How to Use Instagram Stories Templates (+5 Apps to Create Them)

If you are using Instagram for your business or to promote your personal brand, you'll want to make sure your profile, posts and stories are as slick and polished as possible so that your followers learn to know you by your brand's look. WhileInstagram故事比普通帖子少了,越来越多地自发,越来越多的品牌将其用作吸引他们的追随者的一种方式。


By using a set of templates for your Instagram Stories, you can create cohesive, on-brand content that aligns with your business objectives. Now that you can also save your IG Stories as “Highlights” on your profile, it makes it all the more worth your while.


What are Instagram Stories templates?

Instagram故事templates are pre-made graphics created according to the Instagram story image guidelines (usually they’re in a 9:16 ratio or a1080px x 1920px格式)可以为个人目的定制或按原样使用。这些模板的目的是为您的品牌创建一个凝聚力,一致的外观,如果您是企业,营销商或影响者,这一点非常重要。Instagram的故事应该很有趣,而且创建美丽的图像可能很耗时。通过使用模板,您将节省时间并保持故事的临时感觉。它还将确保您的故事亮点具有凝聚力的外观,并传达相同的品牌信息。

例如,popular news service for women, @theskimm consistently uses a light green background with pastel color writing to give their Instagram Stories a cohesive look, using their brand’s color palette, making it easy to read, and well thought out to complement the content they share.

While each brand's content should be able to speak for itself, it is becoming increasingly difficult to create content that stands out. For this reason, and many others, using Instagram Stories templates can be extremely helpful.



对于初学者来说,它将节省您的时间和金钱。由于故事的本质,您必须不断添加新内容。24小时后,每个故事都会消失(除非您将它们保存到亮点上),因此您必须继续喂食野兽。继续设计每个框架可能非常要求,以使其看起来完美地打磨和品牌。但是,如果您可以进行一些计划并弄清楚要定期发布的内容,则可以创建一个可以反复使用的模板,从而节省了时间的时间。如果您可以自己设计这个,太好了!如果没有,您必须雇用某人为您做创意,让某人创建一个可以重复使用的模板也很容易在您的口袋里。或者,有很多apps that have free customizable templates您可以从事工作。稍后再详细介绍。(也有一些方法download Instagram Stories稍后再使用它们,如果您真的希望采取捷径。)

It makes you look like a pro


例如,当你在幕后视频,GIFs or memes, keep it light and spontaneous. But if you are doing Q&As or sharing a new blog post, use a template. This way, your followers will be able to see that you are not only a funny, creative and engaging brand, but that you're also a pro at what you do. Consistency is key – using templates makes this easy to achieve, and is especially helpful if there is more than one person managing your IG account. All you have to do is stick to the same few templates that reflect your brand aesthetic and you can create a powerful and cohesive brand that consistently resonates with your target audience.它添加了没有的视觉元素。




Now that you have an understanding of why it's a good idea to use IG Stories templates, it's important to consider a few things about each template you are going to create before you start.

  1. 它的目的是什么?Think about what your business does, and ways that Stories templates could apply to your target audience. You will want to create different templates for different types of content, such as video, user engagement stickers like 'Ask me anythings' and blog posts. Make a list of the types of content you want to promote or share and create a template that serves the purpose of each the best. For example, if you’re in the travel industry, you could share templates around themes such as: Countries I Want To Visit Next… or The Best Place To Have A Sunset Cruise. Think of your own examples before you get started.
  2. 它是实用的吗?Does your template allow you to include all the information you want to communicate to users? Will the 'swipe up' feature cover any important information in the template? Make sure the concept for your template is functional before spending a lot of time creating it.
  3. 它代表您的品牌吗?It is important to keep your brand's look and feel in mind when you are creating or choosing templates to use. Keep it in the same vein so that you don't create brand confusion. Use your logos, watermarks and color schemes in your templates.
  4. 设计好吗?专业提示是保持模板设计清洁和简单,以使内容自言自语,并且不会与您的压倒性设计元素竞争。您可能倾向于在设计上有点脱颖而出,但是除非那是品牌的外观,否则请保持简单。
  5. 您可以模板容纳视频吗?有不同的方法来创建可容纳视频的Instagram故事模板,但是您可能需要第三方应用程序。这Inshot视频编辑是照片和视频编辑应用程序的一个示例,该应用程序专门设计,以使您的内容在Instagram Stories帖子中拟合。它具有一些免费和一些优质功能。该应用程序提供了简约,优雅的模板来创建令人惊叹的Instagram故事。稍后再详细介绍。

Once you've decided on the purpose of each of your Instagram Story templates you can either design your own, or use one of the many available apps with free or paid-for templates.



1. StoryArt

This is one of the highest-rated Instagram Story editing apps on both the Play Store (4.7 stars) and苹果商店(4.8星)。该应用程序提供了各种各样的模板(超过200个模板),您可以直接使用这些模板来创建Instagram故事。除模板外,它还提供了无数的选择来添加设计效果。您可以添加具有不同字体,过滤器,主题和其他设计效果的文本。



With帆布,实际上,任何人都可以在几分钟之内创建精美的Instagram帖子 - 很容易使用。该应用程序具有各种免费的Instagram模板,以及专门为其他社交媒体渠道设计的模板。选择免费的Instagram故事模板后,您可以使用Canva的字体,帧,背景,图形和图像来自定义设计的各个方面。Canva使您可以保存设计,从而可以轻松地开发一组在移动设备上可用的品牌Instagram模板。


3. Adob​​e Spark

While Adobe is commonly known for its professional editing software,Adobe Spark Post使任何人都可以轻松创建移动图形,而无需任何设计经验。Instagram故事的应用程序实际上有成千上万的模板可供选择,包括数百万个免费的库存照片,过滤器和字体。这意味着您不必担心选择您认识的其他人可能已经在使用的模板。该应用程序可帮助您创建自定义的Instagram故事内容,这些内容与您的品牌和美学完全一致。


This video and photo editor app is one of the best apps to create Instagram Stories. It provides a plethora of easy-to-use design features to help you create beautiful Instagram Stories.

4. Unfold








