
Best for:
Good for small businesses
从$ 23起
Best for:
Good for small businesses
从$ 23起


wix.comis known more than a Content Management System than an e-commerce platform, but they’ve been making a lot of moves lately to help reshape that perception. The company has a history of growing and adapting with the times: they’ve been around since 2006, starting life as a Flash-based website creation tool. Some time in 2012, Wix users got their final “You must update your version of Flash” pop up message as the company migrated to become a fully HTML5-based platform.

In layman’s terms, this means they started life with what was leading edge technology (Flash), and were smart enough to migrate away from that tech once better options emerged in the market. And they’ve continued on in this vain, adding new tech as necessary, either through development or acquisition and never for a moment sliding into irrelevance. It also makes for a constantly growing, and consistently happy, customer base.82% of their customers在第一年之后与他们在一起,这是对客户满意度的真实测试。

Many of the features they’ve added (and the companies they’ve acquired) have been done with an eye toward beefing up their e-commerce offering. Previously, the offering was solid enough to satisfy its predominantly small business customer base, customers for whom ease-of-use is more important than advanced features. Wix aims to change that; in June 2020 they announced some major upgrades to their e-commerce offerings that ought to excite anyone looking to set up an online store easily and affordably: more extensive shipping options, a payments platform, multi-channel sales integrated marketing tools, and web development tools to facilitate developers’ efforts to integrate their own apps with Wix.

他们不能更完美的时机。电子商务has consistently grown since the internet first went from a military project to a public assessed commercial network. That growth continues to accelerate, and the global COVID-19 lockdowns have only served to increase the rate of adoption dramatically. Wix’s new e-commerce suite is an answer to what the company’s co-founder and CEO, Avishai Abrahami, referred to as online shopping’s “stage of hyper growth.” His company has seen steady growth over its history, but without these new features they’d run the risk of stagnating or even losing customers. In order for Wix to stay competitive, it needs to ensure its customers do, too. As you’ll see, this new push toward e-commerce seems like a win for everyone—except maybe the companies that are competing with Wix.com.

Pros and Cons
Easy store setup
Wix websites may load slower
Some elements cannot be customized
您必须使用Square Adeadway来避免更大的交易费用
Best for: Good for small businesses



  • 商业基本,$ 23/mo -零售电子商务功能,无限制的产品,废弃的购物车恢复,在Facebook和Instagram上出售,客户帐户,定制域,第一年的免费域,20 GB的存储空间,5小时的视频(请参阅下面的著名功能,下面),在线预订,票务和活动管理,餐馆的在线订购,酒店预订系统,出售艺术和数字内容,24/7客户服务
  • Business Unlimited, $27/mo —上述所有内容,都有以下更改和补充:35 GB存储,10个小时的视频,接受经常性/订阅付款,多种货币,每月100笔交易的自动营业税(请参阅下面的集成,下面),高级运输,运输折扣从USPS,第三方市场集成,多达250种销售产品,1,000个消费者评论
  • Business VIP, $49/mo —上述所有内容,都有以下更改和补充:50 GB存储,无限视频,优先客户服务,每月500件交易的自动税,无限制的投资产品,3,000个消费者评论,忠诚度计划
  • 企业,自定义定价 -您可以选择所需的任何或所有功能,在获得VIP支持的同时,在存储空间,评论等上自定义限制(或无限制)。

Wix的电子商务功能丰富,但是siness types, and even the Basic plan is impressively stacked with features. Still, a few things need some context, as there’s a little salesmanship going on the feature list. First, nothing here is technically unlimited unless you customize the Enterprise plan to make it that way. Sure, the Basic plan says you can have unlimited products, but you also can’t use more than 20 GB of storage space. Which means there’s a limit. The notion of 24/7 support is fairly misleading, as well. Only the Enterprise plan allows for phone support. Otherwise, you’re submitting tickets through the web or email. Which, you know....you already knew you can access a website or send an email any time of day.

All of the above plans include a $300 ad voucher for marketing your site online: $100 for Google Ads, $100 for local listings, and $100 to flush right down the toilet (or advertise on Bing, your choice).

For any of the e-commerce plans, you can choose to accept credit and debit cards through Wix Payments, or connect your account to one of these payment providers: Braintree, Stripe, Square, and Pinwheel. If you do go with Wix, they offer competitive rates for processing:

  • United States —交易金额的2.9%,加上0.30美元
  • 欧盟国家 -交易金额的1.9%,加上0.30欧元
  • 瑞士 -交易金额的2.3%,加上0.30瑞士法郎
  • United Kingdom —交易金额的2.1%,加上0.20英镑

Setting Up Your Store

Wix didn’t start out as an e-commerce software company, but they certainly look like they’ve been doing it forever: the initial setup of the store could not be easier or more thorough. Many of its competitors start you off by having you add products and defining the more mechanical parameters (like payments, shipping, taxes, etc) before getting into the site design. Wix, mirroring its own evolution, starts you off with site design before moving into the e-commerce set up. Ultimately, the order in which these things are accomplished don’t matter in the least. I only bring that up now because these reviews are structured under the assumption that you’re adding products first, and so we look at the store set up before the design aspect. And we’ll continue to do that here.

当您添加第一个产品时,您将开始对Wix最近推动其电子商务产品的推动表示赞赏。从产品开始设置您的商店很简单 - 即使您没有准备图像:


Apart from variants, you can add the option for customers to personalize the item if you offer that service, quantify inventory, set up custom sections (for return policies, care instructions, whatever you want), or define subscription parameters if that’s what you’re selling. Additionally, you can facilitate the marketing of each item directly from the same screen in which you set it up, with options to edit SEO settings, start an email campaign, share it on social media, along with a few other actions.


Content Management System


You can choose to create your website’s look one step at a time, or have Wix’s AI create the whole site for you at once. AI-created websites still can’t come close to what an actual designer can accomplish, but with adjusted expectations the feature is pretty helpful nonetheless. It only takes a few minutes to have a full site, with all the navigation and pages laid out, even including paragraphs of relevant, albeit boring, text. The result isn’t necessarily a website you’d want to display to the world, but it is the most custom template you can imagine. It’s a starting point, not an end, but it’s a hell of a starting point.


Notable Features


  • Audio and Video Content —Videos are a cool way to show off any of your products in action, but what if the video were the product itself? With Wix, you can offer, for sale or to rent, original video content for download or streaming.
  • 订阅 -可以出售用于数字或物理内容的订阅,但此功能也可以用来提供现实世界产品作为订阅。无论是每月带产品的盒子,还是人们希望定期运送的主食,订阅功能都可以处理物流。
  • Online Bookings —允许您的客户预约各种服务,课程和研讨会的服务。有了预订,您可以为自己的员工搁置老虎机,管理多个日历,并向自动化的SMS提醒即将到来的约会。
  • 售票处 -Sell or give away tickets to an event, and operate like a real ticket agency. “Like a real ticket agency” means you’ll be able to dream up ludicrous extra fees and commissions to tack on and pass along to your customers. But you’ll also be able to do helpful things, like creating scannable, mobile tickets for your customers to use for access to the event.
  • 社会销售 -直接从Facebook和Instagram出售您的产品,同时仍由Wix管理和报告。
  • Pickup and Delivery —在这个全球大流行的时代,交货和接送不仅仅是餐馆。任何类型的本地企业都可以提供详细的接送说明,或者只是直接提供东西。
  • Email Marketing Campaigns —集成的电子邮件营销并不是电子商务平台的罕见功能,但是很少能像这样自动化。188滚球地址使用模板发送好看的电子邮件,并定义确定何时发送的触发器。
  • 移动应用 -Wix的手机不仅是监控销售和库存的一种方式。您可以添加新产品,创建优惠券,创建和发布博客文章,通过帐户向客户发送独家优惠,发送实时推送通知等等。您本质上可以从应用程序构建并运行您的商店。


For as much as Wix can do with its built-in features, the lesson taught by Shopify is that it doesn’t hurt to be endlessly expandable. There’s no app marketplace for Wix like there is for Shopify, but that doesn’t mean you can’t add more features through an integration.

  • 阿瓦拉 -Selling on the internet means your customers could be anywhere in the world, and you may have to charge taxes at rates you don’t know. With the Avalara integration, users get real time automated tax calculation based on the customer’s location and local tax laws.
  • Modalyst —With this integration, Wix users don’t even need to have any of their own product/inventory/storage to start selling and shipping things. Modalyst helps users connect with multiple suppliers drop-shipping over 10 million products worldwide.
  • Kudobuzz -Wix的电子商务平台并未提供消费者评论作为功能,但是与Kudobuzz的集成可能是下一个最好的事情。社会证明是小企业主拥有的最重要的营销工具之一,尤其是在线,人们可能会警惕与以前从未听说过的品牌开展业务。客户将能够留下产品评论,您还可以从社交页面上吸取推荐和其他评论来在您的网站上显示。
  • smile.io -Loyalty and reward programs are an excellent way to turn first time shoppers into repeat customers. Smile.io takes the idea a couple steps further than the standard “Buy Stuff, Earn Points” model. The tech behind the app also identifies top customers and helps you target them specifically to spread the word about your business for you across social media for the chance to earn more rewards.
  • OpenAPI and Development Framework —这不是特定的插件,而是任何Wix客户可以将其现有系统与自定义集成联系起来的机制。


Historically a Content Management System for small business websites, Wix is kind of an underdog in the e-commerce landscape. Hell, even within the CMS world, Wix is kind of an underdog. Of the top one million websites built with hosted builders, Wix has only a.57%的市场份额。Still, their customer base has grown steadily over time, and much more significantly in the last couple of years.45,000个新用户注册with Wix every day.


Best for:
Good for small businesses
从$ 23起
Best for:
Good for small businesses
从$ 23起