





  • 您是否花费大量时间思考社交媒体或计划使用社交媒体?
  • 您是否觉得越来越多地使用社交媒体?
  • 您是否使用社交媒体来忘记个人问题?
  • Do you often try to reduce the use of social media without success?
  • Do you become restless or troubled if unable to use social media?
  • 您是否如此使用社交媒体,以至于对您的工作或研究产生了负面影响?


Over 5 Billion Internet Users

Data from Statistasurveyed in July 2022 indicated that there were more than 5 billion internet users, up from 4.9 billion in 2021. This increase of over 170 million users alone provides an estimate of the number of people around the world who could develop an addiction to social media.


Social media in itself affects我们的大脑如何工作。借助诱导激素的帖子片段,社交媒体使用会破坏我们天然阿片类药物和5-羟色胺的集中度。当用户参与诸如遵循某些帐户或经常发布以与朋友保持联系时,社交媒体使用的上瘾质量会进一步提高。此外,社交媒体越来越多地取代了人类的互动。随着社交媒体使用的增加,互联网成瘾的统计数据似乎也可能继续增加。






China tops the bill with超过10亿个互联网用户,印度和美国分别排名第二和第三。这是互联网继续以空前的方式影响人们的另一个指标。

互联网的使用情况在全球范围内激增,更多的人从以往任何时候都多的地方访问互联网。由于这种扩散,互联网的使用现在与许多国家 /地区的物理媒体使用相当。特别是在中国和印度,互联网用户不仅使用它来研究和学习新信息,而且还将其用于娱乐或社交网络。


essential digital headlines


自2022年7月以来,已经有4.70 billion social media users。This represents a 227 million increase over the past year. While China has almost 984 million active social media users, the US has over 300 million. It is now estimated that 59% of the world's population uses social media, an increase of more than 5 percent in just a year.

What this means is that social media addiction is a global problem that's only getting worse. In addition, regardless of your location or socioeconomic status, you're almost certainly using social media in some way or another.

2.9 Billion Monthly Active Users on Facebook



活跃的Facebook用户数量each month is estimated at more than 2.9 billion, making Facebook the first social networking site to have surpassed one billion registered accounts. What is worth noting is that its umbrella company, Meta, owns three other major social platforms: WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger. These platforms combined have a user base of over 1 billion. This means is that even if users are not actively using Facebook, odds are they are familiar with it and use one of its other platforms.

以下是Facebook之后的亚军:YouTube(25.62亿用户),WhatsApp(20亿用户),Instagram(14.78亿用户),微信(12.63亿用户),Tiktok(10亿用户),Facebook Messenger(9.88亿Messenger)用户),Douyin(6亿用户),QQ(5.74亿用户)和Sena Weibo(5.73亿用户)。

每天在社交媒体上花费2H 27m

详细的统计数据provided by Statista表明16至64岁的互联网用户在各种媒体和设备上花费大量时间。他们能够确定,平均而言,Z世代和千禧一代合并群体的社交媒体使用每天在社交媒体平台上花费大约两个小时27分钟。188滚球地址



According to FameMass, teenagers spend even more time than adults on social media (no surprise about that). Teens aged 13 to 18-years-old average 3 hours and 1 minute per day. Some teens, however, spend up to 9 hours every day on social media – much more time than they spend in school.




Social media gender audience distribution is around 50%

During the first quarter of 2022,Statista's survey发现没有全球社交媒体平台主导男性和女性社交媒体用户的数据。截至2022年1月,Facebook的男性受众群体的总受众总数为56.6%,而其女性受众却占其总用户的43.4%。在调查期间,Snapchat的女性使用者比男性用户高约54%。在其他社交网络(例如LinkedIn和Twitter)中,男性占了大多数用户的解释,而Instagram报告了男性和女性的比例几乎相等。




What we can see here is a significant increase in the popularity of platforms such as TikTok and Snapchat. These platforms focus more on Live Streaming and ephemeral content, respectively. This shows that while teenagers tend to prefer more private platforms (such as Snapchat), they still look to public ones (like YouTube). That's because social media is not just a platform for sharing personal updates with friends. Instead, it's also an opportunity to share your passions and interests with different communities around the world.


TikTok has grown to be the preferred social media platform for the global population of children. Think about it: while the average我们的tiktok用户每月花费约828分钟,孩子平均花费102 minutes per day在平台上。这些年轻人以有趣而有趣的方式与他们的朋友,家人和社交媒体明星联系。



在孩子使用的顶级社交媒体平台中,父母最关心孩子的支出188滚球地址Tiktok的时间过多as a social media platform. They spend the most time in front of screens, contributing to the physical and psychological problems that can arise if these types of applications are used irresponsibly by minors.


其次,这已经成为孩子们在Tiktok上花费太多时间的习惯,因为他们发现平台上瘾了。This is due to its design, which makes users return to it more often. Finally, these apps are designed specifically for young people who want an easy way to communicate with their peers without having to worry about adults intervening in their conversations. In order to avoid these negative effects of social media, parents can limit how much time their children spend on the app.


Common Sense Media发现五分之四的具有移动设备的青少年将它们放在他们的房间中过夜。此外,有68%的青少年将他们的设备上床睡觉,其中包括几乎三分之一的人实际上和他们一起睡在床上。超过三分之一的青少年和四分之一以上的父母醒来,并检查其移动设备是否至少每晚一次(通常是检查社交媒体或回复通知)。女孩倾向于与男孩相比,与男孩相比,与手机设备相比,女孩的睡眠更多(男孩的26%)。


With the continuous use of multiple social media platforms on a daily basis, now more than 31% of internet users have exhibitedsymptoms of an anxiety disorder。这可能归因于Covid带来的限制环境。但是,这也是连续使用社交媒体的结果之一,社交媒体创造了各种途径,以使其感到不安全和孤立。

A study conducted by the成瘾中心found that 27% of children who spend at least three hours on social media might suffer from mental health issues. During childhood and early adulthood, the brains and interpersonal skills of young adults are still developing. When they look to social networking sites to connect with other people, they tend to stunt their interaction skills in the real world.


这是为什么呢?因为他们的社会互动media sites are not face-to-face. This lack of human connection can be harmful both physically and mentally. It establishes isolation from society, which is known to increase levels of depression, anxiety, and a negative body image. This has also been proven to lower rates of compassion, sensitivity, and empathy. This对他们的社会福祉的负面影响可能导致学术表现和孤独感的问题,因为当年轻人(和其他任何人)不断依赖社交媒体网站时,很难形成健康的关系。
