
4.3out of 5 stars
from $79
4.3out of 5 stars
from $79


这些选择是丰富的,但在某种程度上,它们也在限制。您可以告别电子表格find new influencers; say goodbye to spreadsheetsmanage campaigns; say goodbye to spreadsheets管理关系;告别电子表格做任何或全部这些事情。公司无法做的一件事,或者至少不能优雅地做到这一点是简单地向电子表格说再见。这样一来,很多人就在寒冷中,他们只是需要比电子表格更好的东西。

Well, it took a few years to find that simple little system that didn’t try to do too much, but it’s here—and it’s called Stellar (if the name at the top of this review wasn’t enough of a giveaway). Founded in 2015 by CEO Cathy Pill and CMO Sarah Levin, Stellar is, at its heart, a productivity app. You know those neat little apps you download on your phone that help you organize your life in a way that makes everything so much easier? Stellar’s like that, except you can use it to as the foundation for multi-million dollar influencer marketing campaigns.

Full disclosure: Stellar actually does more than just replace your spreadsheets, too. It isn’t a purpose-built unitasker, but it also doesn’t stray outside its core use. That is, the other benefits you get out of using the platform are natural extensions of its organizational function. Meaning, if you’re going to manage and organise your influencers effectively, you’ll need to pull their content and engagement, too. And while you’re getting that, you might as well put it to some good use, which is exactly what Pill and Levin made sure to do.

Audience quality score gives an at-a-glance understanding of an influencer’s value
Campaign reporting can just as easily be used as a competitive research tool
Cumbersome user experience in creating and populating groups
Extra steps involved to monitor all of an influencer’s channels
Ease of Use
Overall Score



像其他SaaS平台一样,出色的销188滚球地址售费用为每月收费,并且有三种不同级别的订阅费用。有一个免费的计划,还有两个可以支付的计划 - 根据您管理的影响者的数量,这些级别的价格从25到5,000。对于确切的定价,您可以自己查看Stellar的定价页面. For a description of the different levels, and ballpark cost, read on.

  • Free —You can use this plan for free and forever, as long as you never need to manage more than 3 influencers at a time. It’s a great way to try out some of the basic features and get a feel for the platform though.
  • Standard (79€/mo for 25 users, up to 1,399€/mo for 5,000) —在此级别上,您将获得无限的用户帐户,以供您的团队访问有影响力的管理工具。您可以将它们分为小组,查看他们的统计数据,受众数据和分析,出口组,并与团队成员合作。
  • Premium(25用户的169€/mo,最多1,999€/mo,5,​​000) -这使所有内容都以标准,以及广告系列统计信息,内容监视和出口,无限的报告和报告共享。

The Details



Within the platform, entering a name gets you all of their social profiles. Choose any or all of them, click a button and you’re done. Much of their data will be instantly available to view, including stats on their total social reach and engagement rate. That rate won’t be across all channels, just the one with biggest audience. There’s an extra manual step you have to do in figuring out which one that is, and it would be nice if Stellar would just report that information to you directly. Other than that, the influencer profile is an excellent resource for information on your influencers. You’ll get a mini feed for each of their accounts, showing you recent content, including Stories. Click on Stats for detailed performance metrics, along with their most used hashtags for the last 30 days and other accounts they mention.


一旦您添加了影响者,就可以开始将它们组织成小组。这些群体可以是您希望他们成为的任何东西,即主题,听众,竞选活动,或者全部 - 这是超级灵活的。也就是说,创建和填充这些群体的过程是出色的一个低点。这并不是说这是一个非常痛苦的过程,而是比可能更麻烦了。您以两种方式之一将影响者添加到小组中。如果您在“影响者”部分中,则可以批量选择组中想要的所有影响者,然后单击一个按钮,如果您已经创建了该组。这是您要做三到四次的事情,然后才能成为肌肉记忆,才能在添加影响者之前创建组。您还可以将影响者添加到小组部分(自然)中的小组中,此过程并不是很好。虽然您可以一次将多个影响者添加到一个小组中,但您一次选择一个。含义:您可以在AutoSuggest功能中弹出时,可以在她的名字中单击匹配的影响者,或者您只需单击搜索字段即可以获取所有影响者的下拉列表,然后滚动浏览可能是一个非常长列表 to select them. And then you do either of these again for each influencer you add.

请注意,您还可以从组创建过程中添加新的影响者,从而使其实际上有太多选择。该过程需要简化为更具凝聚力的用户体验。确实不需要小组部分与影响者分开 - 他们每个人都是组织有影响力的人的重要组成部分,那么为什么要彼此隔离它们呢?幸运的是,创建和管理小组是您将在恒星中度过很小一小部分的方式。


报告非常全面。一个section shows you top level metrics of a campaign: total reach and engagement, the number of influencers, total number of posts, clicks—there’s a lot here.

You can drill down to each influencer, as well, seeing individual performance stats. Who’s not worth the money you spent? Who’s your best ambassador? These are great questions to ask, and you’ll get these answers. Additionally, Stellar also aggregates every post made for your campaign, so you can see exactly what’s out there. Every picture, video, and story is right there for you to see, and you can download any of them to save forever. You can also export all the data, or share the live report with anyone. These are things you cannot do with a spreadsheet.


What’s best about Stellar is that it’s not trying to be more than it should be, but ends being that anyway. The platform exists to organise all your influencers and campaigns into a single platform. Of course you’d want to get all the associated data with that, too, so it makes sense for Stellar to include that with each profile. If that was all there were, I’d say this is a solid tool with limited use. By adding the campaign reporting feature, you’re going from management to analytics, already a big leap in function. By making the reports so easy to read (and to just look at!), the result is nothing short of—well, stellar.

Last Updated:
4.3out of 5 stars
from $79
4.3out of 5 stars
from $79