
4.8out of 5 stars
4.8out of 5 stars

今年11月,自我们推出了有影响力的营销中心以来已经有6年了 - 当网站上线时,我们进行了一些平台评论(以及我们的其他内金博宝188备用网址容),而Traackr就是其中之一。尽管它是同时发表的另外9个评论,但Traackr实际上是我们收到的第一个演示的评论,并将我们吹走了。当我们看到越来越多的平台时,所有使Traackr188滚球地址如此出色的原因变得越来越明显。


Data has always been an integral part of what Traackr does—and it’s a huge factor in the long term success of influencer marketing. If authenticity was what made marketers try influencer marketing in the first place, data was what made them stick around.Traackr的人们很早就理解了这一点,因此数据和分析一直是该平台所做的事情的重要组成部分 - 如此之多,以至于该公司的长期客户开始将Traackr称为“ Google for Geending People”。This didn’t just mean it was a search engine that delivers relevant results. Like Google, Traackr doesn’t just try and match keywords and filters. There’s context to every search, and results are backed not just by matching criteria but also analyzing and understanding it, as well.

Add to this fact Traackr was founded in 2008, a time when social media was an unproven entity, and influencers did not even exist. Its founders—Pierre-Loïc Assayag and David Chancogne, the CEO and CTO, respectively—had the impressive foresight to see how important it could become. They started Traackr as a way for brands to sift through the growing mountains of content online and understand what people were saying/thinking/feeling about them. Over the years, Traackr has added functionality—including ways to discover and manage influencers—but the data and analytics have been there from the beginning. That understanding of how important these things are to marketing has influenced the platform’s growth since then, and Traackr continues to impress us as it remains one of the top influencer platforms available.

One of the first influencer marketing platforms is still one of the best. It’s also not for small brands. This is enterprise software that’s as deep a dive into influencer marketing management as can be.
Influencer Market Benchmark gives brands a holistic view of their and competitor’s marketing
Resonance score a good measure of relative influence
Steep learning curve to get started
Ease of Use
Overall Score


The Details

Because we made a big deal about the data that powers Traackr, let’s start with a couple of metrics right off the bat. Traackr’s data set is massive: It’s indexed over 4十亿来自超过700万影响者的13个平台上的有影响力的帖子。188滚球地址在任何给定时刻,这代表两年半的历史数据。将其与行业的平均水平相比,为90天。即使是像T188滚球地址raackr那样倾斜数据的平台也不会返回一年以上。如果您对统计信息一无所知,您会知道,样本量越大,数据越准确(如果您对统计信息一无所知,那么您刚刚在此句子中学到了一些东西)。

So what do they do with all that information?

他们要做的一件事是为客户提供一种叫做基准报告的东西,这是品牌对自己的表现而与竞争对手在社交媒体领域的表现的一种方式。在这里,“他们在社交媒体领域的表现”意味着了解您在社交对话中所占的份额,并了解您如何实现这一目标 - 您还将为竞争对手找到这一点。每月更新,基准报告将您的公司与您定义为竞争对手的其他公司进行了比较。

基准 - 概述

So, for example, if you want to see “how you’re doing” you’d click into the Performance tab, and peruse through the collection of metrics there showing each company’s number of activated influencers, number of posts, number and rate of engagement, video views, and more—all presented as easy-to-read bar graphs. These are all factors used to calculate an overall “Brand Vitality” score, Traackr’s own metric that gives an at-a-glance understanding of your spot in the competitive landscape. You can drill down into any of these metrics for you or any of your competitors. For example, if you were looking at the Video Views metric and clicked on your competitor’s name, you'll see the influencers they worked with—and their stats—that were driving those views.

基准 - 竞争情报

不过,基准还不仅仅是这一基准。您将获得(及其付费的有机营销)的衡量标准。有关于谈论您的影响者(Nano,Micro等)的影响者。您将了解哪些社交渠道最适合您。可以单击所有这些高级统计数据以获取更多信息。想看看谁在推动有关您最大的竞争对手的最多对话?在“订婚”图中找到它们,然后单击其名称。一个有影响力的人是否以特别很高的数量脱颖而出?单击她的名字,您将看到她对它们的所有帖子。想进一步了解她吗? Click on her name in any of those posts and you’ll go to her profile.

And the insights keep on coming.

You can learn an awful lot about an influencer from their Traackr profile. There’s all the obvious stuff, like the different social channels she posts on, her location, her reach, and all of her content—and the performance metrics of that content—to name a few. There’s the less obvious, but very helpful, Brand Safety measurement, which gives you a heads up if there’s any controversy or bad behavior you should know about. This isn’t some generic play at conventional morality—there’s no wholesale ban of sex, drugs, profanity, etc. Rather, the brand decides what’s safe and what isn’t and feeds those preferences to the platform.

你可以深入了解他们的听众,with both psycho- and demographic information on display. But then you also get a very specific understanding of how credible their audience is: Traackr shows you the specific percentage of suspicious and mass followers, but it can also tell you what portion of the audience is made up of other influencers. There’s even a metric called “Reachability,” how likely someone from her audience is to see her post, based on how many people they’re following.


Now, after two paragraphs, we didn’t even cover everything that you can learn from an influencer profile.What’s important to remember about all these insights is that they’re based on publicly available data. The influencer doesn’t need to connect her social accounts and authorize Traackr to read her data. This means that if you’re interested in knowing more about an influencer you find out in the wild, you can add her to Traackr and you’ll get all this analysis for her, too. That Traackr can glean so much insight from a simple web-scrape tells you that there are some very smart marketing types behind the scenes that know HOW to slice, dice, and analyze the data they get. It should also make you question any platform that can’t give you more than basic performance data.

Recall that we just dove into an influencer profile by way of the Benchmark report. We haven’t even covered the Discovery module, as comprehensive a search as we’ve seen. You can define criteria for people或者content, create lists of those you find, assign “ownership” to each profile (good for agencies and large teams managing talent), and tag them with custom descriptors, all of which makes them easier to find when you want to add them to campaigns.

Discovery _ vetting

Campaign management is a huge functional standout, another module where you can see the marketing expertise of the people who designed it. At the administrative level, it’s as thorough as an expert assistant making sure you leave nothing to chance, contractually. You can get remarkably detailed on the content requirements, account for all fees involved, and spell out any products they’re going to get. And, once again, we see how Traackr is clever about its use of data: based on everything it knows about an influencer and her past performance—paid or organic, branded or not—and reconciles that with the content you’ve contracted her for to suggest an appropriate fee to pay. If you’ve created affiliate links for the influencer as an incentive to drive sales, that can also be managed here.

Influencer Fee Calculator

报告活动,正如你所想象, highly detailed. Traackr aggregates all the content, and associated data, onto the platform so you don’t have to click out to another website to see it. It aggregates all the affiliate link conversions, too. One of the cooler things in the reporting is the “Efficiency” page, which breaks down the total spend and lays it out against other metrics, like cost per view, cost per engagement, cost per post, etc. The page has a list of all the influencers that took part in your campaign and reports on their individual efficiency. The sums and averages of all these stats is then presented at the top, giving insight into how well (or not) you spend your money.

广告系列 - 投资优化

最后,我们会说我们没有完成。There are more tools and reports included in Traackr that we don’t have the space to completely cover: tools to help teams communicate and collaborate, “Topics Reports” that help you surface the right influencers in your network for each campaign by seeing who’s talking about related topics, a Brand Buzz tool that’s essentially a feed of content of people talking about your brand, and full messaging.




根据客户及其需求,Traackr的定价高度个性化,并且没有以预设的每月价格设定“计划”。他们定价的关键驱动力是需要访问的用户数量,因此Traackr与公司缩放或向下扩展。Most of their customers are mid-sized and enterprises. The best way to find out whether the platform fits your budget is to call up and get a price quote.


Traackr’s long history as a company predates influencer marketing. It was always meant to be a marketing tool for brands on social media, and it always saw data analysis as the basis for them to be successful. That Traackr became one of the premiere platforms for a marketing practice that didn’t even exist when it was founded tells you something about how solid that foundation of data is. That it’s as meticulous and through from a marketing management perspective tells you that there was a solid foundation of marketing know-how, too. That’s a potent combo for an influencer marketing platform; Traackr lets its customers harness that power.

Frequently Asked Questions



How does Traackr’s pricing work?

To be able to use their platform, you can either opt for an annual or multi-year subscription. Generally, Traackr is a cost-effective solution for medium-sized and bigger brands and agencies. You will need to reach out to Traackr directly for specific pricing.


With Traackr, influencer discovery and campaign management are extremely thorough. Searching for influencers on their platform starts with a comprehensive search through the database of influencers on Traackr. To help you, there are many options to narrow down your search that includes filtering by topic keyword, locations, languages, age, gender, brand and affinities. You can also use the new Audience Attributes tool to filter by the psychographic data for the followers of influencers.

What are some of the advantages of using Traackr?



As Traackr gives you many ways to organize the influencers that you’ve added to your network, it’s quite easy to use and segment your influencers. This feature simplifies collaboration among members of your marketing team as well. All it takes is a glance, and any team member will know where things are at with a specific influencer. What is more, it also offers you a lot of space to customise the data that you save about your influencers by, for example, adding notes about interactions.

4.8out of 5 stars
4.8out of 5 stars