8 Personal Brand Building Hacks That Will Earn You More


您已经看过一些excellent examplesof people with strong personal brands that set them apart from their competition. You also know some of the basics of建立个人品牌。But if you’re really going to use your personal brand to earn more money, here are a few hacks that you should consider using.

8 Personal Brand Building Hacks That Will Earn You More:

#1: Replace Your Selfie With a Professional Headshot



You’ll need to look friendly and approachable as well as trustworthy. In other words, you need to replace that frown or poker face with a smile in your professional photos.

Belgian and Dutch researchers recentlyconducted a joint studyon the role of facial expressions and body language in negotiation. They found that people who looked happy were considered to be more honest and reliable than people who looked angry, regardless of what they were saying. So the happier you look, the more trustworthy you’ll appear to prospective clients and employers.

看看雅致的专业照片Carole Ann Rice’s website, for instance. Not only is she smiling, she looks relaxed and peaceful, making her look like someone you can trust to coach you.


Aside from your photo, your content is another factor that people will consider before they make a decision about your personal brand. The level of professionalism that you exhibit through your content can give people a fair idea of whether or not you know what you’re doing. It also helps them decide whether they’d like to work with you.


This is crucial because 81% of decision-makers conduct research before contacting a vendor to discuss a project, according to the内容营销学院。您的内容可能是研究过程中的重要组成部分,最终使他们的决定对您有利。

It doesn’t always have to be in the form of detailed blog posts and ebooks. You can also create bite-sized information delivered through infographics and video.

比尔·科莱蒂(Bill Coletti)是拥有强大个人品牌的声誉管理专家。他没有博客,但他创建了一口大小的视频和音频内容,以使网站访问者对他所知道的以及他在工作中的表现有何好处。


#3: Position Yourself Clearly to Be Remembered

无论你在你的工作多好,the truth remains that there are thousands of people just like you. They have the same skill sets as you and are just as experienced as you. Some may even be much better than you. There’s no way to escape this fact; but what matters is how you deal with it. Since it’s challenging to get people to notice you in a sea of competitors, what can you do to stand out?

The most effective solution is to improve the way you position yourself. Perhaps you’re still unsure of how to position your personal brand. Or perhaps your positioning message isn’t clear enough for people to understand or remember. So if you’re going to set yourself apart, you need to fix this problem.

Conduct thorough research on your competitors to see how they are positioning themselves directly or indirectly. Use this information to assess your personal brand and identify the factors that make you different from them. Is there something about your personality and interests that makes you unique? Or can you offer something that others are not offering?

Ryan Robinson, for instance, positions himself as an honest and authentic entrepreneur who cannot stand pretentiousness. He uses some profanity in his statements, further establishing his brand positioning.


#4: Develop a Memorable Tagline

Now to make your personal brand positioning even more memorable, you need to come up with a catchy tagline. There are a lot of people who have built successful personal brands without a specific tagline. But these people are usually pioneers who managed to set themselves apart early on because there wasn’t much competition.

Now, with an abundance of competition, you need to make yourself more memorable with a tagline that people can remember and associate with your brand. Make it short, unique, relevant, and honest. You can make a list of adjectives that define your personal brand based on your values, interests, expertise, and personality. And then use this list to come up with a catchy tagline.

网页设计师杰夫·克兰斯(Jeff Krans)通过告诉访问者“网络很大”来做到这一点,因此他们需要“保持简单”。标语描述了他的个人品牌价值,即简单性。这与他的网页设计和徽标有关,所有这些都遵循简单的美学。



A brand logogives people visual cues关于品牌的身份,仅凭视力就可以帮助他们对品牌产品做出广泛的判断。它使他们对品牌的核心价值观(例如创造力,可靠性,透明度等)有了广泛的了解。反过来,他们可以对品牌的产品质量做出公平的假设。

A recognizable brand logo can also make the brand stand out, making it more recognizable than the competition. The same is true for personal brands as well. Create a personal brand logo that perfectly symbolizes who you are as an expert and an individual. Use colors, shapes, and fonts that you want to associate with your brand.



Good storytelling gives you the power to influence your audience on an emotional level, helping you win their trust.Stories allow people与事实和情感互动,在两者之间建立强大的联系。这可以引起他们的兴趣,并鼓励他们的参与,同时获得同理心。

So it’s crucial that everything about your personal brand identity revolves around a personal story. Tell the story of how you got where are you, and why you do what you do. Was there a particular turning point in your life that helped you become who you are today?

Perhaps you used to struggle with a health condition or homelessness. Or maybe you sent out hundreds of applications that were rejected. Whatever your story may be, tell it honestly in an engaging way. You can also tell the stories of some of the people you’ve helped, so there’s added social proof to win people’s trust.

个人理财师戴夫·拉姆西(Dave Ramsey)讲述了一个令人信服的故事,讲述了他的经济斗争。他还谈到了他如何开始在金融方面发展自己的知识,这不仅是为了摆脱债务,而且要建立自己的财富并创立自己的财务咨询公司。

#7: Participate in Twitter Chats


Twitter chats are normally weekly events and they tend to last anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. They involve people engaging in a discussion using a specific hashtag. Participants can ask questions, answer them, and provide valuable insights on the topic to be seen by other participants. So you need to make sure that you participate in chats that are relevant to your niche and interests.

使用TweetReportsto discover upcoming Twitter chat events that you might be able to participate in. The website gives you a brief idea of the topic, description, and hashtag for each chat event along with the times.

#8: Invest in Social Media Advertising

It’s not entirely impossible to grow your personal brand organically. But it takes time and effort as well as a lot of patience. If you want to create a bigger impact, you need to make a small investment into advertising. And social media is the best platform on which to run those ads because you get to create highly targeted campaigns that will reach the right audience.



These are eight hacks that you can use to grow your personal brand and monetize it more effectively. Some of these ideas need a bit of time and effort, while others need a bit of financial investment. But with careful planning, you can use them to grow a successful personal brand.

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