6 Interesting Use Cases for Instagram’s New Emoji Slider

Instagramseems to be continually changing their formula for attracting people to their platform. Indeed they recently announced that they had passed the 1 billion monthly user milestone, and introduced their YouTube killer app – IGTV. While the arrival of Instagram’s new emoji slider for Instagram Stories may not be as groundbreaking as IGTV, it still adds to the enjoyment of Instagram's regular Stories users.

Instagram’s emoji slider is designed to be a fun way for Instagrammers to interact with their friends. You can use it to see how your Instagram friends and followers feel about something – not just in a “yes” or “no” type of way, but along a scale on intensity.

顾名思义,表情符号滑块有两个部分。首先,您必须选择一个表情符号 - 您可以选择自己喜欢的任何表情符号贴纸。该名称的“滑块”部分是指您的朋友可以按比例滑动表情符号以表明他们与您所做的陈述的程度。如果他们将表情符号留在最左边,他们完全不同意您的评论或问题。如果他们将其置于极端右边,他们全心全意地同意它。而且,如果他们将表情符号放在两个极端之间的某个位置,则可以指出他们的同意水平。

6 Interesting Use Cases for Instagram's New Emoji Slider:


像往常一样创建您的故事。如果您不确定如何整理一个Instagram故事,我们将介绍How to Use Instagram Stories Like an Expert.

The emoji slider is just a particular type of Sticker, so if you want to add it to a page on an Instagram Story, begin by tapping the Sticker Tray icon. You will notice the emoji slider amongst the different stickers. Tap on it to select it. Place your emoji slider sticker in the place you want it on your chosen image or video.

At this point, you will be asked to enter your question. Type it in. Usually, you will want your emoji and question to either match or at least be neutral (like a typical happy face emoji).

You aren’t stuck with the default text color. You can change it by tapping one of the colors that come up beneath the sticker. Swipe left to right to expand your range of possible colors.

您甚至可以更改Instagram表情符号贴纸的背景颜色,以找到更适合您图像的贴纸。您可以通过在屏幕顶部点击“一个”按钮,然后敲击一个颜色点 - 再次刷颜色以获取其他颜色。

您可以从中选择有相当多的表情符号。确实,您几乎可以在设备上使用任何表情符号。点击默认的“心眼”表情符号,选择一个表情符号,最适合您的问题或故事的心情。您将在滑块下方看到一些可能的表情符号,但是如果您在最后选择 +图标,则会显示出更广泛的表情符号列表。您也可以使用搜索栏搜索特定的表情符号。


How Does Somebody Use Your Instagram Emoji Sticker?

Anybody viewing your Story will see your slider sticker when they reach the relevant image. They will be given the opportunity to vote according to your question. It’s important to remember you are providing your audience with a sliding scale – it isn’t suitable for Yes / No type questions. Instagram already has a polling sticker you can use for that.

For instance, you may have an emoji slider sticker asking your followers how much they would enjoy a pizza you show in your story. If they leave the emoji at the extreme left of the scale, they would hate your pizza. If they shift it to the extreme right, they love your pizza. If they move it somewhere in between, they have mixed feelings about your pizza.




当然可以。用户是很必要的s realize that their opinions are not anonymous. The creator of an emoji slider does get to see the results. They know who’s voted, and how they voted. If you vote that somebody's pet is ugly, be aware that the pet owner will see how you feel, and you may suffer as a result in the real world accordingly.

Possible Uses for Instagram’s Emoji Sticker Slider

1.Ask How Much People Like Something


You might like to get your friends’ opinion on your latest outfit. Of course, you will need a thick skin – your friends may not have as good an idea about your fashion sense as you do.

The important thing is that you are gaining an insight into多少your followers like something – not merely whether they like it or not.


Businesses and their influencers can use an emoji sticker slider to help with their market research. For instance, an ice cream company could create a story showing their chocolate chip cookie ice cream flavor, and ask their customers to show how much they love that flavor on the slider.

你甚至可以的话你的问题在这样一种方式effectively ask your followers to compare two variants. For instance, you could ask them how they felt comparing cookies and cream ice cream with strawberry ice cream.


3.Test Things Out on Your Audience

You could use Instagram Stories to test out new material on your followers. For instance, if you are a comedian, you could test possible new jokes for your act in a series of short video clips to an Instagram Story. On the final screen, you would include an Instagram emoji slider sticker, asking you fans to rate your joke on a sliding scale of funniness.

There are undoubtedly other types of creative content which you could share and then ask for feedback on how much your audience likes it.



If you include an emoji slider, you not only learn whether your audience likes your content, but you also discover how much they love it.

You could try this for a particular Instagram Story, or you could create a story that is more generic, asking your audiences how much they would like more of certain types of content. For instance, you could ask them how much they would like you to post more videos instead of photos.

If you are a designer, you may use an emoji sticker slider to get an indication of how people feel about your latest design. If you have created multiple versions of a book cover, for instance, you could use a slider on each cover design to get an indication of people’s thoughts.

5。Use it to Try and Motivate Your Customers


同样,您可以使用一个Instagram故事(带有表情符号滑块)来生成某些东西的炒作 - 也许是新产品的发布或即将发生的事件。



For instance, you could ask your followers to rate something from 1 to 5. You could create an image showing a 1-5 point scale and set the slider sticker appropriately on it. Your followers will then move the slider to match the score they believe appropriate.

You could even adapt this to change the whole dynamic of the slider. For instance, you could turn it into a multiple-choice type question, by creating a scale with 4-5 answers. Your audience would then move the slider to match the appropriate answer. The average scores would have less meaning in this case, though.

It may be fiddly lining everything up, but once you have tried matching the slider to an appropriate image with a scale on a few times, you should find it easy to replicate.

The new Instagram emoji slider may appear to be just another sticker for Instagram Stories. But it has immense potential to increase your audience interaction. What are you going to do with an emoji slider in your next Instagram Story?

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