How to Join the Amazon Affiliate Program in 2022

甚至在大流行之前,人们都在寻找增加收入的方法。拥有副业务使您可以实现这一目标,并且某些附带业务甚至有能力产生被动收入,例如affiliate marketing。当涉及会员营销时,没有什么比亚马逊员工胜过。

Step Up Your Amazon Associates Game For 2022:

What is Amazon Associates?

作为最大的在线零售商,亚马逊拥有超过1200万种产品,平均出售$17 million every hour, resulting in net revenue of$386.06 billion in 2020

However, the company isn’t the only one making a fortune. Affiliate marketers make up around45%of the site’s market share. With over 900,000 members, it is also one of the world’s largest affiliate networks.

Amazon Associates—Amazon’s affiliate marketing program—enables content creators, bloggers, and marketers to monetize their site visitors by promoting Amazon products.

该程序的签名是免费的。如果有兴趣的买家点击您网站上的Amazon链接并购买该商品,您将收到佣金。委员会的范围从1%到20%,具体取决于product category

Amazon’s affiliate program is ideal for bloggers,influencers, and content creators who already have a following, but it’s also an excellent place to start for new affiliate marketers. Because the site has such a wide product range, there are tons of options to choose from.


Amazon’s会员计划可以促进资格亚马逊项目焦油get market using a unique product link. When customers click the link, they will be redirected to that item on If they buy the product within 24 hours, you will receive a commission. This fee is based on a percentage of the product's price and varies by product type.



How Much Can Affiliates Earn with the Program?

The size and engagement of your audience, your content, and youronline marketing activitieswill all affect your earnings. The average yearly compensation for anAmazon会员营销人员is $55,434. Although recent studies indicate that affiliate marketers can earn less than $20,000 per year, and of course there are also those that make a big earn millions of dollars in one year.

Of course, if you're just starting, your payout won't be as lucrative—but the average pay range for Amazon Associates varies a great deal, which means you still have plenty of opportunities to boost your revenue over time.

Learn more about the commission rates for each product category so you can calculate how much money you’re able to make for your marketing efforts. While your commission rate will impact your earnings as an Amazon affiliate, your conversion rate is also essential. This shows how many visitors buy the product after clicking the link.

Who is Eligible to be an Amazon Affiliate?


You will just need a suitable medium for promoting Amazon products and services.


The most common way to advertise Amazon products is through a website, like a blog. To qualify, your blog must have sufficient (at least ten) entries of unique content. The most recent entry should be within the last two months. Most importantly, your content must NOT:

  • Infringe on intellectual property rights
  • Contain sexually explicit materials
  • 煽动暴力或犯罪活动
  • Display discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, and age


您的社交媒体帐户必须活跃并具有有机追随者(至少500个)。Amazon affiliate marketingprogram accepts promotions on:

  • Facebook(必须是企业或公共团体页面)
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • 推特
  • TikTok



  • Be available for free on Amazon, Apple, and Google Play stores
  • Contain original content
  • 与亚马逊的购物应用不同
  • Not have price tracking features

What is the Application Process to be an Amazon Affiliate?

If you want to become anAmazon会员营销人员,您需要一个Associates帐户。这是一个分步教程,可帮助您入门。

  • 去亚马逊同事。

Click “Sign Up.” You may log in with your existing account if you already have one.

  • Fill out your account details.

This includes basic information like your name, address, and contact information.

  • Enter the URL(s) of your website(s), social media channels, and apps.

Include all of your website’s URLs. Amazon allows up to 50 websites or mobile applications, which is beneficial to promote products in various regions.

  • 选择一个商店ID。


  • Describe how you get people to visit your site.


  • Decide on a payment.



接受后,您可以访问您的Amazon Associates页面。通过仪表板,您将看到更广泛的细节,例如每月摘要和委员会概述。此时,您可以开始创建会员链接。

如果要申请多个亚马逊地区,则需要重复每个位置的注册过程。例如,如果您要在美国和英国的Amazon.com上推广产品,则需要分别在Amazon.com和上注册Amazon Associates计划。

How Do You Create Amazon Affiliate Links?

Amazon has strict affiliate link policies in place. To make it easier for affiliates, the site offersproduct linking toolsto choose from.

Product Link Tool


  1. Click on the Product Linking tab on your Associates Central dashboard.
  2. Choose “Product Links” from the menu.
  3. 为每个项目分配一个ASID(亚马逊标准标识号)。
  4. 单击“ GO”按钮以获取新的会员链接。
  5. Click “Get link” to create an image-only URL and other options.

Banner Creation Tool

This tool is specifically for making eye-catching banners to promote Amazon products and special deals.

  1. Open the Product Linking drop-down menu.
  2. 单击“横幅创建工具”按钮。
  3. 从按大小和流派组织的各种横幅范围中进行选择。

Site Stripe

Many亚马逊会员营销人员think the Site Stripe is the most user-friendly in this toolbox since it enables affiliates to build links directly from an Amazon page.

  1. Go to Associates Central.
  2. 从工具中选择“站点条纹”。
  3. Read the brief description before clicking the “Learn More” button to unlock the display settings window.
  4. Toggle the switch to “Enable.”

Amazon provides a dedicatedFAQ page在链接建筑物上。拥有会员链接和图像后,您可以将它们纳入营销策略。


为了保留您作为同事的立场,您必须遵守Associates Program Policies。The operating guidelines are divided into six categories. Though it’s quite an extensive read, being aware of the rules helps avoid violating any of the policies, which can lead to Amazon terminating your account.

There are many rules to follow, but here are the basics to keep in mind:

Make three sales in six months to avoid account deactivation.



Put a prominent Amazon affiliate disclosure.

亚马逊同事要求其分支机构在其网站上披露合作伙伴关系。联邦贸易委员会mandates this disclosure。As such, it’s vital to add adisclaimer。Make sure that it’s easy to read and understand. To make it even easier for associates, Amazon approves this simple statement as a disclaimer: “As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.”


亚马逊禁止链接掩盖,因为公司重视透明度。您只能使用仅用于可读性的URL缩短器来使自己不利。如果您使用affiliate plugin要自动将关联链接注入您的内容中,请在插件设置中禁用隐身。



Using a price reference is a workaround for this policy. For example, use $ for low-cost items, $$ for medium-priced goods, and $$$ for expensive products. Another suitable alternative is to use the Amazon Associates API, which adjusts the price in real-time if it changes on Amazon.



You can also use your own photos, but you can’t add an affiliate link directly to your pictures. Instead, add a custom button with your Amazon affiliate link next to the image.

Use caution when including affiliate links.

Amazon prohibits using their affiliate links on certain promotional materials such as offline marketing supplies, emails, eBooks, PDFs, and private Facebook groups.


Affiliate marketing is a numbers game. You need substantial website traffic and enough followers to make actual conversions. Here are some tips to help you become a successful亚马逊会员营销商:

Pick a niche

利基或specialty you choose will determine your success as an Amazon Associate. This process will be easier if you already have a website or blog. Naturally, the products you link will be related to your niche.

For new affiliates, focus on a subject you’re passionate about since you will talk about the topic a lot. This allows you to include product links organically and without sounding too promotional.


You must provide unique, high-quality content that will help you stand out, establish authority, and build trust with your target audience. Take your content to the next level by disseminating it on various platforms. You may blog about your expertise and then elaborate on it on YouTube.


Writing product reviews and comparisons is a great way to boost your Amazon affiliate links because you can organically insert them into your content. Reviews have the advantage of being high-intent content because the reader is likely a step away from purchasing.

On the other hand, product comparisons give you more opportunities to include affiliate links. You also provide your readers with choices, so it’s a win-win situation.

Deliver content consistently


采用内容营销策略并整合良好SEOpractices to help you write relevant, effective blog posts.

Ready to start as an Amazon Associate?

Amazon Associates计划是开始您的会员营销职业的好方法。您所需要的只是网站,社交媒体个人资料或应用程序以注册成为合伙人。一旦亚马逊批准了您的申请,就可以了。

If affiliate marketing sounds like a good side business for you, theAmazon affiliate marketingprogram can effectively help you earn additional income. Your revenue increases if you choose a niche, write high-quality content about it, integrate your Amazon affiliate links organically, and stick to Amazon Associates policies.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Amazon affiliates get paid?

Amazon affiliates get paid $100 to $20,000 in the Amazon affiliates program on average. The payments will depend on how many referrals you generate for Amazon. The Amazon affiliates program runs on a commission basis, which means you make a percentage of every sale you commission.

What percent do you get with Amazon affiliate?



他们的会员营销计划Amazon Associates计划完全可以免费加入并且易于使用。亚马逊会员计划允许有影响力的人,博客作者和其他人在客户通过链接购买产品时创建链接并赚取推荐费。


The Amazon Associates program is Amazon’s affiliate marketing program that allows content creators, bloggers, and business owners to monetize their traffic. Associates can use Amazon’s link building tools to direct audiences to their recommendations. Each time someone buys a product using their link, they get a commission fee.


Amazon affiliate pays commissions based on clicks that lead to a sale within 24 hours on Amazon. This means that Amazon affiliates must use the Amazon affiliate link. The commission fee structure ranges from 1% to 20% based on different product categories.

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