
你知道吗社交网络是最具影响力的渠道when people are looking for inspiration to make a purchase? If you have a startup and you’re looking to acquire new customers and grow your brand, you can’t ignore social media marketing.





In this article, let’s take a look at some of the best startup social media marketing strategies that can take your business to the next level. With these clever strategies, your brand can also stand out among your competitors.


Twitter,Instagram,Facebook,Twitch,LinkedIn,Pinterest,Reddit等 - 社交媒体渠道的数量不断增加。虽然很高兴能在多个渠道上存在,但您可能想pick one or two channelsthat you want to focus on.

如果你想抓住你的目标的注意udience, you need to make your presence felt on the channel that they are most active on. Before you pursue any social media platform, just take a step back to understand your target audience. Find out where your startup’s target audience spends most of their time.

For instance, if you have a company that sells baby products, your target audience is likely to be new moms and dads. So, which social media platform should be their focus?

According to Pinterest, roughly 80% of US moms use their platform. Furthermore, 40% of parents in the US use Pinterest. Clearly, startups targeting parents can’t ignore Pinterest.






在调查中,64% of respondentssaid that a marketing video on Facebook influenced their purchase decision in the past month.

When it comes to the type of content, video brings in a lot of different options. For a startup, you could boost awareness with tutorials and product reviews. To launch a new product, you could do a live video to give your audience a sneak peek into what’s in store for them.


保持社交媒体视频短暂,以确保您获得更多参与。或者您可以上传详细的视频on YouTube and just publish snippets from it on other platforms




The best way to get your brand noticed on social media is to leverage trending topics. On Twitter and Facebook, you can easily check the insights to see what people are talking about. In addition to this, you could check Google Trends to find out what’s trending.

For events like Christamas, Halloween, or Valentine’s Day, you can提前计划运动。您已经提前知道,这将在特定日期趋势。但是要找出新闻中的内容,您必须注意。


Facebook and Twitter provide you with complete insights regarding the top trends on social media. You can use that information to create a social media marketing plan for your startup. You need to keep an eye on all of the latest trends and see which ones you are relevant to your brand.

Patagonia is an American clothing company that sells outdoor clothing. While it’s a big company, startups can sure learn a lesson or two from their social media strategy.

In the light of the global climate strike, Patagonia has lent their support to the movement. They have published photos and videos on their Instagram page that talk about climate, sustainability, and recycling.


4. Organise Giveaways and Contests

The secret to growing your social media account is giving back something to your followers. After all, who doesn’t like a freebie? In fact,a study by Tailwind表明,组织竞赛的Instagram帐户比没有的竞赛增长速度快70%。

It’s a great way to boost engagement and to start a conversation that involves your brand. While you’re spreading brand awareness, giveaways can help you attract potential leads for your business as well.



  • Clearly mention the terms and conditions for the giveaway for the contest.
  • 选择一个惊人的礼物,它将吸引您的追随者参加。
  • 设置一个不远的截止日期。这将有助于您营造紧迫感。
  • 公开宣布获奖者,以便您保持透明度。



To acquire new customers, startups need to prove that their services and products are great. One way of getting social proof is through user-generated content. It can lend some credibility to your brand.

If you have a happy customer, ask them to write a review for you. Also,encourage them to post a photo or videowith your products.

丹尼尔·惠灵顿(Daniel Wellington)在其Instagram页面上具有用户生成的内容。他们还鼓励用户在照片中使用品牌标签来提高品牌知名度。有了这种社交媒体策略,他们与听众建立联系,甚至为他们的个人资料获得更多内容。




Meme marketing is the hottest social media strategy that big brands are using. From Apple to Gucci, everyone is using memes for marketing.

Your startup can easily get in on this trend too. Unlike videos or blog posts, memes don’t take too much time to produce. And you can do all the work yourself. You don't need to hire a writer or a social media strategist for it.

All you need to do is bring out your funny side. If creating original memes seems like a daunting task, there is a way out. You could take流行或流行的模因并自定义它们以适合您的品牌。从下面的屏幕截图中显示的Ruffles创意模因中汲取灵感。


Going overboard with meme marketing will make it seem like you are really desperate for your audience’s attention.



