
在stagram is now one of the most important social media networks. It has passed 800 million monthly users, and pundits expect it to reach one billion before this year is over. It should be no surprise, therefore, that Instagram is now the platform of choice for many brands. So if you can build up a large, engaged following on the network, it makes sense that you should think about earning an income from Instagram sponsorship.

How to Make Money on Instagramwe discovered that the primary methods are:

  1. 在stagram sponsorship
  2. 从属营销
  3. 促进您的在线商店或其他业务
  4. 出售您的照片
  5. 使用Instagram提高您的YouTube收入




在most cases, people do not become influencers by sheer luck. They work on building their audience’s trust and work their way up the pecking order within a niche. And as they build up reputation and status, they can see the reward of lucrative Instagram sponsorship in front of them.




你可能认为你帖子Instagram的照片are the most eye-catching and attractive images on the net. But they are of little value if nobody sees them. Likewise, you will be of little value to a brand if nobody sees any sponsored posts you make on their behalf.



在stagram Influencer Sponsored Post Money Calculator

影响者营金博宝188备用网址销中心可以为您提供您的指示potential worth in terms of Instagram Sponsorship。它与追随者的需求保持平衡,即您拥有的追随者越多,使他们都参与其中的困难越难。这是微影响者通常比名人更有效的原因之一。微影响者的覆盖范围可能比他们的名人少,但他们的追随者往往是更加热心的支持者。



Often, the most successful influencers online are people with a mid-range following, i.e., genuine micro-influencers.


品牌最初专注于追随者人数高的人 - 如果不是真正的名人,至少是宏观影响者,他们是一个特定主题的超级巨星。但是,最近,品牌发现覆盖范围并不是一切。在找到可以传播信息的人时,高参与度可能同样至关重要。

Focus on a Dedicated Niche

The most success Instagrammers concentrate their energies on establishing expertise in a particular niche. A smorgasbord of posts on a range of topics may appear genuine, but they do not build you a devoted audience. The bulk of the people who will follow your Instagram account will do so because they are interested in the images you post and want to hear what you have to say. They share, like, and otherwise interact with your posts if they believe they can trust you.




例如,您可能喜欢上海oes. You may take note of shoe trends, and possibly wear the latest shoes yourself. In that case, you will want to post images of trendy footwear, so other shoe lovers know they can rely on you to keep them informed if current shoe trends. You want to build up a following of fellow shoe lovers.


Work to a Consistent Posting Schedule

Your followers will begin to look forward to your posts. You need to build up their trust, so you should set up some form of schedule to emphasize your reliability.


CoSchedule analyzed 14 studies into social sharing and came up with theultimate number of posts you should make each dayon each social network. They found that significant brands share on Instagram 1-2 post per day, sometimes up to 3 times. Adobe recommends even more – up to ten posts per day. Of course, influencers have a more dedicated audience than brands do, so influencers will typically post even more frequently.



If you find that your followers aren’t regularly liking, sharing, and commenting on your posts, then you are doing something wrong.



As we discovered when we created our Instagram Influencer Sponsored Post Money Calculator those with less than 1,000 followers average 8% engagement. This rate dwindles the more followers you have, dropping as low as 1.7% for influencers with more than 100,000 followers.



在stagram allows you to use up to 30 hashtags in a post. You wouldn’t usually use that many, but it is common to include 10-15 hashtags in a post.


You do need to ensure you stick to relevant hashtags, though. Users have the option to select your post and click on “Don’t Show for This Heading.” If too many users do that, Instagram might raise a red flag on your content.

This does emphasize that you have to customize your hashtags for each post. You can't copy and paste a generic set into every post you make.



Obviously, you don’t want to do this in a spammy way. But any time you make a post that includes a relevant brand, @mention them in your post description. If you do this often enough, you may find that the brand shares your images. It will have the effect of making your name visible to the people operating the brand’s social media accounts.

当然,您确实需要在这里保持战略意义。在许多方面,这些都像是一个未经请求的工作试验。在模糊的照片上毫无意义地 @tage @to @贴上了一个没有很好地显示该品牌的品牌。





Take a look at the brands in your industry and begin creating pitches for the smaller ones. It will be much easier for you to get started with these companies, although payments will, of course, be more modest.

You could begin the process by interacting with the brand's posts. Use their custom hashtags. Your purpose at this point is merely to gain recognition.

随着时间的流逝,您可以向他们发送一个直接的信息,告诉他们您有多爱他们的品牌,并向他们建议可能的合作的好处。同样,请确保您自定义这些消息。如果他们没有响应您的直接消息,则可以尝试给他们发送电子邮件 - 如果您可以找到正确的电子邮件地址,最好是他们的社交媒体经理。


Consider Working with a Platform

您拥有的另一个选择是注册其中之一influencer marketing platforms。您需要寻找一个平台,该平台使您有机会成为成员,而不是仅靠算法的平台。







