
Research Methodology

这data presented in this report was collected from the top 25 Ethereum-based NFT launches of all time, sourced from外海。在利用自己的数据来获取有关发布会的更多信息,包括关联品牌和著名的关注者,我们撤回了每个集合的数量,地板价格和所有者数量。

Using their metrics, we were able to compare the top NFT launches to each other and gather key takeaways on the state of the metaverse and crypto industry. This report gives a comprehensive overview of key terms and the chronology of the metaverse, cryptocurrency, and NFTs. Our analysis of the top NFT launches offers a deep dive into the industry, providing insight into what it takes to successfully launch an NFT collection. Ultimately, this report should generate a better understanding of the industry and how the metaverse, NFTs, and cryptocurrencies work together.





这term “metaverse” was first coined by尼尔·斯蒂芬森在他1992年的小说《雪崩溃》中。他用它来描述人类可以居住的虚拟世界。虽然虚拟现实在整个21世纪都在不断增长,但“ Metaverse”一词直到最近才成为主流Facebook



Crypto over the years

加密货币- Bitcoin

加密货币 - 以太坊


What are NFTs?

NFT is an abbreviation for the phrase Non-Fungible Token - a form of cryptocurrency where data is digitally stored in a blockchain. They can be sold and traded, switching ownership from individual to individual upon buying and selling.


How are the two connected?





Some individuals buy NFTs because they enjoy an artists’ work and want to support them. Additionally, they may just enjoy a certain piece and want to own it for their own sake. Many others buy NFTs as a short or long-term investment, reselling them to turn a profit or holding onto them as they increase in value over time.

top number of owners

top based on collection totals


加密货币是由Larva Labs在2017年开发的NFT系列。它由约翰·沃特金森(John Watkinson)和马特·霍尔(Matt Hall)设计的10,000个独特角色组成。2022年3月Yuga Labs获得了加密邮票。

Bored Ape Yacht Club

由Yuga Labs创建的Bored Ape Yacht Clubis an NFT collection that features 10,000 unique bored apes. The NFT project, launched in 2021, features images designed by Greg Solano and Wylie Aronow.



Otherdeed by Otherside

Otherdeedis a collection that was released for metaverse gameOtherside, both developed by Yuga Labs. The collection features diverse land plots for buyers to own within the game.


Art Blocksis a platform founded by Snowfro, also known as Erick Calderon. The platform launched in 2020 and displays curated collections of NFT projects by a variety of artists and creators.




分散is a virtual world developed by its users, and the分散的NFTcollection consists of land within the game. Buyers can collect these parcels of land, then buy and sell them as they help develop the world.

克隆X - 村上塔卡西

克隆X - X takashi Murakamilaunched in 2021. The collection consisted of nearly 20,000 3D avatars designed by virtual brand, RTFKT, and Japanese artist,村里高什。Clone X has worked on many brand collaborations, including Nike and Supreme.


这Sandboxis a metaverse gaming platform where users can participate in a virtual world and community. The land and assets from theNFT然后在游戏中获利收集。


Founded by Kevin Rose,月鸟由10,000个独特的Pixel-Art Owl Avatars组成。购买这些NFT之一使所有者会员资格成为由Proof Collective



As NFTs become more mainstream, new trends emerge in the marketing sphere.

Just this year, we have seen NFTs implemented in a variety of different industries. For example, while promoting season four of their show Stranger Things,Netflixlaunched collectible NFTs. Additionally,科切拉在Solana上创建了一个NFT市场,使消费者可以购买终生节日通行证。我们还看到数量增加游戏到欧文NFT游戏, as well as watch-to-earn advertisements.


Top NFT Trading Platforms



外海is the largest decentralized NFT marketplace that allows traders to buy, sell, and upload NFTs. The platform uses an auction system for sales and provides metrics about collection size, volume, and number of owners. Learn more about OpenSeahere


Rarible是creator-focused非功能性测试市场on Ethereum. The platform allows creators and artists to sell their NFTs while also having complete ownership over their tokens and the trading process. Like any marketplace, users are able to buy and trade NFTs on the platform.

NBA Top Shot

NBA最高镜头是一个开放的,以篮球为中心的NFT市场,由NBA和Dapper Labs推出2020。通过平台,用户可以购买,出售和交易可收藏的篮球精​​彩片段。

NFT Flywheel

This NFT flywheel demonstrates the momentum and growth of the NFT industry.

这chart shows platforms, blockchains, and brands at its core. As the industry gains more momentum and more consumers buy into it, more platforms, blockchains, and brands are emerging. An increasing number of existing brands are being drawn to the industry for this same reason. This flywheel is a visual representation of how industry leading brands like Nike and Samsung have also become significant players in the NFT industry.

NFT Flywheel




该平台通常由NFT项目开发人员使用。例如,开发人员可以建立一个不和谐渠道,在该渠道中,他们共享公告并提供有关其项目的最新信息。NFT Discord渠道还允许成员讨论该项目并彼此分享他们的思想和批评。对于开发人员来说,这不仅是评估观众情绪的好方法,而且对具有相似兴趣的人来说也是一个有力的社区。还有许多现有的NFT不和谐社区,它们仅为个人提供了一个讨论NFT和加密行业的空间。

People consider joining an NFT Discord channel for a number of reasons. Whether they are interested in the launch of a particular NFT project or are looking for a platform to discuss industry updates, NFT Discord communities provide the perfect opportunity to get involved in the space.

外海NFT Community

这NFT marketplace OpenSea has its own Discord server that features a number of NFT channels for industry trends and updates. From artists sharing information about an upcoming project to a user giving insight on projected trends, this server features a diverse range of industry participants.


CryptoPunks不和服务器建立了Larva Labs, the developer of the CryptoPunks NFT project. It serves as a platform to discuss CryptoPunks, as well related NFTs and the industry as a whole. Although only owners of a CryptoPunk NFT are able to contribute to the conversation, non-owners can view threads, receive updates from the developers, and learn more about the industry.

Brain Vomit’s Garden

Brain Vomit’s Garden is an NFT project that features 4,444 unique flower images. NFT owners receive access to exclusive drops and experiences. Brain Vomit, the company who developed this project, started a discord channel to provide updates on upcoming projects and initiatives.

Clone X

克隆X Discord社区是由耐克(Nike)的RTFKT建立的,后者是克隆X NFT收藏品背后的开发人员。该社区是NFT所有者和其他好奇的头脑,讨论RTFKT领导的行业主题和即将到来的项目的空间。

Vee Friends

这Vee Friends Discord server was established by the developers of the Vee Friends NFT project as a hub for information and NFT education. It has grown to support hundreds of thousands of users, becoming a community where members share ideas and discuss the industry.


加密咖啡师is an NFT collection that features a number of coffee-pouring characters. Purchasing an NFT from either of the two seasons of the project supports coffee initiatives in the physical world. The Crypto Baristas Discord server was established to inform members about the project, as well as serving as a space for discussion and education.


Mike Winkelmann, also known as蜂鸣器,是一位经验丰富的数字艺术家,在NFT空间中臭名昭著。

在时间表中指出,梅塔科万(Metakovan)以6900万美元的价格购买了蜂鸣器的NFT件之一。这件作品,”Everydays: The First 5000 Days,”是一个长达14年的项目的高潮,在此期间,蜂鸣器每天都会创建一件数字艺术品。所有这些图像的拼贴都在NFT行业备受期待,并具有最终的销售破坏记录。

埃里克·卡尔德隆(Erick Calderon)

埃里克·卡尔德隆(Erick Calderon),也称为雪弗罗,是首席执行官和创始人Art Blocks这是一个生成艺术平台,其中包含由各种艺术家创建的NFT项目的精心策划收藏。他于2020年推出了该平台,这是一个巨大的成功。


Kevin Rose

Kevin Roseis an entrepreneur, podcaster, and thought leader in the crypto space. He is currently a partner at True Ventures and has founded multiple companies and apps such as Digg, Zero, and Oak.

He is well-known for being the founder of the月鸟NFT collection, which we earlier recognized as one of the top successful NFT launches.

加密和NFTMarketing Strategies



耐克是一个很好的例子。该品牌收购了RTFKT,推出了一系列数字运动鞋或“Cryptokicks”用克隆X建立了一个元世界,NIKELAND,在roblox中。他们的“ Cryptokicks”发射是一个巨大的财务成功,单人NFT售出$134,000





  • @Hofbelievers: House of Believers NFT collection features 4,444 bear avatars. Their Twitter account is one of the most popular in the Web3 community.
  • @DeezeFi: DeeZe, an industry thought leader, is the Director of Vibes at Tessera, a company that allows creators to sell portions of their NFTs.
  • @Farokh: Farokh is another one of the most popular NFT creators on Twitter. They co-founded Rug Radio, a decentralized Web3 media brand.


  • Garyvee:Gary Vaynerchuk是企业家和信息内容创建者。他是Vayner Media的创始人,也是Vee朋友的创建者
  • Alex Becker’s Channel: Alex Becker creates content on industry topics and gives financial advice on his platform. He has also created and worked on a number of NFT projects.
  • 马克斯·马赫(Max Maher):马克斯·马赫(Max Maher)在他的YouTube频道上创建了有关NFTS和加密行业的内容。通过这项工作,他将自己确立为平台上最受欢迎的NFT创作者之一。


  • @bitboycrypto:本·阿姆斯特朗(Ben Armstrong)是一位内容创建者和加密货币爱好者。他是Bitboy Crypto的创始人,Bitboy Crypto是一种教育资源,旨在教育加密社区。
  • @cryptocita: Alina Pak is a TikTok creator who posts content about all topics surrounding the crypto industry. Her high quality content has established @cryptocita as one of the most popular and credible TikTok accounts in the industry.
  • @cryptomasun: Mason Versluis uses his platform to post informative content on the crypto industry. He has also established a crypto discord community Gold Squad.


Afterpartyis a platform that hosts a digital community of creators and artists. On the platform, creators are able to collaborate with one another and engage with their audience.

Afterparty is paving the way for creator-focused NFT platforms, allowing creators and fans to engage through a variety of different events and experiences. The platform celebrates musicians, artists, and creators of all types, providing them with a space to interact with their audiences.

For example, the platform hosts an annualNFT Art + Music Festival, featuring artists from a variety of genres. The headliners of the 2022 festival included The Chainsmokers and The Kid Laroi.




As for the metaverse, we have seen brands likeSamsung通过为消费者创造虚拟的互动体验来利用空间。我们还看到了更多的出现元游戏,遵循第二人生和罗布洛克斯(Roblox)等游戏的脚步。Microsoft和Meta等科技巨头甚至在创建自己的元代码,例如Microsoft的Horizon Worlds。Virtual live performances emerged as a recent trend in the metaverse, including ABBA’sABBA-TARS和特拉维斯·斯科特(Travis Scott)Fortnite音乐会

Based on our Research



Editor’s Note

This report presented a comprehensive overview of the state of the Metaverse, touching on it’s growing position in the marketing industry. By looking at and comparing the top NFT launches, we came to a better understanding of this position. As we continue to transition into the digital world, new forms of digital marketing will emerge.

That being said, NFT marketing is on the rise – and we have seen more and more industry power players begin to utilize it in their strategy. From Nike to Meta, a number of brands already established themselves as thought leaders in the industry. Therefore, brands and marketers alike may look to these brands when analyzing and predicting future trends in the space.

在接下来的几年中,我们希望看到元评估和加密货币行业发展到新的高度。由于这些主题进入了主流媒体,品牌,营销人员和名人进入加密货币,以在行业上留下自己的印记。我们预计趋势将在未来几年持续下去。元元正在不断增长和增长势头 - 并且不会很快放慢速度。


How will NFTs impact the metaverse?



      非功能性测试ar metaverse的虚拟现实estat的一部分e. These NFTs serve as a legal agreement of ownership and help build land and buildings in the metaverse. To purchase, trade or build land in the metaverse, you will need to mint an NFT for the property.

      Is there a metaverse NFT?



          如果您在手机上使用Coinbase钱包,则绝对可以在应用程序中购买MetaversE NFT索引。您可以在“资产”选项卡下找到购买区,然后单击交易。
