20 Millennial Spending Habits Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind

The influence that millennials have on the retail market is growing. So, it makes sense why their shopping trends and spending behavior have caught the attention of so many research campaigns.

Needless to say, there are a couple of key differences in their spending habits compared to previous generations. While they might be more inclined to shop online, one of their biggest monthly expenditures is dining out. So, before you judge them too harshly for being glued to their screens, they still know how to socialize in person.

Also, for them, it’s not all about self-indulgence, which you may have come to believe. To them, social responsibility matters more than price. And, before you think that it means that they’re quick to part ways with their money, they’re big on saving too.



1. There Are Over 70 Million Millennials in the US

According to data shared by Statista, in 2020, there were72.26美国的百万千禧一代。它几乎可以22%美国人口。简而言之,千禧一代被认为是1981年至1996年之间出生的任何人。


Till recently, baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) were the largest generation group. Though, in the past decade, their numbers have decreased by almost 6 million.

2. More Than 90% Are Employed


The失业率for people ages 25 to 34 in 2020 in the United States was lower than 10%. If you break it down further, it was the highest (9.5%) for people ages 25 to 29, while for people ages 30 to 34 it was 7.4%.


根据GWI共享的数据,19%of millennials hold a managerial role.

3. Millennials’ Spending Power Is $2.5 Trillion

As of January 2020, the spending power of millennials was estimated at2.5万亿美元每年由ypulse。一项八年前完成的调查预测,到2020年,美国千禧一代将花费或多或少的1.4万亿美元(大约30%零售支出)。因此,千禧一代的力量明显超过了期望。




According to data shared by Statista, more or less30.3%of millennial digital buyers were expected to use the Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) option in the US in 2021. On the other hand, nearly 37% of Gen Z digital buyers were anticipated to use this payment method for the same period.





在我们查看他们通常花钱的方式和花费的方式之前,需要清除一种误解 - 千禧一代实际上优先考虑省钱。根据2020 Better Money Habits Millennial Report,几乎有75%的千禧一代在两年内节省了多达10个百分点。更重要的是,大约有25%的节省千禧一代已经预留了100,000美元以上。


Yet, not all millennials care about their savings. In 2020, about 27% have indicated that they still need to start saving money.


For the past five years, the number of millennials ages 25 to 34 who live with their parents in the United States have increased. All in all, men are more inclined to live with their parents with almost a quarter (22%)这个年龄段的男人表明他们仍然与父母同住。另一方面,这个年龄段的女性中只有13.4%的妇女表示她们与父母住在一起。


According to YPulse’s calculations, groceries were their biggest monthly expenditure. More than 80% indicated that they spent the most money on groceries. What’s more, about三分之一of millennials in the US anticipated that they would spend more on grocery delivery services in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Ypulse表示,尽管这些数字清楚地表明,千禧一代喜欢花钱在食物上,但千禧一代在酒精上的花费比上一年少。他们少花费的其他类别是服装,鞋子和配件,但仅下降了1%。但是,另一方面,其他在线数据表明,千禧一代实际上可能在酒精上花费更多,尤其是beer and wine,在2020年。

Statistic: Share of consumers buying more food and beverage products due to the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States in 2020, by generation | Statista

虽然他们可能花了很多时间在外出就餐或外出healthy food and non-alcoholic beverageswere preferred over microwave meals and alcoholic beverages. About a third of millennials indicated that they were most likely to spend more on healthy food and non-alcoholic beverages. On the other hand, only about 26% were most likely to spend more on microwave meals, while only about 24% planned to spend more on alcohol in 2020.

9. Self-care Drives Their Spending Habits



Millennials might be guilty of a little self-indulgence, but that doesn’t mean that the welfare of others are ignored. According to the Deloitte Global Millennials Survey 2020,60%千禧一代分享说,他们愿意支持一家照顾员工的大型业务,并在大流行期间产生了积极的社会影响。但是,将近80%的人表明,一旦大流行缓解,他们将付出更多的努力来从当地小型企业购买服务或产品。

It’s not just societal impact that matters, but also the impact on the environment. Nearly40%千禧一代透露,如果其服务和产品对环境产生积极影响,他们已经建立了新的关系(或加强了现有的关系)。更重要的是,如果他们认为该品牌对环境的弊大于利,则实际上已经停止支持企业。

All in all, millennial consumers are more concerned about ethical implications than price.


According to research shared by GWI, gaming virtually impacts every aspect of their lives. Truth be told, gaming has always been a big part of their lives, but the COVID-19 pandemic has meant that they spent even more time gaming. According to research completed in Q3 2020, nearly40%在美国和英国的千禧一代中,自从他们开始玩电子游戏以来,大流行以来。

12. PlayStation Is a Favorite Brand





一项在2021年初完成的调查显示,绝大多数千禧一代(88.2%) planned to buy home furnishings in 2021. To put this in perspective, only 60% of baby boomers had the same plans.


同时为themselve千禧一代花更多的食品s in 2020,37%of millennials who participated in a survey in 2020 indicated that they planned to spend less on pet supplies. To put this in perspective, only 18% of baby boomers stated that they planned to cut their pet supplies expenditure.

Yet, a survey completed in 2020/21 found that in the United States millennials accounted for the biggest share of pet owners. Almost三分之一将自己列为宠物主人。

15. Almost 30% of Millennials Plan to Spend More on Streaming Services

在2020年,他们可能不得不削减自己在宠物用品上花费的东西,但至少他们确保家庭会得到娱乐。2020年3月完成的两项调查显示26%of this generation group indicated that they planned to spend more on television or movie streaming services. With regards to music streaming services, only18%说他们计划增加支出。


根据Statista共享的数据,截至2020年5月,在线购物是千禧一代用户中最常见的。绝大部分 (86.2%)是数字买家。考虑到他们被认为是精通技术的,这并不令人惊讶。


然而,丛林侦察兵共享的数据表明,不必离开家的便利并不是这一代人更喜欢在线购物的最受欢迎的原因。反而,fast shipping and product options被确定为他们选择此路线的主要原因。他们更喜欢在线购物的另一个原因是因为他们可以阅读其他消费者发布的评论,这表明社会证明有效。

17. Amazon Is a Firm Favorite

如前所述,亚马逊是千禧一代最喜欢的品牌之一。实际上,根据Jungle Scout共享的数据,75%of them listed Amazon as their favorite eCommerce site. It was followed by Walmart (46%) and eBay (20%).


价格及其审查系统是他们更喜欢亚马逊而不是其他电子商务网站的主要原因。平均而言,千禧一代愿意从$100 to $250for a specific item on Amazon.

Another reason why millennials love Amazon is because of its subscription model. Almost 40% already use its subscription model and will continue to use it, while nearly 20% indicated that they’re open to the idea of using it.


A survey that researched the shopping behavior of UK consumers regarding Black Friday and Cyber Monday found that only15%计划在店内购买千禧一代。对于Z世代而言,这或多或少是相同的,有16%,表明他们宁愿去实体店。


另一方面,西班牙和法国的千禧一代更有可能在实体商店购物。关于28%of Spanish and24%法国千禧一代说,他们计划在黑色星期五或附近在店内购物。

无论他们打算在线购物还是在店内购物,与老一辈相比,英国千禧一代实际上并不打算在黑色星期五花很多钱。根据一项调查,预计婴儿潮一代和X一代将是biggest spenders在2021年,计划分别花费大约310和£339。


在美国和加拿大,预计千禧一代将在这个假期里度过最多的时间。根据Statista共享的数据,加拿大千禧一代的平均花费将大约1,600Canadian dollars during 2021’s holiday period, while the average US millennial will spend about1,646US dollars on average.

On an interesting side note, it’s not only drunk-dialling that’s a thing. Millennials spent on average475US dollars when shopping while intoxicated in 2020. They spent only $45 dollars less than Generation X consumers who were the top spenders when intoxicated. Though, they might not be the biggest spenders, but it’s more common behavior for them. A survey completed in September 2020 revealed that more or less三分之一在过去的一年中,千禧一代的消费者至少进行了一次购买。大多数情况下,他们花了钱在食物上,然后是衣服和香烟。


Another holiday during which millennials spend more than other consumers is Easter. According to data shared by Statista, millennials and Generation Z spent the most. On average, they planned to spend about£30per person in 2021. To put this in perspective, other generations were planning to spend about only£20.



All things considered, there are a few key things that stand out that marketers can put to good use. Food and personal care products are some of the things that they love to spend money on. Also, while their loyalty to brands is remarkable, increasingly more millennials are concerned about the social responsibility of their purchase decisions. Oh, and if you can throw in anything gaming-related, you’re sure to get and hold their attention.

Frequently Asked Questions



Do millennials like Amazon?

Yes! According to data shared by MarketWatch, Amazon is one of millennials' top 10 favorite brands. As a matter of fact, according to Jungle Scout, 75% of them listed Amazon as their favorite eCommerce site. What’s more, nearly half indicated that they shop on Amazon at least once per week, while almost 10% confessed that they shop on the site seven times per week, if not more. On average, millennials were willing to spend anything from $100 to $250 for a specific item on Amazon.

Do millennials have a savings account?

Most millennials actually prioritize saving money. According to the 2020 Better Money Habits Millennial Report, almost 75% of millennials are saving as much as 10 percentage points in two years. Only about 27% have indicated that they still need to start saving money. About 25% of millennials who are saving have already set aside $100,000+. The majority (75%) are saving for retirement, while 51% are saving for an emergency fund and about a third are saving to buy a property.


Online data reveals that groceries and dining out or take out are millennials’ biggest monthly expenditure. More than 80% indicated that they spent the most money on groceries. While they might be spending a lot on dining out or take out, healthy food and non-alcoholic beverages were preferred over microwave meals and alcoholic beverages. About a third of millennials indicated that they were most likely to spend more on healthy food and non-alcoholic beverages.

Why do millennials like online shopping?

根据Statista共享的数据,截至2020年5月,在线购物是千禧一代用户中最常见的。Nearly 90% were digital buyers. Fast shipping and product options were identified as the main reason why they preferred online shopping over in-store shopping. Other reasons include the ability to read reviews posted by other consumers and the convenience of not having to leave your home.
