
Influencers have been popularly used to promote brands and products through sponsored社交媒体上的帖子。Usually, this involves product placements and brand mentions, and the influencers generally get paid per post. But brands are also realising the effectiveness of working with influencers to promote events.

This could be anything from brand events and conferences to influencer events and concerts. The partnership works because influencers can help boost visibility and engagement around the brand and event.











Boudin SF希望吸引更多的人流量到其南加州的夏季烧烤活动。因此,他们决定邀请有影响力的人参加以卢奥为主题的“猪外”事件。他们将醒目的活动装饰放在一起,并创建了自定义标牌。


Overall, they created 50 social media Stories and dozens of quality images. All of the influencer-generated event结果产生在150万印象中,其中425k无薪。

#2: Study Your Guest List and Your Audience

You can’t get just any influencer to promote your product through sponsored posts. Likewise, you can’t invite just any influencer to your event. You need to make sure you invite influencers who吸引您的目标受众and your event attendees. This means you should carefully study your guest list and your social media audience.

Look at their demographics and try to identify which influencers will be most ideal for your event. You can even ask your audience directly through polls and surveys on social media. You could put together a few celebrities and influencers, and ask your audience to choose their favourites. Based on their responses, you should be able to gather some information on the kind of influencers they look up to.

If your guest list features important people and celebrities, you could also do a quick check on social media to see if there are any specific influencers they follow. This might also help you gain a better understanding of whom to invite and whom to avoid.



Pre-event buzz is especially important if the event involves some type of audience involvement such as product launches, concerts, etc. You might need to generate pre-event buzz if you want to drive higher attendance or you need audiences to take some action soon after the event. This could be anything from visiting your store to buying your newly-launched product.


对于11Th2017年年度聚会,他们邀请当地影响者帮助促进该活动。这包括当地媒体人物,例如ABC7的Michelle Marsh,Karen Huger的Real Housewives of Potomac,以及超过50k Instagram追随者的本地设计师Paul Wharton。

每个影响者在活动开始前至少发表了一个促销职位,以及活动期间和事件发生后的更多职位。他们获得了与事件前接待处的免费入院。所有这些promotion resulted总共有750多人出席,增长了25%。


#4: Have Them Share Event Content

As mentioned earlier, the whole point of inviting influencers to your event is so that they will talk about it. You should brief the influencers beforehand and encourage them to share photos and videos of the event with their followers along with the事件标签

They could even share a live feed or share Stories to document their experiences. Not only should they share content about the event once it ends, but they should also share content during the event to let their followers in on the experience.




除了30位已经成为竞选活动的影响者之外,带来的活动39 more influencer participants. These influencers generated 260+ social media posts about the event, which resulted in 821,577 impressions. They also shared Instagram Stories during the event, helping them reach an average of five frames per Story.




If you had any professional photographers for the event, you can share those professional photos on social media and your blogs. These images will look enticing, and help generate fear of missing out when coupled with a few sentences explaining what happened at the event.

这可能推动更多的人参加你的下一个event if it’s open to the public. It can also convince many influencers to join your campaign in the coming months after they see how legitimate you are.

You can also share the photos taken by your influencers during the event. You could repost them to your brand’s social media profiles or share them in your Stories. This will give some visibility to the influencers as well while helping you engage your existing audience. But make sure you get the influencers’ permission before you share their content.


These are some of the best ways to use influencer marketing to promote your events. Don’t forget to carefully plan your campaign and invite the influencers well ahead of time (at least three weeks in advance). They’re busy people with tight schedules, so you need to make sure they can free up their time to attend your event. And if they reject your invitation, you will have sufficient time to look for other influencers to invite.
