The Complete Facebook Cover Photo Size and Design Guide

While Facebook cover photo size doesn't seem like a big deal, it is. Like everything your brand produces online, anything less than an optimized presence can hurt your chances with ideal customers. Conversely, the right design and dimensions will do wonders for your brand. The perfect Facebook cover photo will give your company a professional look and feel, inspire confidence, credibility, and make your brand feel altogether approachable and likable.

虽然没有秘密Facebookcover photo sizes, something this guide definitely includes, Facebook cover photo size is part of a large and important topic: design. And design can be complex. You need to balance the right elements in your Facebook cover photo to ensure that you strike the right chord with social media visitors.

The Complete Facebook Cover Photo Size and Design Guide:

Facebookcover photo sizes

Facebook封面照片尺寸为820像素宽,高312像素高于桌面。在移动设备上,您的图像将显示为640像素宽x 360像素高图。可以想象,如果根据Facebook封面尺寸要求对桌面图像进行了不完美优化,则移动用户将看到外观外观的图像。

While the above are the perfect Facebook cover size dimensions, the social media giant also offers minimum requirements to help you present the best possible Facebook cover photo. Minimum requirements include a size of 400 pixels by 150 pixels and that you use sRGB JPG files that are less than 100 kB in size

Facebookalso recommends the use of PNG file types for Facebook cover photos that include images with a logo or text. This is due to automatic compression Facebook performs for cover images. You'll also find that the colors you opt for may not render clearly due to compression. Our recommendation is to lean away from Facebook cover photos with large areas featuring bright colors.


Creating the perfect Facebook cover photo requires a little more than resizing a stock image copy or one from your last company gathering. In fact, your Facebook cover photo has more to do with your ideal buyer and what they want than an image that speaks to you. Like all things marketing, to get your brand out there and looking attractive in front of your audience, you have to create something that speaks to their needs and what they're looking for in a company when searching for a solution like yours.


What Does Your Business Stand for?




There’s nothing more appealing than seeing branding done well. People are drawn to beautiful design, and color is a major part of creating attractive Facebook cover photos. To make your colors stand out, use color contrast.


  • Complementary colors: colors at opposite ends of the color spectrum
  • 分裂互补颜色:一种颜色与两种相邻的互补颜色匹配
  • 类似的颜色:彼此并肩的三种颜色
  • 三合会颜色:三种颜色平等分开
  • Tetradic or double complementary colors: four colors equally apart


Showcase Your Product




Creating a perfect brand is all about吸引观众的愿望. For your product to be successful, it needs to be positioned in opposition to the pain point of challenge that your target market experiences. Which is why the best branding helps buyers want to do and be more.

微软的Facebook封面图片是鼓舞人心的。In just two words, you need to get the sense that the tech giant wants to empower you to reach your full potential. How? By becoming your technology partner. What Microsoft has done is connected to big and important aspects of modern living. First, the need for every human being to experience self-actualization. Second, the importance of technology and how it drives progress.



虽然Facebook在2018年发布了Facebook封面视频,但您认为很少有品牌使用新媒体并没有错。事实是,大多数品牌仍然在视频的概念上挣扎,并将其整合到更大的视频中content marketing strategy. Video seems bulky, complex, and the thought of creating something unique for your Facebook cover photo may seem like a stretch.


Take this example from In it, they show what their video creation tool is capable of. And if you've been paying attention, you can see exactly how attractive moving images are, another great reason to give video a go.

Facebookcover video specifications are similar to standard Facebook will cover damages. Your video must be at least age 820 pixels by 460 pixels but you can get away with a minimum resolution of 820 pixels by 312 pixels. While it may seem counterintuitive given our advice following Facebook's recommendations, when it comes to Facebook cover videos, you may want to push the boundaries.

Great video is all about quality. The sharper your image, the better. To get the best look and feel for your video, stock video siteGallereplay recommendsextending your dimensions to 1280 pixels by 720 pixels. Video file formats must be in MP4 with videos formatted in landscape and a 16:9 ratio. While Facebook cover videos are attractive, don't be alarmed when you upload yours and it doesn’t play with sound upon visiting your page. This is a default setting enforced by Facebook. We believe it's got to do with how people consume online content.根据Digiday,在Facebook观看视频中,多达85%的人没有声音。似乎更可口。

As with Facebook cover photos, apply the same tips from above. Share what your brand stands for, showcase your product, and aim to inspire your audience. Remember, your audience is in the market for a solution. They want to find and use products and services that add value to their lives. If your video can communicate a direct benefit and engage with them on a personal level, the one step closer to winning a new customer.


Facebookcover photos are must-have for all brands. Given the prominence of social media and how important a medium it is for the discovery of new products and services, you can't risk the opportunity of not positioning your brand competitively. But to do so, you have to create a quality Facebook cover photo or video, one that resonates with your audience. Take the time to establish which core values you'd like to communicate, products and services that you can showcase, and how you'd like to inspire your buyers to reach their full potential.
