
从$ 300起
从$ 300起



But Insense did things differently. Writing in plain english, they simply present a series of facts:


这简洁地总结了这一点,当您的经验从事业务时,这很容易做到。技术初创公司可以制造出很好的软件,但是当他们必须解释它时,事情会变得凌乱。不过,Insense并没有从技术创业公司开始生活。其最初的创始人安东·萨利科夫(Anton Saliukov)是他自己的精品营销机构的负责人。该机构依靠独立承包商来获得其创意者,这就是人们在2016年之前说的“他们使用创作者的内容”的方式。


这似乎没什么大不了的,但是能够有效地就产品及其价值主张有效地交流。当然,它可以帮助土地客户,而Insense不乏这些客户 - 确切地说是超过1,400。良好的沟通还有助于建立合作伙伴关系,例如Insense能够与Meta和Tiktok做出合作伙伴关系。但是,大多数情况下,制作简短,信息丰富的消息传递的能力表示营销人才,这是您希望从制造营销软件的人们那里的技能。但是您也需要好的软件,并且也已经实现了这一点。

Influencer whitelisting for Instagram and TikTok
Messaging module is well organized and stands above competitors
No free trial
Ease of Use
Overall Score


像其竞争对手一样,认为是一个web应用程序lls access through subscriptions, but there are no month-to-month plans. There is a trial plan that allows you to pay for just one month. If you don’t like it, you go on your merry way, no more payments. If you do want to continue, though, you’ll need to subscribe fully which involves being billed either quarterly or annually, with price breaks for annual payments.

  • 试用,1个月500美元 -1个品牌可以运行1个广告系列,并访问平台的所有功能。当月份结束时,取消或续订以下计划之一:
  • UGC,$ 1,200/季度($ 400/mo,或每年支付$ 300/mo) -1个品牌可以开展无限的广告系列,雇用无限数量的创作者为其付费社交渠道创建内容。包括访问预制广告创意库以及客户成功经理的库。
  • UGC +创建者广告,$ 1,350/季度($ 450/mo,350美元/莫(如果每年支付)) -多达3个品牌可以将所有内容包含在UGC计划中,另外:10个创作者白名单为IG和Tiktok,Creator Collaps(有机影响者营销)和客户成功经理。金博宝188备用网址
  • 高级,$ 3,900/季度($ 1,300/mo,每年付费$ 1K/mo) -A dedicated platform manager gives end-to-end support using the platform, hand-picking the platform’s best creators, managing them, and helping guide creative strategy. Insense’s team also handles any post-production of content sourced through creators (adding overlays, text, music, scene transitions, editing, etc.) for a more professional polish on your paid channels

The Details

Just by looking at Insense’s pricing plan, you can see there’s something different going on here. The lower tier plan is entirely for UGC—sourcing it for use as creative assets on paid social campaigns. There’s no influence for sale on the UGC plan; it’s strictly a creator marketplace. It’s a cool idea—not many of Insense’s competitors have positioned their marketplaces this way, though they absolutely could. This tells you something about the focus of Insense, which was built to serve an agency like the one owned by Anton Saliukov.

价钱(plans) / insense

That’s why, even as you go up to the next subscription tier, you’ll notice they’re still really pushing UGC. The plan’s name, UGC + Creator Ads, leaves out the influencer marketplace feature which is very much a part of the platform (and well implemented, which we’ll get to shortly). It does mention Creator Ads, which is Insense’s whitelisting feature. The platform is all about content—sourcing it, managing it, posting it, and paying for it to reach targeted, relevant audiences far and wide.

This focus on content doesn’t come at the expense of ensuring they have quality creators, however. Their platform has somewhere north of 20,000 active creators, and every single one of them was vetted by a human on Insense’s team. They say that they’re often doing outbound recruiting for more creators, usually on behalf of clients, and every creator’s first gig is a make-or-break chance. If they’re late, non-communicative, or just turn in poor work, the Insense team removes them from the platform. All of these human touches give the platform a kind of boutique feel. All of which is well and good, but how does the application itself work?

主仪表板 / imsense



创建者市场 /爆发

The results you get are chock full of content, as well, giving you a peek into a creator’s output: Creators can put together a portfolio of their work, but customers can also just dig through all their IG and TikTok posts directly, including Reels and Stories. You’ll get a lot of stats around the content, too: Engagement rate and reach are there, of course, and so are things like Cost per Engagement and a listing of frequently used hashtags and mentions. There’s a fairly comprehensive look at the audience, always an important factor. Each creator is also reviewed by brands that have worked with them before, too, giving a star rating and a brief write up describing the experience. Insense also awards badges, which serve as a quick reference for brands to see a creator’s achievements. These can be things like having completed a certain number of collaborations, or being recognized for a fast turnaround. In all, the creator profile does a good job of arming brands with intelligence about who they’d like to work with.

为了保持井井有条,您可以将自己喜欢的创作者添加到收藏夹列表中,稍后在创建广告系列时会很有用。无法直接从市场上与创作者接触,可以开始传达工作流程的要求,即完全在广告系列中完成。再次,这是要保持井井有条的事情 - 而不是拥有一个笨拙的收件箱来涵盖所有广告系列中的所有创作者,您将从广告系列本身中与每个广告系列进行交流。消息传递组件还与项目管理功能相结合,使您可以在此处更新状态(入职,创建内容,完成等)。收到了您的创作者的消息,并提交了她的内容?给她快速注意到感谢,并将她的状态更新以“查看”所有屏幕上的“查看”。但是我们离题了。

造物主聊天 /强烈


简短的创作 /强烈

简短的创建(过滤器) / INSENSE

The one drawback of the platform is that campaigns are channel-specific. Meaning: you may have one campaign idea in your head for one product, and you want to run that campaign on Instagram and TikTok. You can’t. You’ll need to set up distinct campaigns—one for Instagram, and one for TikTok. This seems more like a technical choice than a practical one. That is, maybe it was less complicated from a coding perspective to keep them separate, because it certainly isn’t less complicated having to manage two different campaigns with the same goal.


Brief creation (platform and whitelisting) / insense


Here’s a standard disclaimer we give for the platforms we review that impress us the most: we didn’t cover everything here. If you don’t see a feature that you need mentioned here, it doesn’t mean it’s not part of the application. It’s just that—when it comes to platforms that impress us—we tend to focus on the things that really elevate it above the competition. This is entirely true of this review.

For instance, we didn’t mention the e-commerce tools, or the fact you can pay in products for organic campaigns. There are a few more little details that we left out, simply because they’re standard/expected; you wouldn’t describe your face by saying it had a nose, would you? Suffice to say, there’s a lot to like about Insense, and there’s a lot they do that sets them at the top of their class. For small and medium sized e-commerce brands, especially, this platform sets them up with some fairly big-business-style tools. Insense has risen above its competition precisely because it enables its customers to the same thing.

从$ 300起
从$ 300起