Understanding YouTube Influencer Marketing Measurement [+Infographic]

YouTube is rapidly becoming a significant force for influencer marketing. It has been something of a sleeper until recently – perhaps because it was not traditionally thought of as a social network, in the same way as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. This meant that platforms were slower to include YouTube in their tools and agencies less likely to offer YouTube in their influencer marketing offerings.

But that has now changed. There are now many YouTubers happy to take on the mantle of influencer, and quite a few tools available to help brands find suitable influencers.


Understanding YouTube Influencer Marketing Measurement:

60% Of People Prefer Online Video Platforms to Live TV

The world is changing, and there is now a marked difference between the generations. "OK Boomer" has become the in-saying when the young want to dismiss condescending attitudes of older people. In many ways, Millennials and Generation Z may as well live in a different world to their elders, particularly the Baby Boomers.


It should be no surprise to learn that 60% of people prefer online video platforms compared to live TV. And much to the chagrin of television networks around the world, that figure is only going to grow as today’s Generation Z becomes tomorrow’s parents.



The significant increase in online video has tended to take two main paths. Today's teens spend part of their time watching video streaming of movies and television programs, and the rest of their time watching unstructured video on platforms where people can easily make and upload their own clips.

At the moment, the two big winners are the long-established leaders in each field, Netflix and YouTube. Currently, teens spend 37% of their daily video consumption on YouTube and 35% viewing Netflix.


Life is somewhat harder for Netflix, however. Sure, the professional video streaming marketing is growing at a rapid rate - but Netflix can no longer dominate this market. This market has begun to fragment, as other broadcasters have noticed the shift, building their own platforms, and shiting their content to them. It will be interesting to see whether the arrival of Disney +, Apple +, and the rest have a significant impact on Netflix's current dominance.

No matter which company wins the streaming wars, one thing is clear. Traditional broadcast television is unpopular with the younger generations who prefer to choose what they watch, rather than rely on the whims of schedulers.

Over 90% Of 18-44-Year-Old Americans Watch Videos on YouTube

As we said above, Generation Z and Millenials love YouTube. They like to control the content they watch, hate ads, and the more creative choose to make and share videos as personal creativity. YouTube has been a revolution to the tastes of today’s youth.

Of course, the 18-44-year-old age span doesn't restrict itself to just the young. The upper end of that age range is firmly Generation X, who were the first generation to use computers for recreation on a large-scale basis (sorry Baby Boomer Pacman addicts). Youtube has become almost as much a part of the typical American's culture as Thanksgiving and pumpkin pie.

The fact that over 90% of 18-44-Year-Old Americans watch videos on YouTube shows just how widespread the practice is today. It has become so established that schools set watching videos on it as homework. Many people watch YouTube videos on their daily commute.

Yet the first YouTube video, “Me at the Zoo” was only uploaded to YouTube in April 2005. Its popularity has skyrocketed in a relatively short time.

5 Billion YouTube Videos Are Watched Every Day

Indeed YouTube usage has grown phenomenally. So many people watch it now that they view an astounding 5 billion videos every day.

我们最受欢迎的帖子之一是我们的清单有史以来观看最多的YouTube视频中有20个, which we regularly update. As that list shows, the top videos have an extraordinary number of views. At the moment, the most viewed video isDespacito路易斯·丰西·英尺。自2017年1月在YouTube上首次亮相以来,全球65.4亿人已经观看了该剪辑。

也许在此顶级视频列表中最奇怪的条目是俄罗斯儿童计划的一集,Mahsa and the Bear,在一个非正式的YouTube频道上,人们已经观看了迄今为止41.7亿次。这表明YouTube是一种真正的全球现象。


Just as YouTube has become a phenomenon in recent years, so has the whole concept of influencer marketing. The influencer marketing industry is estimated to be worth $8 billion in 2019 and predicted to grow to $15 billion by 2022.


显然,我们定期在The The The The The The The金博宝188备用网址 The The Tragencer Marketing Hub上写有关影响者的营销。我们看到了几年前有影响力的营销的潜力,并于201金博宝188备用网址6年建立了我们的网站,现在已经写了几乎关于该主题的各个方面的文章。我们也自豪地组织了有关影响者营销的会议和课程。金博宝188备用网址


我们知道有些人谴责所谓的影响rs online, suggesting that they are just in it for free products and infamy. These people misunderstand what influencers are. Influencers are the thought leaders who dominate the online discussions on virtually any topic. Influencer marketing involves brands working with these experts to promote their products. It doesn't mean brands working with Kardashian-wannabes wanting glory. Sure, some socialites (including the Kardashians) genuinely influence people. But most influencers aren't socialites demanding freebies.



We tend to think of influencers as being the thought leaders of Instagram or Facebook (although some people still confuse the termscelebritiesand影响者). People often forget YouTube, because its users don't share one-off posts, as such. Instead, they operate channels and regularly upload videos to these channels.

But as we have seen above, some YouTubers enjoy phenomenal success. They have many fans who religiously watch their videos and subscribe to their channels. And each channel tends to specialize in particular types of videos that correspond well with the same niches that people have influence over on Instagram and Facebook.

Also, as we have mentioned, the bulk of today’s teenagers spend more than a third of their video-watching time on YouTube. In many cases, these teenagers have preferred channels that they return to each day or week looking for new content. They look up to these broadcasters as their superstars. They talk about their favorite YouTubers in the playground, rather than television stars on channels they don't watch. It should surprise nobody that 70% of teenage YouTube subscribers feel they relate to YouTube creators more than traditional celebrities – these are people the teenagers choose to watch.


One area where influencer marketing has been slow to standardize is how to measure your ROI. In fact, 37% of marketers are not sure how to set goals and measure results when influencer marketing.

这is partly because the intelligent marketer has traditionally used influencer marketing. They don't rely on a one-size-fits-all measure to determine an ROI. Instead, they adapt their measurement of influencer marketing results to a firm's goals.

You can’t successfully participate in influencer marketing without first setting goals for your campaign. There has to be a “why?” Why do you wish to undertake this campaign? And each "why" will need a different way to measure the result. Are you trying to increase website visits – then use your Social page visits from your Google Analytics as a measure. Are you looking to increase engagement – keep a close eye on Comments, Likes, and Shares. Perhaps you wan to use influencer marketing to lead to increased sales for an online website – in that case, look for referrals from your influencers' web pages (YouTube channels) to your shopping site, matched by increased sales there.

Clearly, however, there are still marketers that have yet to understand this different approach to measuring results.

Influencer Marketing and Video Make a Perfect Match

“YouTube Influencer Marketing combines the power of influencer storytelling with the scale of video -- a recipe that’s impactful for brands with a story that’s worth telling.” - Bradley Hoos, CGO of The Outloud Group, a full-service influencer marketing agency.


The more traditional social networks understand the power of video too. That’s why Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter showcase the short videos that people share. And don't forget, video combines the senses of sight and sound to make a doubled impact on an audience.

But these other networks generally limit themselves to short videos – highlights reels, quick gags, or a focus on a single point. YouTube looks at the bigger picture. Brands with a longer, or unique story to tell thrive with YouTube influencer marketing.

“凭借YouTube,创造力获胜。”-Jenny Quigley-Jones,英国数字声音董事总经理



To test the effectiveness of this common form of measurement, a recent study conducted by The Outloud Group, observed 150,000 users and their response to 158 influencer marketing campaign videos on YouTube.


The Outloud Group’s study found that for every 1 attributable conversion that a marketer could track through a bit.ly, vanity URL, or promo code, 3 more conversions resulted from the user going directly to the brand’s site, searching for the brand’s site on a search engine and then purchasing, or purchasing through third-party marketplaces such as Amazon, Target, or Best Buy.

这means that most marketers are blind to 75% of conversions resulting from their YouTube influencer marketing campaigns, grossly underestimating its effects.

YouTube Influencer Marketing Drives 2-5X More Traffic Directly to Brand Sites than Previously Measured



