2020年推出的Beta版本,该模拟和协作平台可以在现实世界中创建具有实际用途的工具,例如具有虚拟助理功能的3D化身。创始人兼首席执行官詹森·黄(Jensen Huang)表示,Omniverse将作为单个创作者的开源工具提供。

  • Niantic

Niantic是一家软件开发公司,以使2016年增强现实(AR)手机游戏口袋妖怪GO闻名。然而,与大多数元群体的拥护者不同,创始人兼首席执行官约翰·汉克(John Hanke)相信,使人们更接近现实世界,而不是相反。该公司在2021年的“在那里见面”运动中传达了这一点,强调了AR增强现实世界体验的能力。竞选活动开始前几周,它发布了Lightship AR开发人员套件。

Meanwhile, it expects to fully roll out its bitcoin-collection AR game called Fold, which will be available via app in 2020.



  • 可靠的互联网连接

The faster the speed of your internet package is, the better.

  • A virtual reality headset

VR gadgets can run into thousands of dollars but you have options—from Google Cardboard (which makes use of your smartphone and a cardboard viewer) to headsets connected to a PC (Valve, Sony, HTC, and HP) or console and wireless units (Oculus Quest).

  • PC或移动设备

If you won't be using a stand-alone headset, you'll need a PC or smartphone on which to connect your headset.

  • 区块链钱包

You'll need a blockchain wallet if you'd like to play metaverse games that involve the use of cryptocurrencies or digital money.

10 Best Metaverse Games

Here are 10 metaverse games to try now:

1。Axie Infinity

越南人Sky Mavis于2018年发行了Axie Infinity。受Pokemon的启发,该游戏具有称为Axies的幻想生物,玩家可以繁殖,提高,收集和交易。每个生物都有超过500个身体部位,您可以自定义。轴的后代根据其基因组合获得新的力量和特征。


该游戏中的虚拟宠物和其他物品的价值是由区块链技术管辖的非杀菌令牌(NFTS)或数字所有权的形式。玩家还可以找到学者或与他们一起借出的三个轴的人,以便他们可以赚取令牌。游戏的主要货币称为Axie Infinity碎片或斧头。同时,玩家因击败对手并完成游戏中的任务而获得平滑的爱情药水或SLP代币。轴和SLP令牌对于繁殖轴是必需的。


阿根廷二人组Ari Meil​​ich和Esteban Ordano于2020年向公众开放。使用Mana加密货币,您可以在这个虚拟空间中创建头像,购买可穿戴设备并购买房地产,包括90,000多个土地包裹。作为土地所有者,您可以租用很多东西 - 尺寸为16个虚拟平方米,或任何内容:房屋,酒店,公园,电影院,赌场以及您有什么。您还可以通过组织音乐会和出售门票,建立拍卖数字艺术的展览等来赚取收入。Metamask是玩家在此平台上使用的流行数字钱包之一。


Sandbox于2012年首次由Pixelowl联合创始人Arthur Madrid和法国的SébastienBorget推出。这是另一个用户生成的平台,在该平台中,用户(表示为块状可自定义的化身)成为他们通过区块链和智能合约创建的用户。

沙盒有三个主要产品。Voxedit是一种3D建模工具,您可以在其中创建化身,车辆,植物,动物,工具和其他物体。您可以将您的创作出口到Sandbox的第二个产品The Marketplace中,您可以在其中出售商品。最终产品是游戏制造商,用户可以在不使用代码的情况下开发3D游戏。

沙箱中的主要货币称为沙子。您可以获取和交易土地和庄园(一系列土地),您可以从沙箱地图中进行选择。您还可以选择在Open Sea NFT市场上提供这些物业。



玩家从伊利夫环境中发掘出他们的盔甲和武器。您可以在比赛和任务之后以Illuvium Crypto或ILV的形式获得奖励,并在Illuvidex上交换您的ILV。


Chromia是一个区块链游戏工作室,由Chromaway于2014年成立,目的是将游戏玩家通过以太坊将其游戏中资产的所有者变成。游戏的官方货币也称为Chromia(Chr)。以下是Chromia在2019年收购的公司Antler Interactive创建的顶级游戏。






拼图和迷宫爱好者将享受一款冒险游戏Krystopia,您进入了Space Explorer上尉Nova Dune的鞋子,他从中发现了一个神秘的遇险信号后,前往Krystopia行星。Nova和她的外星宠物Skrii会遇到其居民,并在此过程中面临逃生的房间型挑战。

WAX的游戏(Worldwide Asset Exchange™)

At least three-quarters of all game-related NFT transactions reportedly happen on WAX games, with over 15 million transactions happening on the platform daily (more than Ethereum). Here are three of WAX’s most popular games:

8。Alien Worlds

Launched in 2020, Alien Worlds tasks you to mine Trilium—the official in-game currency—from six planets as a space explorer. Each planet has its own elected government and your "voting rights'' depend on how much TLM you stake on a planet.







The creators of the Prospectors describe it as a multi-player economic strategy game that takes you to the 19th-century Wild West. The object of the game is to acquire gold that you can convert into the official game currency, Prospectors Gold.

At the start of the game, you get three workers whom you can deploy to work for you or others. For starters, your workers can build a mine for you and start mining. You can mine on free land, but you'll have to rent land to build structures on it. Unpaid rent will result in land being blocked and your belongings on it being put up for auction.


Who first coined the term metaverse and what is it like?

metaverse这个词首次出现在1992年sci -fi novel "Snow Crash" by Neal Stephenson. Like in today's virtual reality games, the characters in the novel also use avatars of themselves to interact with others in that dystopian virtual space, which they can access using personal equipment or public ports. A snow crash happens when a hacking attack, computer virus, or digital drug corrupts a person's connection in Metaverse. It won't only harm the online avatar but cause the real-world user to suffer brain damage. Stephenson said in an interview that his idea for snow crash was inspired by the black and white static that displays on the screen of a broken TV set. However, the author clarified that he isn't involved with the rebranding of Facebook in any way.


While metaverse supporters are pushing for its wider accessibility, accomplishing the dream could take decades due to current challenges. Besides requiring higher bandwidth in more geographic locations, there are standards and regulations governing the internet. Moreover, integrating the systems that run the likes of Google, Facebook, and Amazon remains to be seen. In the meantime, fanatics can enjoy the best of what metaverse can offer through gaming.
