How to Advertise on Instagram for Your Best Results

We have seen many examples of brands seeing the value of posting on social media. Sometimes brands make posts themselves via their company social accounts. In other cases, they work with influencers to reach a broader audience. Over the last few years, Instagram has grown in popularity and is now one of the most popular networks for social posting. Many firms also choose to advertise on Instagram to expand their reach and try and achieve the best results.




从营销人员的角度来看,Instagram有一个缺陷。与其他许多社交网站不同 - 例如,Facebook,LinkedIn和Twitter - 您无法将可点击链接添加到常规的Instagram帖子中。您可以在生物中包含一个可单击的链接。

This probably helped Instagram grow, as advertising-shy Generation Z and Millenials have not found their posts filled with promotions. However, it does mean that Instagram wasn’t of much use to marketers for some time.





As with all social marketing, you first need to ensure that your target audience uses Instagram. Do your homework before wasting money on a social platform that nobody relevant to you uses. If you target a predominantly younger audience, particularly if your ideal customer is female, then Instagram advertising could be perfect for meeting your marketing goals.




Being part of the Facebook Advertising Network provides some advantages for Instagram. In particular, it offers advertisers access to in-depth targeting, allowing you to take a granular approach to find the perfect audience for your posts, assuming you have already determined who your ideal target customers are.

Instagramadvertising is especially useful for inherently visual industries, such as food, fashion, beauty, and homewares. If you can make your product appealing and attractive to your audience, then you should consider Instagram advertising. For something less visual, such as sewer plugs or nuts and bolts, then you might be better served using your marketing budget elsewhere.

与Facebook和LinkedIn类似,Instagram广告涉及竞标,有权获得Instagram为您的理想客户提供广告的权利。价格从分钟到一分钟各不相同,您可能需要一段时间才能为广告提供完美的出价。有两种基本的充电方法 - 每次点击成本(CPC)和每印象(CPM)成本。您选择的意志通常取决于您为广告系列设定的目标。一般而言,就CPC或CPM而言,您的目标越越越越大。当然,在这种情况下,每次点击或印象对您来说比几乎没有针对性的广告系列具有更多的价值。



  1. Within the App
  2. 使用Facebook广告经理
  3. Instagram合作伙伴

Within the App


  1. Go to your business profile
  2. 点击您希望宣传的帖子
  3. Tap onPromotebelow the post’s image
  4. Fill in relevant details for your promotion. These will include information about Destination (where you will send people), Audience (who you want to reach), Budget (your daily spending limits) and Duration (how long you want your promotion to run)
  5. Tap创建促销审查




You can create entire advertising campaigns on Instagram, using the Facebook Ads Manager. You have the same tools that you can use for Facebook advertising.

  • 转到Facebook广告经理

Facebook将所有广告在Facebook上,Instagram, and a few other of their apps in the Facebook Ads Manager. You will use this, regardless of whether you intend to advertise on Facebook or not.


  • 设定您的竞选目标

As with most marketing, you should set objectives for any Instagram marketing campaign. The Facebook Ads Manager encourages this by making it a required part of the ad creation process.


  • Brand Awareness
  • 抵达
  • Traffic
  • 订婚
  • App Installs
  • Video Views
  • 领先一代
  • 消息
  • 转换
  • Catalog Sales
  • 存储流量
  • 针对您的广告


显然,您首先需要一个很好的了解目标客户是谁 - 您对客户群的理解越好,目标可能就越准确。


You can filter your audience on a mix of quite a few factors. These include:

  • 年龄 - 从13到65岁以上的任何范围
  • 性别
  • Languages – leave blank unless you are selecting an uncommon language for your selected location
  • 人口统计 - 这个通用标题下有多个子主题,包括教育,财务,家庭,生活事件,父母,政治和人际关系
  • Interests – again you will find numerous sub-categories in this section
  • 行为 - 有多个选项的另一部分
  • 连接 - 连接到您的页面,应用程序或活动的人


最后,您可以带一个自定义的受众,并要求Instagram创建一个相似的受众 - 分组与您的自定义受众中的​​人相似。


  • 选择您的位置

This is the point when you tell the Facebook Ad Manager where you want to place your ads. This is particularly important if you intend to restrict your advertising to Instagram, as the default position is to advertise on both Facebook and Instagram.

另一个默认的选择是允许自动安装位置,这意味着您的广告可以在Facebook的应用程序组中出现在任何地方,因此,只需仅需Instagram,就需要编辑您的位置。您还可以选择是否希望您的广告出现在常规的Instagram feed中,还是作为故事。

  • Set Your Budget and Schedule

As previously mentioned, The Facebook Ad Network uses a bidding process to determine the cost of your ad. It effectively rewards the advertiser who is willing to pay the most for any advertising spot on a user’s feed. There is no fixed formula for winning your Instagram ads – you simply pay a little more than what the second-highest bidder is willing to pay for a slot.




You can also choose to run your ad continuously until you spend your entire budget, or you can set specific starting and ending times for your campaign.

然后,系统为您提供其他选择。例如,您可以选择自动投标,该竞标允许Facebook / Instagram选择您的出价方式(允许您的总预算和首选时间表)。另外,您可以选择手动竞标,在其中选择招标价格。大多数初学广告商都会进行自动竞标,尽管一旦您对广告将花费的费用对您的受众来说,您可能更喜欢更改手动竞标。

If you selected a Lifetime Budget, you have the opportunity to set specific days and times when you wish to publish your ads.

  • 创建您的广告




Instagrampartners offer services like setting up adverts, managing a business's Instagram community, media buying, and creating and sourcing content.



  1. 图像广告


  1. Video Ads

Instagramcan, of course, support short videos as well as images. Video ads are similar to Image ads, but incorporate a video lasting 60 seconds or less.

  1. 旋转木马广告


  1. Stories Ads

