
As of 2019, there were3.48 billion人们使用社交媒体的人我们是社交的。Google占主导地位的排名最多,但社交媒体网站看到了互联网用户在网上花费的大量时间。

For marketers, these statistics show that your marketing strategy should includesocial media marketing。Social media provides too many opportunities to reach consumers that businesses cannot afford to ignore.

When motivation fails you as a marketer, you can use these social media quotes from industry experts and entrepreneurs to empower you. The quotes will teach you how to handle struggles and face challenges in your marketing initiatives.



  1. “社交媒体不是媒体。关键是倾听,参与和建立关系。”---大卫·阿尔斯顿(David Alston),作家
  2. “想想今天人们在Facebook上的工作。他们与朋友和家人保持同步,但他们也在为自己建立形象和身份,从某种意义上说,这是他们的品牌。他们正在与想要连接的观众联系。如果您现在不在,这几乎是不利的。”---Facebook联合创始人兼首席执行官Mark Zuckerberg
  3. “社交媒体是最终的均衡器。它为任何愿意参与的人提供了声音和平台。”---数字版税的创始人兼首席执行官艾米·乔·马丁(Amy Jo Martin)
  4. “Social marketing eliminates the middlemen, providing brands the unique opportunity to have a direct relationship with their customers.”---Bryan Weiner, CEO, Comscore
  5. “您现在不需要公司或营销公司即可为您品牌:您可以自己做。您可以通过社交媒体来确定自己是谁。”---雷·艾伦(Ray Allen),前美国职业篮球运动员
  6. “社交媒体的第一个规则是一切都在变化。不会改变的是社区对网络的渴望。”--- Kami Huyse,PR和社交媒体策略师,企业家,首席执行官Zoetica Media
  7. “Social media allows big companies to act small again”---杰伊·贝尔(Jay Baer),主题演讲者,司仪,作家和企业家
  8. “Social media will help you build up loyalty of your current customers to the point that they will willingly, and for free, tell others about you.”---Bonnie Sainsbury,社交媒体的创始人兼首席执行官智能
  9. “Pushing a company agenda on social media is like throwing water balloons at a porcupine.”---Erik Qualman, author, and motivational Speaker
  10. “社交媒体对社会学和心理学而不是技术更重要。”--- Brian Solis,数字分析师,作者,主题演讲者
  11. “Content is fire. Social media is gasoline.”---杰伊·贝尔(Jay Baer),主题演讲者,司仪,作家和企业家
  12. “社交媒体可以为B2B公司的培养计划提供对话扩展。社交媒体使我们有机会人性化我们的沟通并使我们的公司更加平易近人。”---MarketingInteractions.com首席执行官兼B2B营销策略师Ardath Albee.com
  13. “搜索是关于弄清楚人们在将关键字输入自己喜欢的搜索引擎时寻找的内容。社交媒体是人们实际上彼此说的。他们告诉我们他们在寻找什么。作为营销人员,我们应该能够很好地将它们融合在一起。”---Norm Elrod, Digital Media Consultant, joblessandless.com
  14. “Social media creates communities, not markets.”---Don Schultz, marketing pioneer
  15. “社交媒体是一项接触运动。”--- Siegelgale的CMO Margaret Molloy
  16. “社交媒体将“公共”投入公关,并将“市场”投入营销。”---Chrisbrogan.com新营销实验室总裁Chris Brogan
  17. “就像您不需要在每个电视频道上都有一样,我不认为品牌不需要以一种大型的方式在每个社交媒体上。”--- Shiv Singh,CMO Eargo,作者,发言人
  18. “社交媒体正在改变我们的交流方式和我们的感知方式,无论是积极而负面的。每次发布照片或更新状态时,您都会为自己的数字足迹和个人品牌做出贡献。”---数字版税的创始人兼首席执行官艾米·乔·马丁(Amy Jo Martin)
  19. “社交媒体并不是全部最终的,但它为营销人员提供了无与伦比的机会参加相关方式。它还为其他营销策略提供了发射台。社交媒体不是一个岛屿。这是大型营销船上的高功率引擎。”---Matt Dickman, Vice President and head of digital communications, Comcast Corporation
  20. “Social media is here. It’s not going away; not a passing fad. Be where your customers are: in social media.“---洛里·拉夫(Lori Ruff),演讲者,作者
  21. “您怎么知道您的内容相关?增加社交交通,参与和质量线索。”---Jason Miller, communications strategist and political manager
  22. “构建它,他们会来”仅在电影中作品。社交媒体是“建立它,培养它,吸引他们,他们可能会来留下。”---塞思·戈丁(Seth Godin),sethgodin.com
  23. “Social Media is about the people! Not about your business. Provide for the people and the people will provide for you.”---Matt Goulart, Founder, Ignite Digital
  24. “When creating a social media campaign, make sure you know your audience well.”---作者和社交媒体专家Liz Azyan
  25. “使Twitter看起来疯狂而半生的品质使它如此强大。”---Jonathan Zittrain, Professor of Law at Harvard
  26. “无论如何,我们为什么要试图像传统渠道一样衡量社交媒体?社交媒体触动商业的各个方面,更多地是良好的商业道德的延伸。”---埃里克·沃克曼(Erik Qualmann),作家兼励志演讲者
  27. “The beauty of social media is that it will point out your company’s flaws; the key questions is how quickly you address these flaws.”---Erik Qualmann, author and motivational speaker
  28. “由于社交媒体如此普遍,我们都非常明显。您的潜在客户,同龄人和竞争可以像他们希望在线搜索,阅读和收集有关您的信息一样深入研究,并在不知道谁在搜索的情况下发布有关您的信息。根据他们的发现,您的前景可能会选择与您开展业务。” --- Mari Smith, Facebook marketing expert, social media influencer, speaker, and author
  29. “我得到100%的电子邮件开放率,”没人说。更多的理由将针对您自己的电子邮件列表的Facebook广告放置。”---玛丽·史密斯(Mari Smith),Facebook营销专家,社交媒体影响者,演讲者和作者
  30. “社交媒体成功公式:内容 +参与 +转换。冲洗。重复。”---玛丽·史密斯(Mari Smith),Facebook营销专家,社交媒体影响者,演讲者和作者
  31. “You are what you tweet.”--- Calm的创始人兼首席执行官Alex Tew
  32. “在社交媒体中,“吱吱作响的轮子”获得了油。您必须将自己放在那里,以找到与您联系甚至辩论的人,具体取决于您的需求。”---杰西卡·诺伊(Jessica Northey),多媒体人格和数字顾问
  33. “你不能脚尖到社交媒体。You have to jump into the pool. People have a natural fear of it. But the scary part is not being there. Your customer is already there.”---戴夫·桑德斯(Dave Saunders),创始人Madisonmain.com
  34. “A large social-media presence is important because it's one of the last ways to conduct cost-effective marketing. Everything else involves buying eyeballs and ears. Social media enables a small business to earn eyeballs and ears.”---Guy Takeo Kawasaki,营销专家,作家和Silicon Valley Venture资本家
  35. “目前,借助互联网上的社交网络和其他工具,所有这5亿人都可以说出他们的想法并听到他们的声音。”---Facebook联合创始人兼首席执行官Mark Zuckerberg
  36. “下次您听到社交媒体神话时,请提问。要求证明并大声询问。”---丹·扎雷拉(Dan Zarrella),社交媒体科学家兼作家
  37. “除非您是一个主要品牌,否则卖出销售的销售方法根本无法在社交媒体上使用,即使那样,他们也发现每天效果越来越少。”---Kim Garst, CEO at KG Enterprises
  38. “The way you treat your users or customers, and how you personally present yourself through social media, is a way to differentiate yourself from your competitors.”---Alexis Ohanian,Reddit联合创始人
  39. “社交媒体的目标是将客户变成您的个人传播者。”--- Shane Barker,Shanebarker.com
  40. “There's the good and the bad aspects to social media. What I do find great is how much social media has changed businesses and the way they structure their marketing.” ---Danielle Louise Moinet, American professional wrestler, model, actress, and former American football player.
  41. “When I hear people debate the ROI of social media? It makes me remember why so many businesses fail. Most businesses are not playing the marathon. They're playing the sprint. They're not worried about lifetime value and retention. They're worried about short-term goals.” ---Vaynermedia首席执行官Gary Vaynerchuk和作者
  42. “社交媒体要求企业领导者开始像小镇商店所有者一样思考。这意味着要长期观察并避免短期基准来衡量进步。这意味着允许经营各个级别业务的人们的个性,心脏和灵魂。并通过对待每个客户,就像他或她是世界上最重要的客户一样,尽力塑造口口相传。”---Vaynermedia首席执行官Gary Vaynerchuk和作者
  43. “By monitoring the activity taking place on social networks, retailers can amplify successful marketing and sales strategies and avoid weak tactics which can later be tied back to organizational objectives.” ---Hootsuite的创始人兼首席执行官Ryan Holmes
  44. “Social media is not just an activity; it is an investment of valuable time and resources. Surround yourself with people who not just support you and stay with you, but inform your thinking about ways to WOW your online presence.” ---Sean Gardner, digital marketer, keynote speaker, A.I. specialist, and author
  45. “要进行真正有效的社交活动,品牌需要接受营销的第一原则,涉及品牌定义和始终如一的讲故事。”---Simon Mainwaring, brand futurist, global keynote speaker, and author
  46. Too many brands treat social media as a one way, broadcast channel, rather than a two-way dialogue through which emotional storytelling can be transferred.Simon Mainwaring, brand futurist, global keynote speaker, and author
  47. “对于试图在社交媒体上成长的任何人来说,最好的建议是真实并保持一致。如果您忠于自己和您是谁,人们将与您联系更多。创建一个时间表,让您拥有人们会喜欢的图片和视频的平衡。只是玩得开心,不要害怕冒险。”---Lele Pons,委内瑞拉裔美国人和社交媒体创造者
  48. “在社交媒体上有效,无论是出于商业还是个人用途,都意味着捕获跨越关注的人。它们只有一张有趣的猫的图片点击,因此您必须使自己的东西比那只猫更具吸引力。那可能是一个高标准。”---Reddit联合创始人Alexis Ohanian



These quotes will inspire you to not give up on your social media efforts. They will help you get through the struggles that you may face during your marketing efforts.

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