REDDIT NFT速成课程:您需要了解Reddit NFTS

Social news site Reddit has long provided support for加密货币作为应用内购买的付款方式。从业力和奖杯到许多子列表中加密货币的概念,实验加密货币和本地Reddit NFT资产对Reddit在分散融资中的暴跌有望。

Reddit NFT速成课程:

What Is Reddit?

Founded in 2005, Reddit is a networking site where users share, discuss, and vote on content. Users can give upvotes or downvotes on posts, which affect the post’s popularity and search ranking within the site.

超过4.3亿活跃用户在reddit上。Reddit用户(通常被昵称为“ Redditors”)进行娱乐活动(Reddit以广泛使用互联网上广泛使用的模因而闻名),新闻和更新以及几乎任何感兴趣的主题而闻名。


What Is a Subreddit?

为Redditors subreddit是一个利基社区discuss particular interests like gaming, cryptocurrency, and stock trading. Anyone on Reddit can start a subreddit to find like-minded individuals or subscribe to a subreddit curated for a topic they find interesting.

迄今为止,已经结束了130,000 active subreddits。在右边的子雷数上共享内容会增加帖子的牵引力。投票系统允许redditor控制哪些内容流行,而无趣或带负电源的帖子被低估了。

Subreddits are also a venue for opportunity and profitability. On Reddit, you are guaranteed to find an audience for the most niche topic. Discourse on cryptocurrency is among the most popular on the platform, with the subreddit r/CryptoCurrency gathering almost 5 million members. Proclaimed the leading community for cryptocurrency analysis and news, r/CryptoCurrency launched its official crypto token called MOON.

R/Fortnitebr是一位为Epic Games的Fortnite:Battle Royale策划的Subreddit,还推出了自己的加密代币,称为Brick。卫星和砖块根据他们的个人贡献分发给各自的subreddit成员。

Reddit业力vs. MOONS and BRICKS: An Overview



Reddit业力is a user’s score from their activities on the platform. Engaging within subreddits earns you either Post or Comment Karma, both making up your total karma count. Reddit makes use of an algorithm to calculate Reddit Karma; upvotes and downvotes on either posts or comments can affect your karma count.


高的Reddit业力在Reddit中解锁了某些好处。一些社区需要一定的业力计数,然后您才能订阅或分享第一篇文章;高业律计数可确保获得独家社区的特权。在大约50个业力的情况下,您也可以启动自己的subreddit。最重要的是建立信誉。具有High Karma的红色表明社区成员如何看待他们的意见。

Unfortunately, Reddit Karma does not hold monetary value. It is merely a representation of a Reddit user’s contribution to the platform.



Reddit awards

  • Community Awards


  • 反应奖

Reaction awards give more context to how you reacted to a post or comment. Express your reactions beyond words with Reaction Awards like the Spit-take Award to show how shell-shocked you are.

  • Medals


  • 优质的

优质的awards are exclusive to Reddit Premium members. You’ll know an award is Premium when it’s outshining the line of regular Reddit awards.

Reddit Coins



Reddit Drops Bitcoin, Launches RCPs



In short, Reddit Community Points are the fungible token equivalent of Reddit Karma. Members of a community have autonomy on how to create and distribute Community Points, and they can use karma counts as reference.

Remember Reddit Awards, which Redditors purchase with Reddit Coins? Reddit aims to deliver a purely digital transaction from Coins to Awards with Community Points. Community Points can be rewarded or sent as a tip to notable community members and moderators.

The Vault

为了发送和存储Reddit社区积分,Reddit推出了一个名为“金库”的应用程序内加密钱包。除了Reddit社区要点外,保险库还将是Reddit Moons and Bricks的所在地。



Community engagement is central to a subreddit’s growth and, in turn, Reddit’s success. With tokenized Community Points, Redditors are appropriately rewarded for their reputation and activity online. Owning monetary value over their reputation also encourages members to share meaningful content and engage in stirring conversation.


据报道,雷迪特释放5000万MOONS and BRICKS, with a monthly cap. Users with either of the tokens can flaunt their reputation with fellow community members and unlock community perks that come with a Special Membership. These tokens can also be used to purchase Reddit Coins, the in-app currency needed to give awards to remarkable posts and comments.

截至写作时,1个月亮的价格在$ 0.04773090。另一方面,1砖值得$ 0.052270

cryptosnoos:一个reddit NFT实验?


For so long, Reddit has explored the potential of cryptocurrency, or as popularly dubbed by r/Bitcoin, ‘Magic Internet Money’. In the hopes of minimizing the hassle with various payment processors, Reddit adopted Bitcoin as a purely digital form of payment. In fact, a single Reddit ad made waves on the Internet and contributed to how Bitcoin reached$ 1,000



在NFT炒作的高峰期,Reddit宣布推出其独家NFT系列,称为2021年。cryptosnoos。Each NFT asset features the platform’s iconic alien mascot Snoo, interpreted in various art styles from different periods of history—as a pixelated block image, a disco ball, and a sparkling helium balloon.


  • 传奇的 -Unique, one of a kind
  • 史诗– Extremely limited edition
  • 稀有的– Limited edition


These digital collectible cards of Snoo can be used as a Reddit avatar to show off to your peers and community. CryptoSnoos avatars stand out from the rest with their signature glow animation. This is similar to the hexagonal images that differentiate NFT profile pictures on Twitter.

Much like any other NFT, CryptoSnoos are unique in that they carry details in their code that are one-of-a-kind. They are not interchangeable, unlike MOONS and BRICKS. CryptoSnoos owners have full authority on what they wish to do with their special edition assets.


To get your hands on a CryptoSnoo NFT, you will have to win the auction held at OpenSea. NFTs are auctioned at marketplaces, and because of the innate scarcity (which, inarguably, is the allure of collecting NFTs), prices tend to skyrocket. The least expensive CryptoSnoo was sold at 70 ETH, which roughly translates to $226,000.

自2021年以来,虽然没有任何积极的CryptoSnoo销售,但准备自己竞标独一无二的Reddit NFT并没有什么坏处。以下是加入Reddit NFTS现场拍卖的步骤:

Reddit NFTs Live Auction

  1. Connect your MetaMask Wallet to your Reddit account. Set up a MetaMask wallet if you still don’t have one, and connect it to your Reddit account. As of writing, the in-app Vault wallet is not designed to cater to NFT assets.
  2. 前往Opensea,其中列出了Reddit NFT进行投标。放置竞标,并继续关注招标的进度。
  3. 赢得拍卖,“带回家”您珍贵的NFT。NFT带有详细信息,这意味着您对其唯一的所有权。
  4. 炫耀你的朋友!这些天,加密vation nfts引起了他人的注意,作为个人资料图片。Twitter和Reddit采用了这一策略,前者的收到的反馈少。

What Are CryptoSnoos Used For?

According to Reddit, participating in the live auction for CryptoSnoos is a privilege of joining in a pivotal moment of history with Reddit. Among other things, bidding for Reddit NFTs is solely for entertainment purposes.



社交媒体平台正在逐步转向迎188滚球地址合基于区块链的技术的方式。Facebook获取Oculus并将其重新品牌为Meta168博金宝 , it didn’t come as a surprise for Reddit to integrate NFTs. However, the question remains: what’s next after CryptoSnoos?

尽管Reddit NFT官方网站暗示了未来的NFT版本,但Reddit尚未宣布这一消息。自从公众抓住Reddit的NFT系列之风以来,已经有一段时间了。我们可以假设Reddit仍在尝试在应用程序中的NFT的适当实现和集成。


Reddit的卫星和砖是可替代的令牌,代表我ng they are interchangeable. No matter how early you were to farming either token, they carry the same value as those earned or collected much later. NFTs like CryptoSnoos, on the other hand, are prized for their uniqueness and rarity on the market.

Community Points are very much relevant. The launching of MOONS and BRICKS was just the beginning of Reddit’s monetization of community contribution and engagement. The Reddit Community Points Beta Program is open for communities interested in testing out the features.


Final Thoughts


The culture of discussion within Reddit is also central to the platform’s success in rolling out tests. For years, subreddits on cryptocurrencies and blockchain started discourse and encouraged open-mindedness for emerging technologies. Marketing to communities that are open to new ideas is beneficial to the success of Reddit NFTs and crypto.

Reddit NFTs are worth anticipating as more Reddit users are seeking ways to stand out from the crowd and entertain themselves. However, it is a challenge not to overlook the environmental impact of minting NFTs. We have yet to hear Reddit’s stance on the effects of blockchain technology on climate change.


什么是Reddit NFT?

cryptosnoosis an NFT collection launched by social media and community platform Reddit. The four NFT assets depict Reddit alien mascot Snoo in varying art styles. The entire CryptoSnoos collection is already sold out despite the initial mixed reviews.

Where does Reddit host its crypto?

Reddit runs Community Points on the Ethereum blockchain. 50 million Reddit MOONS and BRICKS were released upon the tokens’ official launch on the blockchain.


While Reddit Coins are a virtual currency, this in-app merchandise is not cryptocurrency. However, Reddit Community Points can be used to buy awards for Redditors, omitting the need to purchase Coins before purchasing Awards.

值得投资Reddit NFT吗?

The speculative potential of NFTs, in general, can be a dealbreaker. Assess your investment portfolio, and determine whether you have the means to invest in Reddit NFTs.

How can I purchase Reddit NFT?

Cryptosnoos NFT系列在Opensea推出。截至目前,市场上没有更多的cryptosnoos。请继续关注Reddit宣布其下一个NFT系列的消息!
