Tribe Dynamics

Best for:
Medium to Large brands, Agencies
从$ 251起
Best for:
Medium to Large brands, Agencies
从$ 251起

Influencer marketing is commonly thought of as a “social media thing,” and that is of course true. But if we trace back its history, the real birthplace of influencers is Instagram. Instagram took off on the basis of its strictly visual purpose, which made it the perfect place for good-looking people to look good in public, to people who were something other than friends or acquaintances. The inevitable partnerships between these attractive people and their favorite beauty and lifestyle brands represented the first attempts at influencer marketing. The success of these attempts launched an industry, and one of the earliest companies to form after that launch was Tribe Dynamics.

Tribe Dynamics launched in 2012, less than two years after Instagram did, and unlike many of its early (and later) competitors, it did so with focus. Influencer marketing might have universal appeal, but TD’s co-founders—Conor Begley and Jon Namnath—wisely put all their eggs into the Beauty, Fashion, and Lifestyle baskets. They also applied a similar focus to the platform they conceived. While other startups were busy creating marketplaces and/or end-to-end marketing platforms, TD kept its eye on what is arguably the most important part of influencer marketing: data. It’s a badge they wear proudly, describing themselves as the “Google Analytics” of influencer marketing strategies (Google is a web company, you may have heard of them).

他们的意思是,部落动力学旨在采取整体方法来分析和衡量影响格局。请注意,我说的是“影响着景观”,而不是“影响者的营销格局”。金博宝188备用网址这是因为TD看起来不仅仅是品牌可能与任何社会账户提及的有机物有关的影响者。他们是第一个使用获得社交媒体的媒体价值指标的人,实际上,他们声称已在2014年创建了它。获得的媒体本身并不是一个新的营销概念,但是Tribe Dynamics的EMV算法是。衡量和计算所获得的媒体的价值是了解社会帖子的影响。毫无疑问,EMV几乎是了解广告支出回报率的标准指标。这表明对他们选择发挥的行业有了敏锐的了解,并且对软件本身的进一步了解得出了这一结论。

It’s no accident that Tribe Dynamics attracts some of the most recognizable names: it seems as though the company has written some of the rules on what makes for good analysis and business intelligence for the influencer marketing industry. And because the platform is purpose-built for these goals, it often makes it the perfect complement to whatever other tools a brand might be using. Even if you’re already using an all-in-one product, or a marketplace, or a campaign management tool, Tribe Dynamics would likely fit into your marketing infrastructure just fine without disrupting anything. And it’s been fitting in just fine for the last 9 years.

Tribe Dynamics
Tribe Dynamics
这里的目标不是要找到影响者并将他们激活到竞选活动中。Tribe Dynamics假设您已经有一个有影响力的人和营销活动的名册,它为品牌提供了他们所需的数据和分析,以继续提炼和改进,同时请密切关注竞争对手。
Pros and Cons
Accurate calculation of Earned Media Value from the company that invented the metric
Content Library includes Instagram Stories and TikTok
Different approach to data and metrics gives context along with numbers
Automated tagging not totally accurate
Best for: Medium to Large brands, Agencies



访问平台是在三个不同的销售levels of subscription, and there are a few add-on products, as well. The public website doesn’t list pricing; there is a link to download the pricing guide, which you can only get by supplying contact information. This is obviously for lead generation, and it feels like it would be a jerk move to publicize it here and subvert their sales efforts.


  • Micro —Community/relationship management and tracking for up to 750 influencers, content tracking, competitive monitoring of 1 brand, access to Tribe research and industry reports. Includes implementation and training, in-app support, as-needed client partner
  • 已确立的 -Same as above, except: management/tracking of up to 2,500 influencer, competitive monitoring of up to 5 brands, and a proactive client partner
  • 强国 -5,000个影响者,对10个品牌的竞争监控

These plans can be further customised to include any of these add-ons:

  • Additional Competitive Reporting如果您需要超出计划允许的范围,可以购买单点
  • Additional Influencer Tracking,sold in blocks of 1,000
  • Ephemeral Content Tracking,which is a lovely way of saying you can track Instagram Stories, too.
  • tik tok内容跟踪,which is a very clear way of saying you can track Tik Tok content
  • 行业洞察报告,季度交付
  • Additional and Customised Data
  • Addtional Influencer Search (包含在Powerhouse中)


While the Tribe Dynamics can be used for some measure of discovery, it’s not really the focus here. So, where most platforms shuttle you directly to their search functions, viewing discovery as the first step in the process, TD operates under the assumption that you’ve brought your own influencers to be tracked and monitored. The prevailing thought here is that retention is ultimately far more important than discovery—having a fairly static community of influencers demonstrates a kind of loyalty on both sides of the equation, which makes for a more compelling and authentic message. Often, brands get hung up on expanding their own reach and are constantly on the lookout for new influencers who can bring more customers to the fold, but that can fracture relationships with those who they’re already working with. If greater reach is a dragon you want to chase, then let your influencers do it for you: they’re already in the business of growing their following. Just keep them happy and they’ll handle the growth for you.

So, instead of discovery, Tribe Dynamics brings you to what’s called their “Ambassadors” panel, essentially a high level dashboard of all the social accounts you’re tracking. It’s not just a language choice that it’s called that instead of “Infuencers.” That’s because the platform is tracking anyone (or any entity, even brands) who follow, and listens for mentions and other search terms you define. For each post that matches the criteria, Tribe Dynamics is calculating the earned media value over the last quarter, and the one before that. Right off the bat, with just the most passing of glances, you’re given the breakdown of the total earned media value of all these ambassador mentions, represented in four “buckets.”

  • 保留 -This is how many people who mentioned you in the previous quarter also mentioned you in the present one.
  • 新的 -These are mentions by people this quarter who weren’t talking about you previously.
  • 丢失的 -您可能已经弄清楚了以前提到过您的人,但在本季度根本没有。
  • Potential —These are people who’ve mentioned you at some point in the past, but not in the last six months.

对于这些存储桶中的每一个,您都会获得上一个和当前季度的总EMV,这意味着在登录的几分钟之内,您就会获得以实际美元来衡量的社交绩效的特定说明。下面这些摘要存储库是包括在分析中的大使的完整列表。The number of them can be quite a lot—in the thousands, at least, if you’re the kind of brand that falls into Tribe Dynamics’ target—and so there are more than a dozen filters for you to narrow the list as you deep dive into what or who has been affecting your performance. From that list you can see more individualised metrics, like their reach, engagement, total posts, and EMV (avergaeg per post, and the total).

A quick aside on engagement: Tribe Dynamics expresses engagement rate as a percentage, much like you’d see anywhere else. But they calculate that percentage differently, using a method they describe as “the right way to do it.” Instead of just totaling up the likes and comments and then dividing that number by the reach, TD’s engagement rate expresses the rate as a comparison to other influencers of the same size. So, if you see a rate of, say, 1%, that means this particular ambassador is doing 1% better than the average. A negative number means—you guessed it— worse than the average. Whether this is right or wrong isn’t for me to say—I’m a writer and not a data scientist. But I can say, as a writer, that context is extremely important to understanding, and Tribe Dynamics is giving great context with this method.

From this list of individuals you can click through to each person's Tribe Dynamics profile. I say “profile,” for lack of a better term, but don’t confuse that with their social profiles. This is more like a CRM profile, where you get to see the business end of their activity. There’s a breakdown of all their social profiles, along with high level metrics for each (follower count, engagement, etc.), but then there’s also a section for tags as a way to categorise them. Some of the tags are automatically assigned by the platform—the “Tribe Verified” tag, for example, lets you know TD’s team has verified their contact information—but users can also custom create their own. The profile also lets you know things like their top brand mentions, campaigns they’ve worked on, and there are spaces for internal notes that users may want to create about them.

这个概要文件页面是你可以开始我的地方nto the details of their content, as well. Social posts and their attendant metrics are ingested into the platform and viewable right from the influencer’s profile page. There’s also a full accounting of their EMV and engagements—in total, but also broken down by channel and individually—and compared to previous performance so you can get an understanding of how well (or not) an influencer is working for you. This kind of analysis continues in Brand Buzz, which amounts to looking at the same data you see for each individual, aggregated for the brand as a whole.

The Campaigns section is essentially an even further refinement of all that data. Here, you can have it track your campaign specific hashtags over a specified period of time to measure performance and EMV. And finally, four items down in the navigation menu, is Tribe Dynamics’ approach to Discovery. Not the most important thing, but if you need more people you can look here: it’s all accounts that are talking about your brand and you aren’t working with yet. Distinct from Discover is the Search function, where brands can discover and recruit people talking about competitive brands.

最后,Tribe Dynamics在其排行榜模块的诉讼程序中添加了一个很好的上下文(再次)。在这里,您可以看到您的品牌如何在比赛旁边堆叠,将您的EMV和其他相关指标互相匹配。




Best for:
Medium to Large brands, Agencies
从$ 251起
Best for:
Medium to Large brands, Agencies
从$ 251起