The Complete Guide to TikTok’s Talent Manager Portal

随着恒定的更新和新功能的增加,Tiktok正在慢慢变成内容创作者的天堂。该平台已经通过大量创新工具来培养用户的创造力,以帮助创建内容。并与TikTok算法enabling new creators to quickly build their name, it’s no surprise that influencer marketing is thriving on the platform. Now TikTok has just introduced a new Talent Manager Portal to help streamline these influencer partnerships.


TikTok Talent Manager Portal Guide:


人才经理Portal是Tiktok于2023年1月作为其创造者市场的一部分提出的更新。如果您不熟悉它,TikTok Creator Marketplaceis a place for TikTok creators and brands to collaborate. Creators can showcase their profile and portfolio in the marketplace and brands can discover influencers relevant to their campaign.


Talent Manager Portal on TikTok




How Creators Can Benefit from the Talent Manager Portal

So what’s the big deal with the new Talent Manager Portal? Why should creators care about it and why should they consider using it once it goes live for everyone? Let’s take a look at some of the key ways in which creators can benefit from the Talent Manager Portal.

Unlocking the benefits of talent manager portal for creators

Save Time to Focus on Content Creation

One of the most obvious benefits of the Talent Manager Portal is that it helps content creators save time. Since the portal enables your talent manager to handle everything on your behalf, you get to save tons of time and focus on creating new content consistently. You don’t have to keep track of and manually review every new deal that comes your way. And you won’t have to spend hours poring over lengthy and complex partnership contracts when you can have a professional doing all that for you.

同样,您也不必担心亲自回复每个品牌信息。您的人才经理将处理所有这些,以及您将来需要考虑的任何创造性反馈。结果,您首先要专注于使您成为内容创建者的原因 - 提出新的想法并开发新内容以保持观众的参与度。




The Talent Manager Portal simplifies it for you by giving you a unified view of all your TikTok brand partnerships. Moreover, you can entrust a professional talent manager to manage all of this on your behalf, so you don’t have to deal with the hassle on your own.

Improve Your Relationships with Brand Partners

Maintaining a relationship with brands is no joke. From negotiating contracts to reviewing deliverables to handling feedback–there’s a lot of back and forth involved that could have a huge impact on the brand-creator relationship. If things aren’t handled well and in a professional manner, there’s a chance something could go wrong.

Late responses or miscommunications, for instance, could affect your future partnerships with said brands. In the worst-case scenario, you might lose the opportunity to continue working with the brand. As such, your relationship and communications with brand partners must be efficiently and professionally managed.




This increased responsiveness and professional communications will then translate to improved brand partner relationships that can subsequently influence future opportunities. For instance, brands may feel more inclined to work with you again when you have a good relationship with them.

Maintain Your Account Security

为什么的主要原因之一Tiktok创作者are hesitant to work with talent managers is the possibility of having to share access to their accounts. Since you’d need the talent manager to review potential partnership offers and manage your brand communications, the assumption is that you’d have to give them access to your account. While most TikTok talent managers out there are reliable, there’s the off chance that you might come across scammers and unscrupulous individuals who can put your account security at risk.

Fortunately, using the Talent Manager Portal means that you only need to give your talent manager access to your Creator Marketplace account. Since the access is kept separate from your TikTok account, this adds an extra level of security for content creators. You can safely trust someone else to handle all your brand partnerships and communications while maintaining your account security.


Now that we’ve clearly established the benefits of the Talent Manager Portal for creators, it’s time to explore howTikTok talent managers可以利用它。仔细研究Tiktok人才经理Portal的一些关键功能。





Get an Overview of Influencer Stats and Rates

The Talent Manager Portal makes it easy to get a quick overview of an influencers’ stats and rates. That means you don’t have to switch to another platform or manually sort through a spreadsheet to look up those numbers when striking up a new deal with potential brand partners. You can quickly reference the influencer’s audience size, view count, and engagement from the right-hand panel.

Additionally, the rates are prominently visible just below those stats. This will come in handy when handling contract negotiations and reviewing offers. You can even edit the rate as needed so the information is always up to date.




The ability to view an influencer’s audience demographics is another key feature that will come to good use for talent managers. The Talent Manager Portal gives a detailed breakdown of the types of audience that make up a TikTok creator’s follower base. You can then compare this information with the target audience of potential brand partners, allowing you to easily review and assess the relevance of new partnership requests.

Having a clear view of a creator’s audience demographics will give you an idea of whether the creator will be able to reach the type of users that a brand is targeting. This will then help you decide if the creator can help the brand achieve its campaign goals. In other words, you can quickly make decisions about whether the creator should accept or decline a potential brand partnership.


Besides a creator’s basic stats, the TikTok Talent Manager Portal also lets you view the core metrics related to their performance. It shows you data related to the creator’s views per video, 6-second video views, completion rate, engagement rate, engagements, and followers growth rate. Further, it shows you a breakdown of the types of engagements they get such as the number of shares, likes, and comments.

TikTok Core Performance Metrics for Creator


This information can give you leverage when negotiating rates and contracts with potential brand partners. You’ll be able to instantly access and present the data to establish the value that a content creator can add to the campaign.

Moreover, having a clear view of these core performance metrics will also inform how you can bettermanage your talent. The metrics give you an idea of what needs improving, so you can work with the creator to bring up those numbers and ensure that they bring even more value to brand partnerships.

Keep Track of All Your Client’s Campaigns


You can easily keep track of pending campaigns (ones that are still in review or negotiation stage) and active ones. Additionally, the finished and inactive campaigns are sorted under separate tabs so as to avoid any confusion.


Campaign list


Review Offers and Negotiate Contracts in One Place

人才的活动管理功能的人ager Portal aren’t just limited to tracking. In fact, you can easily review offers and negotiate contracts on behalf of your clients using a single platform. You’ll be able to propose changes to the contract or payment terms and negotiate partnerships that are beneficial to your clients. That means your conversations won’t be all over the place and you get to streamline your communication with potential and existing brand partners.

What the Talent Manager Portal Means for the Future of TikTok

Once the Talent Manager Portal goes live for everyone, it’s expected to help revolutionize theinfluencer marketing landscape on TikTok. Not only will it simplify brand partnership management even for celebrity-level influencers, but it will also enable TikTok talent managers to improve efficiency.



The Talent Manager Portal is a new feature introduction to the Creator Marketplace that will allow talent managers to review offers and manage brand partnerships on behalf of content creators.

What are the Benefits of the Talent Manager Portal?

The Talent Manager Portal makes it easier to manage brand partnerships in one place, enabling creators to focus on content creation and talent managers to easily negotiate contracts for their clients.


Some of the key features of the Talent Manager Portal include–campaign tracking, contract negotiation, metrics tracking, and feedback management.

Who is the TikTok Talent Manager Portal for?



To use the Talent Manager Portal, creators only need to provide access to their Creator Marketplace account. So the security of their actual TikTok account isn’t compromised.
