
Cryptocurrency has become an increasingly popular mode of investing, and crypto owners are pushing for it to be used as a more mainstream type of currency to exchange. However, not everyone is on board with this.

This is especially evident as TikTok previously禁止所有与加密货币有关的内容和金融服务。

Which makes their recent change of events interesting. TikTok is currently working on a program that will allow crypto companies to run ads on the platform. While there will be restrictions in place, this is a big step forward for TikTok crypto advertisers.

Throughout this article, we’re going to talk more about what加密货币IS,这个新程序会影响谁,为什么这是一步如此大的一步,以及在Tiktok上的加密货币历史的样子。



Cryptocurrency (also called “crypto” for short) is essentially digital money. While many people are currently using cryptocurrency as a form of investments as their values change frequently, in the future, cryptocurrency could also be used as a mainstream form of currency for online purchases and monetary exchanges.

The biggest difference between crypto and traditional money is the technology behind it. Cryptocurrency is supported by a technology called区块链,这是分散的,这意味着没有政府机构或其他实体负责。取而代之的是,一组计算机网络保持了加密交换和交易的安全,防篡改的记录。

加密投资者可以使用加密盈利计算器to gauge their profit margin. There are also a number ofcrypto/NFT agencies加密影响者对于有兴趣了解加密货币如何影响营销,广告或将来的货币交易的品牌。



The current approved regulatory bodies are:

  • US: Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
  • Canada: Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC)


而Tiktok的PR spokesperson saysthese crypto companies can still post organic content about crypto onto their TikTok feeds, they aren’t able to run paid advertisements. TikTok’s platform is now looking to change this.







Their restrictions also mean that any crypto company wanting to advertise on TikTok has to take the necessary steps to ensure they’re regulated by specific bodies.



如果您负责加密货币品牌的营销,那么您可能正在寻找推广品牌的方法,使您与行业中的许多骗局区分开来。这使您的品牌数字营销变得更加重要 - 您需要证明自己的合法性并一口气证明自己的价值。

But even with TikTok cracking down on crypto brands, it’s not all bad news. With TikTok’s new beta test, legitimate cryptocurrency companies can rest assured that they’re creating a trusted online presence.

However, TikTok Crypto beta program is only open to select brands at the moment. While there’s no set end date for the beta test, if it’s adopted, any brand that is regulated by an approved financial institution will be able to run paid ads.


Promote crypto on TikTok

1. Share educational content


Here’s an example of what your educational videos could look like:

@cleoabram我回应有关技术的QS(通常与视频有关),因此请在评论中询问!#learnontiktok #cryptocurrency #blockchain #eli5 ♬蓝血 - 海因兹·基斯林(Heinz Kiessling)和各种艺术家


2. Share humorous content

玩乐与加密相关的内容。尽管这是一个更严肃的话题 - 毕竟,我们正在谈论金钱和投资,但仍然有互相取笑的空间。


@bitcoinmininger我们重新来过吧#crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #DogeCoin #企业家 ♬乔伊现在是什么趋势 - 绿线


3. Share quick tips



@cryptos.billionairex您最喜欢的社区令牌是什么#millionaire #cryptocurrency #为你 #FYP ♬原始声音 - 加密货币。

These types of videos will likely be incredibly well-received by your audience as they look for their next big investment move.




TikTok allows users to have one link in their bio, which means alink-in-bio tool在这个平台上可能会非常有用。Bio In-in-in-in-Bio工具允许品牌创建一个带有多个链接的迷你登录页面,从而可以从其视频中链接到页面。




目前,在Tiktok Crypto上创建内容的最傻瓜的方式之一就是将其标记为branded content。这意味着您可以轻松地使用加密所encers and get a free pass to ensure your videos aren’t removed due to “violating community guidelines.”

Find influencers who promote the same types of crypto that your brand works with and work together to create promotional and educational content that both of you can share on your own profiles.

To find some of the best influencers, check out our list of the前15位加密影响者and start following a few of them to see if they’d fit in with your brand messaging and guidelines.


Want to make the most of this new TikTok crypto program? As a crypto company, this can be a great way to get the word out about cryptocurrency and secure ways of investing in it. To learn even more about marketing your crypto brand, check out thesetop crypto marketing agencies

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you talk about crypto on TikTok?

Right now, crypto brands and influencers can post organic video content to their feeds talking about cryptocurrency. In the future, only approved brands will be able to promote paid crypto ads—and that’s only if TikTok’s beta program moves forward.

什么是tiktok nfts?




TikTok is currently owned by ByteDance, which is a privately owned company. This means that as of now, you cannot buy shares in TikTok. Once they have an IPO, they will be able to be publicly traded.


TikTok has prohibitions and restrictions when it comes to advertising on their platform. Prohibited ad types are:

  • Ads promoting alcoholic beverages
  • Ads promoting products specifically for children
  • 促进加密货币等金融服务的广告
  • Ads promoting gambling
  • Ads promoting weight loss products/services
  • 促进交易/不忠约会服务的广告



This is why TikTok’s new beta crypto program is requiring that qualified brands are approved by specific regulatory bodies. They’re working to ensure that legitimate crypto brands are able to run ads while still weeding out the scammers.

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