
我们在Lytehouse一个影响力金博宝188备用网址营销机构,encourage brands to rethink their approach to influencer marketing.随着影金博宝188备用网址响者营销的发展,品牌已经磨练了他们的竞选策略,但是一种流行的影响者营销方法限制了这些活动的成功。我们鼓励品牌重新考虑其影响者营销的方法。金博宝188备用网址就是这样:



Most influencer marketing campaigns start with a simple goal: have popular, well-polished people promote a brand in order for the brand to gain popularity. From there, brand marketers hone in on the objectives and key performance indicators, or KPIs, that they will track over the course of the campaign to measure its success. These brand objectives can range from building brand awareness and introducing new audiences to the brand to achieving a certain sales goal. Objective-setting is a natural first step in planning a campaign strategy, as it helps establish the “why” behind your campaign and makes clear the reason for its existence in the first place.


The Limitations of a Data-Forward Strategy

Setting benchmarks and selecting platforms and content types prior to selecting influencers greatly limits the efficacy of an influencer marketing campaign. Marketers can often undervalue the “influencer” part of influencer marketing, prioritizing numbers while undervaluing the importance of individual influencers when strategizing campaigns. As the industry has grown and marketers need to scale up their campaigns to meet demand, it is easy to reduce influencers to their quantitative features—their following size, engagement rates, and their fees. This allows marketers to quickly select a large group of influencers who, on paper, appear to be good—and cost-effective—matches for the campaign.

数值数据isimportant to look at when selecting influencers, but looking at quantitative data alone will only provide a surface-level look at an influencer, ignoring the qualitative aspects that are equally important, such as brand affinity, content quality, comment sentiment or relationship to their followers, storytelling ability, and expertise.



拥抱一个有影响力的第一方法instead of one that begins with benchmark metrics will allow your brand to further hone in on the “why” behind your campaign, identifying and working with the key influencer partners who are selected for their creative content as well as their ability to speak to your brand’s target customers in an authentic tone. This approach is also platform agnostic, with the campaign solidifying where to market based on the individual profiles of influencers. For example, instead of limiting oneself to Instagram content, a campaign might expand to include TikTok and YouTube content based on securing an influencer with a bigger following on those platforms. Planning out a campaign in this way allows your brand the opportunity to expand the reach of your campaign in a natural way and market on different social media platforms, capturing varying audiences while measuring multiple KPIs across the various social channels.

Casting the Right Influencers


Metrics like following size and engagement rates should still be taken into consideration when considering influencers, but evaluate these numbers in tandem with the qualitative aspects of the influencers, as a large following and strong engagement rate mean little if the actual content that the influencer provides for your brand does not match up with the brand’s identity or reach the brand’s target consumers. Additionally, a large following or even a high engagement rate does not always equate to actual influence or purchase power. Audiences may follow an influencer they view as aspirational and engage with the influencer’s content but may not buy the products that the influencer promotes, for example. That is why it is important to look at the data but also dive deeper into what the numbers mean since they do not tell the whole story.




取而代之的是,在谈话要点允许有影响力的人呼吸空间,以便采用竞选概念并将其做出。Establish an approval process that will allow the brand to provide some feedback and cut out any content that is truly not aligned with the brand’s vision for the campaign, but keep an open mind when reviewing submitted content and remember that one of the biggest values of working with influencers is that they know their audiences inside and out and therefore know what types of content they will and will not engage with. After all, you are booking an influencer because of their expertise in content creation, so know when to let go and embrace creative content, even if it veers outside the expected. In a world where out-of-the-box ideas are needed to break through an oversaturated ad space, the top-performing branded content can often come from unexpected places.





一旦您投掷了影响者并与他们合作以最终确定创意策略,并分解了他们创建的内容类型以及他们在何处激活的内容,是时候对您的广告系列设定基准期望了。为什么我们建议在游戏中这么晚做这件事?设定基准测试后,一旦您巩固了演员阵容和策略,您的品牌就可以设置现实的基准,并以真实的历史数字为后盾,并且过去的影响者数据指导您的期望。When brands set benchmarks at the outset of planning a campaign, those numeric goals tend to be vague and based on industry-wide expectations rather than realistic and specific data, which results in the brand being disappointed with a campaign’s actual performance even though their benchmarks were not based on realistic data to begin with.







Some brands even contract influencers to develop content that will仅有的be posted on brand-owned channels as a way to supplement social media content created in-house. Brands know that audiences engage better with influencer-created content than with brand-created content.









阿曼达·索伦森(Amanda Sorenson)在社会利利特(Socialyte)和莱特豪斯(Lytehouse)担任品牌战略副总裁六年。在Lytehouse之前,Amanda在Fashion PR工作了五年,担任从精品公关公司到大型时尚品牌的职位。阿曼达(Amanda)于2015年进入了影响金博宝188备用网址者的营销领域,看到了一个巨大的机会,可以帮助品牌在数字景观中增长,提供可衡量的回报。阿曼达(Amanda)对有影响力的空间有着广泛的了解,在品牌,代理商,经理和人才之间拥有数百个个人关系。她在竞选战略中表现出色,并优化有影响力的营销策略,以帮助品牌实现并超越其目标。金博宝188备用网址
